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PROPAGANDA FAIL: 5 of 6 Syrian Hospitals Allegedly Hit by Russian Airstrikes Don’t Exist

Russian bombing has greatly exceeded my expectations. I was expecting actual fuckups but so far there is none, no wedding bombings or actual hospital bombings. That's a solid A grade in my book, which is remarkable considering that russians before this war had not bombed anyone in almost 30 years.

Only if you pretend the fuck-ups aren't fuck-ups.
Russian bombing has greatly exceeded my expectations. I was expecting actual fuckups but so far there is none, no wedding bombings or actual hospital bombings. That's a solid A grade in my book, which is remarkable considering that russians before this war had not bombed anyone in almost 30 years.
It helps that the areas it targets are in places where any target could be reasonable rationalized as terrorists because the those who aren't in some way helping with the fight have left a long time ago, and there are no "wedding parties" to hit.
Russian bombing has greatly exceeded my expectations. I was expecting actual fuckups but so far there is none, no wedding bombings or actual hospital bombings. That's a solid A grade in my book, which is remarkable considering that russians before this war had not bombed anyone in almost 30 years.

Only if you pretend the fuck-ups aren't fuck-ups.

There is nothing to pretend about. Even the usual suspects are relatively calm.
Russian bombing has greatly exceeded my expectations. I was expecting actual fuckups but so far there is none, no wedding bombings or actual hospital bombings. That's a solid A grade in my book, which is remarkable considering that russians before this war had not bombed anyone in almost 30 years.
It helps that the areas it targets are in places where any target could be reasonable rationalized as terrorists because the those who aren't in some way helping with the fight have left a long time ago, and there are no "wedding parties" to hit.
Russia hasnb't bombed anyone in 30 years. That is the key. If you don't drop bombs illegally on countries you don't bomb weddings.
Finland hasn't bombed any weddings either. Why? Because they don't bomb places.

US Bombing campaigns since 1945

It really is absurd. Russia hasn't bombed anyone for 30 years and only bombed Syria after a request from the legitimate government. America barely goes a month without murdering civilians with bombs somewhere, year after year, but somehow America is good and Russia is bad.
Russia hasnb't bombed anyone in 30 years. That is the key.

You should probably repeat that.

It really is absurd. Russia hasn't bombed anyone for 30 years

Well done!

Of course that's not quite true, is it? 30 years ago was 1985, and if I remember correctly Russia...then known as the Soviet Union...was up to their neck in Afghanistan. Bombing was involved. Attack helicopters. Troops.

If I recall, the Soviets were in deep in Afghanistan until 1989.

Of course I'm sure this isn't broadcast on official state media in Russia, so you may have not heard of it.
Nope, absolutely no bombings on Russia's part for the last 30 yea...

Wait a second, wasn't Russia still in Afghanistan 30 years ago? What about Chechnya? What about Georgia? Hey, what do you know, wiki has a page with a  list of wars involving Russia...
Nope, absolutely no bombings on Russia's part for the last 30 yea...

Wait a second, wasn't Russia still in Afghanistan 30 years ago? What about Chechnya? What about Georgia? Hey, what do you know, wiki has a page with a  list of wars involving Russia...
Chechnya is none of your business but it was not a bombing campaign.
Same with Georgia, bombed couple of radars and few tanks, hardly counts as bombing campaign.
This Syrian bombing campaign is probably the first time Russia conducted bombing American style, and they are not terrible at that.
Wait a second, wasn't Russia still in Afghanistan 30 years ago?

I got a funny feeling you're not going to get much substantive response from our resident Kremlin fan boys on this one.
Wait a second, wasn't Russia still in Afghanistan 30 years ago?

I got a funny feeling you're not going to get much substantive response from our resident Kremlin fan boys on this one.

I believe that. After all, I just got told that Chechnya was none of my business (ahem, which time? :devil-smiley-029:). After all, bombing campaigns are like heaps of sand - 1 grain doesn't make a heap, and adding one grain doesn't make a heap, and what's a few air strikes amongst friends...
I just got told that Chechnya was none of my business (ahem, which time? :devil-smiley-029:). After all, bombing campaigns are like heaps of sand - 1 grain doesn't make a heap, and adding one grain doesn't make a heap, and what's a few air strikes amongst friends...
Yes, it was none of your business because you think Ukraine bombing eastern Ukraine is none of my business.
Nevertheless, I answered you about that, Chechnya was not much of a bombing. Yes they dropped bombs on remote locations from time to time but most of the destruction was due to the artillery of all kinds, it certainly was not planned and sustained bombing campaign like what US does quite regularly.
So then we're not going to talk about Russia's misadventure in Afghanistan?
It helps that the areas it targets are in places where any target could be reasonable rationalized as terrorists because the those who aren't in some way helping with the fight have left a long time ago, and there are no "wedding parties" to hit.
Russia hasnb't bombed anyone in 30 years. That is the key. If you don't drop bombs illegally on countries you don't bomb weddings.
You are correct, US mishaps are partially due to statistical inevitability and the fact that US has been at it for much longer. But now that Russia has started, it's bound to fuck up sooner or later.

Whether the bombing is "illegal" or not is hardly relevant.
It helps that the areas it targets are in places where any target could be reasonable rationalized as terrorists because the those who aren't in some way helping with the fight have left a long time ago, and there are no "wedding parties" to hit.
Russia hasnb't bombed anyone in 30 years. That is the key. If you don't drop bombs illegally on countries you don't bomb weddings.
Finland hasn't bombed any weddings either. Why? Because they don't bomb places.

US Bombing campaigns since 1945

It really is absurd. Russia hasn't bombed anyone for 30 years and only bombed Syria after a request from the legitimate government. America barely goes a month without murdering civilians with bombs somewhere, year after year, but somehow America is good and Russia is bad.

Now you're in Baghdad Bob territory.
Nope, absolutely no bombings on Russia's part for the last 30 yea...

Wait a second, wasn't Russia still in Afghanistan 30 years ago? What about Chechnya? What about Georgia? Hey, what do you know, wiki has a page with a  list of wars involving Russia...
Chechnya is none of your business but it was not a bombing campaign.
Same with Georgia, bombed couple of radars and few tanks, hardly counts as bombing campaign.
This Syrian bombing campaign is probably the first time Russia conducted bombing American style, and they are not terrible at that.

Yeah, you mostly shelled cities pretty indiscriminately rather than drop guided bombs. That doesn't mean no bombing and unguided rounds are far worse anyway.

- - - Updated - - -

I just got told that Chechnya was none of my business (ahem, which time? :devil-smiley-029:). After all, bombing campaigns are like heaps of sand - 1 grain doesn't make a heap, and adding one grain doesn't make a heap, and what's a few air strikes amongst friends...
Yes, it was none of your business because you think Ukraine bombing eastern Ukraine is none of my business.
Nevertheless, I answered you about that, Chechnya was not much of a bombing. Yes they dropped bombs on remote locations from time to time but most of the destruction was due to the artillery of all kinds, it certainly was not planned and sustained bombing campaign like what US does quite regularly.

You asserted no bombings. Whether they're any of our business or not is irrelevant.
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