laughing dog
Completely unabridged? LOL.He doesn't need to prosecute his enemies. All he needs to do is release the Epstein list and the Diddy list.
Completely unabridged? LOL.He doesn't need to prosecute his enemies. All he needs to do is release the Epstein list and the Diddy list.
He probably knows that list by heart- likely sat next them all at one time or another.Completely unabridged? LOL.He doesn't need to prosecute his enemies. All he needs to do is release the Epstein list and the Diddy list.
Some of his people are going to be on that!He doesn't need to prosecute his enemies. All he needs to do is release the Epstein list and the Diddy list.
Nah, it's just half the list will be blacked out with a sharpie (that you can still kinda see the original text past).Some of his people are going to be on that!He doesn't need to prosecute his enemies. All he needs to do is release the Epstein list and the Diddy list.
The depressing part is that there is a non zero chance of that happening.Nah, it's just half the list will be blacked out with a sharpie (that you can still kinda see the original text past).Some of his people are going to be on that!He doesn't need to prosecute his enemies. All he needs to do is release the Epstein list and the Diddy list.
As defined by 18 U.S. Code § 2339B with final review by the district courts. See Sec 4 (F).I guess those non-profits really should have avoided becoming terrorist organizations then.WTF! I just read that the House has passed HR 9495, which gives Sec'y Treasury unilateral power to revoke the tax-exempt status of any entity he deems "terrorist." This change in status will effectively destroy many non-profits, including ACLU, NAACP, and news sources like ProPublica.
Presumably, if the government believes they are terrorists they will also get charged and put in prison, yes?
That would require actual evidence. IIUC, HR 9495 allows revocation of status with nothing but Secy Treas's signature.
Guilty until proven innocent.As defined by 18 U.S. Code § 2339B with final review by the district courts. See Sec 4 (F).I guess those non-profits really should have avoided becoming terrorist organizations then.WTF! I just read that the House has passed HR 9495, which gives Sec'y Treasury unilateral power to revoke the tax-exempt status of any entity he deems "terrorist." This change in status will effectively destroy many non-profits, including ACLU, NAACP, and news sources like ProPublica.
Presumably, if the government believes they are terrorists they will also get charged and put in prison, yes?
That would require actual evidence. IIUC, HR 9495 allows revocation of status with nothing but Secy Treas's signature.
I suppose in the interim it is a tool for harassment.