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Political Sex Scandals

Your reach is not long enough to grasp that the Clintons aren't the only Democrats under discussion.

I totally grasp that - it's part and parcel of the rethuglican defense against anyone prosecuting current crimes by THEIR administration. They could just focus on Al and Big John Conyers if they were intent on reaching some kind of partisan political gain, but the coup they are undertaken is much better served by inventing shit about Clintons and trying to scare their base into believing that the Great White Hope saved them from the niggafication of their precious lily white Homeland.
If the two sides keep spreading every story about misbehavior of the other side he might wind up being the only one eligible to serve.

Waitaminit... you just posted about your great desire to see criminals in government held to account. I think we're near to agreement you just need to come out and say that Trump should be in jail.

Or ... maybe those annoying statutes about sexual assault need to be removed from the books?

If you apply the principle of holding criminals in government to account to both sides, then we are in agreement. What separates me from board members is that I don't confine my scope to just pro-Trump or anti-Trump.

Well, if you could 'confine your scope' to prioritize investigation of people that are currently in power over those that are not in power, then that might be reasonable. When a cop pulls you over for speeding, how often does it work for you to say, "hey look at that guy walking down the street right now.. I bet he owns a car, and drove it recently, and might have gone toofast then... so investigating him instead of me makes perfect sense, right"... like that works every time.

If Trump wants to throw a deflection up with a good heaping of whataboutism to get the conversation going about a previous president's activities, instead of the current one's.. then he can.... But the response should be, "first things first".
I do not get putting Clinton on the same plane as Moore. Clinton had sex while in office with an ADULT WOMAN, who gladly consented. Moore molested teenagers half his age.

One is a moral issue (since he was married), the other is a CRIME.

They're no where NEAR the same.
I think what we're seeing is a backlash against a known sexual harasser being elected president.

The message being sent to a generation of young men is that it's ok to sexually abuse women.

Women are countering.

Yeah, but Bill Clinton has been out of office for many years now. Sure took a long time to get the ball rolling.
So you don't agree with "listen and believe" and "women don't lie about rape"? You'd make an excellent anti-feminist. Good job continuing the derail by the way.
Actually the accusations against Clinton WERE investigated and determined unfounded. The recent ones are either still under investigation or have been admitted to by the perpetrator.
Waitaminit... you just posted about your great desire to see criminals in government held to account. I think we're near to agreement you just need to come out and say that Trump should be in jail.

Or ... maybe those annoying statutes about sexual assault need to be removed from the books?

If you apply the principle of holding criminals in government to account to both sides, then we are in agreement. What separates me from board members is that I don't confine my scope to just pro-Trump or anti-Trump.

Well, if you could 'confine your scope' to prioritize investigation of people that are currently in power over those that are not in power, then that might be reasonable.

Dismal and others want to continue their maunderings about Clintons, and pretend it's all part of some lofty even-handedness virtue that is exclusive to them. But they panic when asked to pay the most attention to where the most damage is being done, in real time.
So you don't agree with "listen and believe" and "women don't lie about rape"? You'd make an excellent anti-feminist. Good job continuing the derail by the way.
Actually the accusations against Clinton WERE investigated and determined unfounded. The recent ones are either still under investigation or have been admitted to by the perpetrator.

Yea, however, Ken Starr only investigated for 7 years or so. Maybe if he had dug longer he might have found something??
If the two sides keep spreading every story about misbehavior of the other side he might wind up being the only one eligible to serve.

Waitaminit... you just posted about your great desire to see criminals in government held to account. I think we're near to agreement you just need to come out and say that Trump should be in jail.

Or ... maybe those annoying statutes about sexual assault need to be removed from the books?

If you apply the principle of holding criminals in government to account to both sides, then we are in agreement. What separates me from board members is that I don't confine my scope to just pro-Trump or anti-Trump.

Yea, but you seem to have a soft spot for Trump. Would you agree that you at least are very defensive about Trump?
Meanwhile, this: Why Is Roy Moore Back In Front? Time And Trump Are Probably Helping

It may just be that most Alabama voters want Roy Moore to be their senator, no matter what he did. That fits the pattern of Trump voters, and Alabama went overwhelmingly for Trump. Moore has come back to win statewide races even after being kicked out of office for breaking the law. My guess right now is that this guy will probably be elected and that the Senate will not vote to expel him. Republicans need and want his vote to pass their agenda. They are under extreme pressure to get results from the individuals who funded their campaigns for office.
How is that both sides?
One is a Republican and one is a Democrat. It is not the entirety of both sides, but it both sides (at least under normal usage).

Interestingly, you are perfectly willing to actually post the words that Clinton should be prosecuted, but, for some reason, you are unwilling to post the actual words that Trump should be prosecuted.

Yea, but you seem to have a soft spot for Trump. Would you agree that you at least are very defensive about Trump?

You think that if someone says something negative about Clinton that they are therefore praising Trump. I agree you perceive a soft spot where there is no actual evidence of one. Your only evidence is that you are very defensive about Clinton.
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