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Professor won't accommodate deaf student because it "violates her faith"

Helmets for kids should not be required, as the ultimate harm is greater than the initial protection. If young people don't learn early on that being an idiot leads to pain, then later on, they'll continue to be idiots leading to permanent injury. In simplistic conclusion, it's better to have a few bumps and bruises now from wreckless bicycle behavior than to become a vegetable from motorcycle wrecklessness. An objection would be the citation of serious childhood injuries that could have been avoided, but such citation fails to account for the greater good that comes from the massive lives saved through early idiot prevention--not requiring helmets.
Yup, nothing teaches a kids a lesson better than a debilitating brain injury...:rolleyes:
If your faith requires you to fuck over other people, then your faith is a sick ideology. Yet again, we have an idiot theist using "freedom of religion" as an excuse to treat other people badly.

I thought the purpose of faith was to fuck over other people.
it's better to have a few bumps and bruises now from wreckless bicycle behavior than to become a vegetable from motorcycle wrecklessness.
By definition, being wreckless means you would avoid all these negative outcomes. :tonguea:

Yeah, it makes for a simple definition:

Reckless driving is driving likely to leave you not wreckless.
Helmets for kids should not be required, as the ultimate harm is greater than the initial protection. If young people don't learn early on that being an idiot leads to pain, then later on, they'll continue to be idiots leading to permanent injury. In simplistic conclusion, it's better to have a few bumps and bruises now from wreckless bicycle behavior than to become a vegetable from motorcycle wrecklessness. An objection would be the citation of serious childhood injuries that could have been avoided, but such citation fails to account for the greater good that comes from the massive lives saved through early idiot prevention--not requiring helmets.
Yup, nothing teaches a kids a lesson better than a debilitating brain injury...:rolleyes:
When a bunch of rambunctious kids are out riding their bikes, and no, I don't mean in lockstep with their parents around the neighborhood as if it's a summer event with a following parade of other parents, all dressed up in protect me from life gear. I mean several kids just riding around and maybe jumping a ditch or something. When the odd kid out with the helmet is seen, my first thought isn't about how mindful his parent is of safety. It's poor kid.
If your faith requires you to fuck over other people, then your faith is a sick ideology. Yet again, we have an idiot theist using "freedom of religion" as an excuse to treat other people badly.

I thought the purpose of faith was to fuck over other people.
Close. The purpose of faith is to make yourself superior to other people.
Yup, nothing teaches a kids a lesson better than a debilitating brain injury...:rolleyes:
When a bunch of rambunctious kids are out riding their bikes, and no, I don't mean in lockstep with their parents around the neighborhood as if it's a summer event with a following parade of other parents, all dressed up in protect me from life gear. I mean several kids just riding around and maybe jumping a ditch or something. When the odd kid out with the helmet is seen, my first thought isn't about how mindful his parent is of safety. It's poor kid.
Don't worry. There are plenty of additional ways a kid can hurt themselves using a bike, even if they are wearing a helmet. Road rash, cuts, heck even broken bones.

You don't need to feel too sorry, the kid can still get hurt and you can feel happy about that.

The odd thing is that I never wore a helmet while riding a bike as a kid/teen. Once I started training on a bike and racing when I was 18, I always wore a helmet.
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