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Pre-Impeachment Hearings June 7-8

And I should add that he also stood up to Shrub on the torture memo and lost his job as deputy AG for it. ("He's not a team player." - Shrub) How many other people have been fired by two presidents for not violating the law on their behalf?

Russia-gate’s Mythical ‘Heroes’

What’s not well understood is that Comey’s and Mueller’s joint intervention to stop Bush’s men from forcing the sick Attorney General to sign the certification that night was a short-lived moment. A few days later, they all simply went back to the drawing board to draft new legal loopholes to continue the same (unconstitutional) surveillance of Americans.

Which does not change the fact that he stood up to Bush and eventually lost his job for it.
I was struck that while all the republican senators were still defending Trump: not one seeming ready to flip, yet most to be very timid and lukewarm about it, with people like Cotton and Rubio, with his insanely bad sense of timing, being the only ones who took it with any sort of spirit. Strategy, or sign?
I was struck that while all the republican senators were still defending Trump: not one seeming ready to flip, yet most to be very timid and lukewarm about it, with people like Cotton and Rubio, with his insanely bad sense of timing, being the only ones who took it with any sort of spirit. Strategy, or sign?

Strategy. Toughing it out.

I get my wind direction from http://www.memeorandum.com. The headline scan appears roughly split.

Which suggests to my armchair strategizing that he can't afford another major hit. As it sinks in, and polling results come in, that could change.

To my mind Comey, although compromised, still has much more credibility than Trump. There's the problem of Trump clearing the room in order to supposedly innocently express his hope that Flynn would be let go. Requires a bit of a stretch, especially when coupled with his idiotic public statements.
I was struck that while all the republican senators were still defending Trump: not one seeming ready to flip, yet most to be very timid and lukewarm about it, with people like Cotton and Rubio, with his insanely bad sense of timing, being the only ones who took it with any sort of spirit. Strategy, or sign?

Strategy. Toughing it out.

I get my wind direction from http://www.memeorandum.com. The headline scan appears roughly split.

Which suggests to my armchair strategizing that he can't afford another major hit. As it sinks in, and polling results come in, that could change.

To my mind Comey, although compromised, still has much more credibility than Trump. There's the problem of Trump clearing the room in order to supposedly innocently express his hope that Flynn would be let go. Requires a bit of a stretch, especially when coupled with his idiotic public statements.

Right. That's the hurdle to clear for anyone who wants to portray this as Trump just bumbling through this in a clueless fashion, which I think is the most charitable possible explanation. The fact that he cleared the room before talking to Comey indicates that he knew that what he was about to say was crossing a line, and he didn't want anyone else to hear it.
Strategy. Toughing it out.

I get my wind direction from http://www.memeorandum.com. The headline scan appears roughly split.

Which suggests to my armchair strategizing that he can't afford another major hit. As it sinks in, and polling results come in, that could change.

To my mind Comey, although compromised, still has much more credibility than Trump. There's the problem of Trump clearing the room in order to supposedly innocently express his hope that Flynn would be let go. Requires a bit of a stretch, especially when coupled with his idiotic public statements.

Right. That's the hurdle to clear for anyone who wants to portray this as Trump just bumbling through this in a clueless fashion, which I think is the most charitable possible explanation. The fact that he cleared the room before talking to Comey indicates that he knew that what he was about to say was crossing a line, and he didn't want anyone else to hear it.

There's that, and the fact that he railed loudly against Hillary because Bill met with Loretta on a plane - and didn't discuss any open investigations. He seemed to know perfectly well that THAT was inappropriate - "Wow, I just think it’s so terrible, I think it’s so horrible.” said the tangerine terror... but now we are supposed to believe he forgot that it was so terrible?
Yep, exactly. Ryan's defense of Trump is an Alpine peak of hypocrisy -- basically, Trump is incompetent and can't be held to too high a standard -- yet we still want him leading the EXECUTIVE branch, which, you know, is law enforcement. If we had a Pres. Hillary who had spent the past 5 months getting into all these extra-Constitutional hijinks, there would already be a bill of impeachment in the House, and the drum beat on Fox would be deafening.
Trump reacts predicta[bly

Trump's lawyer is going to file a complaint against Comey for "leaking." Funny thing, though, is that legal experts have said that Comey had full rights to say whatever he wanted about unclassified discussions with Trump.

Businessman Trump got his way by strong-arming people with threats of legal action that people couldn't afford to fight even if they were clearly in the right. President Trump too stupid to realize that this doesn't work in politics. Honestly, if a Republican had to win I'm glad it was this idiot. Watching him destroy himself is entertainment you can't buy.
His lawyer also said Comey was lying about the conversations, so can it even be a leak if it's lies?
If Comey did admit to leaking classified information, he would not be facing a personal lawsuit, he would be facing jail time. That's all anyone needs to know. If the administration is not pursuing criminal charges, then this is just Trump swinging his dick around, and we all know that given his endowment in that area (or lack thereof), he really shouldn't be doing that.
There is also a potential argument to be made that the information became classified once Comey typed them on a classified laptop, as he claims to have done.
Um, no.
If a memory device is plugged into a computer containing classified information, that device becomes classified UNTIL STEPS ARE TAKEN to remove any possible classified data.
If data is entered onto a classified computer, then it needs to be examined FOR CLASSIFIED DATA before it's printed or transmitted.
But it's not permanently classified data.
You'd think after the drama over Hillary's emails, more poeple would have at least looked at the rules...
His lawyer also said Comey was lying about the conversations, so can it even be a leak if it's lies?
I don't think you're supposed to think about it. It's like creationist arguments. Deal with one fact at a time, avoid the big picture and the consequences of the various competing statements.
His lawyer also said Comey was lying about the conversations, so can it even be a leak if it's lies?
I don't think you're supposed to think about it. It's like creationist arguments. Deal with one fact at a time, avoid the big picture and the consequences of the various competing statements.

What's the big picture? Perhaps dealing with one fact at a time means there is no feasible picture.

I don't think you're supposed to think about it. It's like creationist arguments. Deal with one fact at a time, avoid the big picture and the consequences of the various competing statements.
Perhaps dealing with one fact at a time means there is no feasible picture.

Thank you Captain Obvious. Of course preventing any clear picture from coming to light is priority #1 for Team Cheato.
I don't think you're supposed to think about it. It's like creationist arguments. Deal with one fact at a time, avoid the big picture and the consequences of the various competing statements.

What's the big picture? Perhaps dealing with one fact at a time means there is no feasible picture.
Thing is, they're not complementary facts. They can't both be absolute truth.

If Comey was only lying, then he wasn't leaking facts.
If he was only leaking facts, they weren't lies.
You can't accuse him of both unless you're willing to list which ones are lies and which ones are facts that shouldn't have been leaked.

Splitting up the accustations and not looking at the big picture leaves only the effort to intimidate, not find a feasible picture.
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