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President Trump on the Psychiatrist's Couch again


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Donald Trump, Psychopath by Andrew Spitznas
So today I am certain that our president meets full criteria for both Antisocial and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. However, the psychological construct of Malignant Narcissism, or Psychopathy, describes his psychology and behavior even better than these two diagnoses.
From the DSM-5, having at least one of these traits is evidence of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). AS argues that DT shows abundant evidence of all seven:
  • Unlawful, criminal behavior
  • Profuse lying
  • Impulsivity
  • Irritability and aggressiveness
  • Disregard for the safety of others
  • Irritability
  • Lack of remorse
For narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), one must have at least five of nine traits. AS argues that DT has seven.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Fantasies of unlimited power and skill and the like
  • Desire for unwarranted admiration
  • Sense of entitlement
  • Interpersonal exploitation
  • Lack of empathy
  • Envy and/or belief that one is envied
The rest:
  • Feeling extraordinary and/or exceptional and that one can only be understood by other such people or should be connected to such people
  • Displays of egotism and conceit
Narcissistic Personality Disorder DSM-5 301.81 (F60.81) - Therapedia

Then evidence of DT's paranoia and sadism.

As to the propriety of making such a diagnosis,
Others may argue that it is careless to diagnose a public figure from afar, without interviewing him. However, diagnosing someone with Antisocial Personality Disorder, Trump’s DSM-5 diagnosis that should cause the greatest alarm, is seldom done primarily through interviewing the patient. For obvious reasons, sociopaths are not keen to have themselves labeled as such and will misrepresent themselves to the interviewer. The diagnosis therefore is typically, largely made through collateral sources, such as information from concerned family members or legal records. A parallel process is occurring when I confidently assess Trump by way of his speeches, media appearances, and biographical sources.

(By the way, this is in stark contrast to nearly every other psychiatric diagnosis that I’ve encountered in my 24 years as a psychiatrist. On a weekly basis, I have new patients introduce themselves by saying, “I think I’m bipolar.” Much of the time, their self-assessment is correct. Contrarily, only once has a patient told me he thought he was a sociopath, and bless his sensitive soul, he was wrong.)
Well, what are you gonna do? Democracy is a bitch sometimes. Most high flying politicians are psychos anyway. Trump is just just much more so.
Feeling extraordinary and/or exceptional and that one can only be understood by other such people or should be connected to such people
Think he hits this one too. With the 'exceptional' people that can understand him are dictators.
So how does one deal with Malignant Narcissistic presidents? Would calling him piece of shit a right way? Is it his fault that his brain is deficient in that particular way?

I remember Mark Cuban jokingly trashing candidate Trump on Colbert. Then I thought, why does it have to be a joke? Frankly, I would have had a lot more respect for Hillary if she simply said "Yes, I know there are pictures of us (Bill and I) together with Trump but I am not going to debate with that mentally and morally deficient piece of shit"
(Snipped: "Still your president" picture)

Original by A.O. Avdienko, edited for Trausti:

Thank you, Trump. Thank you because I am joyful. Thank you because I am well. No matter how old I become, I shall never forget how we received Trump two days ago. Centuries will pass, and the generations still to come will regard us as the happiest of mortals, as the most fortunate of men, because we lived in the century of centuries, because we were privileged to see Trump, our inspired leader. Yes, and we regard ourselves as the happiest of mortals because we are the contemporaries of a man who never had an equal in world history.

The men of all ages will call on thy name, which is strong, beautiful, wise and marvelous. Thy name is engraven on every factory, every machine, every place on the earth, and in the hearts of all men.

Every time I have found myself in his presence I have been subjugated by his strength, his charm, his grandeur. I have experienced a great desire to sing, to cry out, to shout with joy and happiness. And now see me--me!--on the same platform where the Great Trump stood a year ago. In what country, in what part of the world could such a thing happen.

I write books. I am an author. All thanks to thee, O great educator, Trump. I love a young woman with a renewed love and shall perpetuate myself in my children--all thanks to thee, great educator, Trump. I shall be eternally happy and joyous, all thanks to thee, great educator, Trump. Everything belongs to thee, chief of our great country. And when the woman I love presents me with a child the first word it shall utter will be : Trump.

O great Trump, O leader of the peoples,
Thou who broughtest man to birth.
Thou who fructifies the earth,
Thou who restorest to centuries,
Thou who makest bloom the spring,
Thou who makest vibrate the musical chords...
Thou, splendour of my spring, O thou,
Sun reflected by millions of hearts.
Trump aides are worried about mental state following erratic behavior - Business Insider - "'He's losing his s---': Trump's advisers are increasingly worried about his mental state following days of erratic behavior"
  • President Donald Trump's aides and confidants are concerned about his mental state after days of erratic behavior and wild outbursts.
  • "His mood changes from one minute to the next based on some headline or tweet, and the next thing you know his entire schedule gets tossed out the window because he's losing his s---," one former White House official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal conversations about the president, told Insider.
  • Trump has spent the past several days fixated on his false claim that Alabama was going to be hit by Hurricane Dorian. He has also taken time to lob attacks at his perceived enemies, like the actress Debra Messing, former FBI Director James Comey, and the "LameStream media."
  • "He's deteriorating in plain sight," one Republican strategist who is in frequent contact with the White House told Insider on Friday.
    But one person who was close to Trump's legal team during the Russia investigation told Insider his public statements were "nothing compared to what he's like behind closed doors."
  • "He's like a bull seeing red," this person added. "There's just no getting through to him, and you can kiss your plans for the day goodbye because you're basically stuck looking after a 4-year-old now."
Anthony Scaramucci:
"I think the president is in severe mental decline, and I'm not saying that now because I'm a political adversary or I disavowed him. I'm saying that objectively just looking at what's going on," Scaramucci said at the Toronto Global Forum.

This isn't the first time questions have been raised about Trump's mental state and his fitness for office. In fact, it's a regular topic of discussion in the White House.
Seems like President Trump deserves the 25th Amendment:  Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Section 1: An absent President will be succeeded by the Vice President.

Section 2: For an absent Vice President, choosing a new one.

Section 3: A President who expects to be unable to do his/her job may make his/her Vice President the acting President.

Section 4: If the Vice President and the "principal officers of the executive departments" (Cabinet sec'ys) decide that the President is unable to do his/her job, then the Vice President becomes the acting President.

In particular, it would be Section 4 that would apply to Trump.
If one is following the DSM-5, diagnoses must be made on the basis of personal interview, not someone's public image or reputation.
I'm so glad I'm not a Trump supporter. Imagine having to defend this nonsense, and the best you can come up with is "Yep, whaddya gonna do amirite?" The kicker of it being of course, that if roles were reversed there would be so much butthurt on the other side it would take your breath away. Hell, even now with their president they are all still butthurt constantly.

For narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), one must have at least five of nine traits. AS argues that DT has seven.
Grandiose sense of self-importance
Fantasies of unlimited power and skill and the like
Desire for unwarranted admiration
Sense of entitlement
Interpersonal exploitation
Lack of empathy
Envy and/or belief that one is envied
sorry, which two have not been repeatedly displayed by DT? Can't find them.
If one is following the DSM-5, diagnoses must be made on the basis of personal interview, not someone's public image or reputation.

so he's just playing a psychopath on TV? How is that materially different, when it comes to public servants?
If one is following the DSM-5, diagnoses must be made on the basis of personal interview, not someone's public image or reputation.

so he's just playing a psychopath on TV? How is that materially different, when it comes to public servants?

One of those things results in a formal diagnosis, and the other does not.
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