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Poll: will you be participating in the after-election violence?

Will you be participating in the after-election violence?

  • I am a patriotic Real American, and I will participate in the violence as instructed. All glory to C

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • I am a patriotic Real American, but I will not participate in the violence because I am disloyal and

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am not a patriotic Real American, so I will be voting for Hillary. Because I hate America. And fre

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • I am a dirty foreigner who hates America because I am jealous of all the freedom they have over ther

    Votes: 7 41.2%

  • Total voters


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism
His Holiness Cheeto Jesus has called upon you to wage war if He loses the election. Will you obey your leader?
I'm also curious what "poll monitoring" will consist of? What sort of activities will be monitored? What will be the sort of event that will trigger an action? What form will that action take?
I'm too damn tired from digging up all the dead people to vote in the polls.
I'll only participate if I get to plant IED's at Frito-Lay plants...as there can be only one.
I will be engaging in violence both during and after the election. Last night Scythia hopped across coastal tiles, and settled next to the only natural wonder on my damn island. We Spaniards aren't going to put up with that kind of aggression. Tonight I will mount a military campaign to toss that bitch Tomyris off our native lands. It will be bloody and vicious, and will have the full support of the only established religion in the world, the Unexpected Spanish Inquisition. From there it will be on to my first Religious victory, hopefully.

Meanwhile, as I occasionally peer over the screen of my laptop, I will be watching election coverage on MSNBC from the comfort of my recliner, beer and scotch readily at hand in case shit gets serious.
I've been practicing with Goro lately, so after my kids go to bed, I'm planning on stomping on someone's head so hard that they explode.
I'll be murdering an economy sized bottle of a brown liquid.
I'll only participate if I get to plant IED's at Frito-Lay plants...as there can be only one.

They anticipated you. Apparently these trucks are filled with sand to prevent exactly that. (Though I like the photo caption better)

Trump Trash Day Nov 8.jpg
2004 will turn out to have been Bubbah's High Water Mark. Expect a couple generations of screaming and disbelief as the Caucasian majority melts away. Trumpo -- a dumbbell as always -- achieved the undying support of 40% of the population, by talking the nasty they need to hear, which in turn cost him the ultimate toy. Future demagogues will want to diversify and find a message that can drag in more than COCK (crazy old Caucasian knuckledraggers.)
Here's what amazes me about these easily-riled, cranky Trumpistas -- that they don't see him, especially in the last month, with all his talked about a 'rigged' system, with everyone lying about him -- as the ultimate crybaby and sore loser. I really thought that would turn off some of his lackeys, but I guess that's what makes them lackeys. As to the OP, one shudders to think what just a few militia-minded Trumpistas could do. The nastiness and the revenge fantasies that are being stirred up by Trump telling them of the danger of the election being stolen are frightening. He has damaged the country in more ways than in linguistics and courtesy -- I don't expect any positive notes to come out of any 'concession speech' his handlers can get him to speak. What we will need is any & every responsible Republican to snuff out Trumpism with a heavy boot heel (which they should want to do, for so many reasons.)
What do these brain damage militia morons plan to do? Attack Washington D.C. en masse with high powered rifles? Attack random people who look like Muslims or Mexicans? Run for the hills dig fox holes and beg for coffee creamer on line? There seems to be a lot of posturing and apocalyptic rhetoric,
around on the net, but I don't see how these fools are going to be able to do anything really effective.

I suspect it's mostly big talk, but there is always to possibilty of a whackjob doing something violent and stupid.
I was thinking that Trump Supporters in states that voted For Clinton, hold up in State capital buildings and not letting the Democratic Electoral College Delegates vote.

I'll be honest.

I'm simply floored that Trump called for violence if he lost the election, and his campaign did not immediately crumple into nothingness. I knew that Republicans are pretty far gone as a group, but I honestly didn't expect them to be this far gone.
Pity you didn't have an option "Couldn't give a damn"

I voted for the last one but I'm not dirty as I had a shower 2 hours ago.
Yes I am a foreigner.
I don't hate America - I just wish you lot would shut up and mind your own business for a few years.
I have enough freedom in the land of the long weekend.
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