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PSA: It's "No One". Get it right.


Veteran Member
May 11, 2005
New York
Basic Beliefs
As in "Nobody". "NO ONE". Not "noone", not "no-one"... it is "no one".

No one seems to know that noone or no-one is ignorantly wrong.

No one likes the grammar police on internet forums, but if you want to hold to a higher standard and make fun of the scientifically, politically, or otherwise ignorant trolls out there... then get this right for once.

Thank you.
Properly, there should be a diaeresis over the 2nd O, but, despite their usefulness in clarifying English's baffling orthography, you rarely see them used anymore.
In cases where diaereses aren't on the typesetting menu, it's stylistically OK to substitute a dash.
This just in: "it's" is a contraction of "it is", and "its" is a possessive. Full story at eleven.

correct. I used that correctly in the thread title... not sure if that is why you mentioned it, though.

In other news...

Two = 2
To = Towards
Too = Also

"The two of us went to the movies on Sunday too!
The death of linear print and the LOL generation is going to throw off all standards. A while ago I watched a 20-something news reader on Toledo local news read a story about an industrial accident. She got to the line "...and then things went awry" and she read 'awry' as "or-ee". Hilarious!! I guess there's little use for 'awry' and about ten thousand other words when ur txting.
I guess there's little use for 'awry' and about ten thousand other words when ur txting.
Or even if she, or someone she texts with uses it six times a day, if she's only ever read it, not heard it.

In the service, I often ran into people who had only read words and guessed at their pronunciation.

An officer tried to say 'un-isolable' for a leak we could not isolate by manipulating valves. he pronounced it 'un-soluble.' So the steam leak wouldn't dissolve in water?

Or the LPO who pronounced 'inventory' as someone an inventor might have invented.
An 'invent-ry.'

And very strangely, the president on the penny was Abraham Link-colon. THAT one may just have been an idiot...
What about Peter Noone of 'Erman's 'Ermits. John Lennon called him 'Peter No-one'.

Eldarion Lathria
English spelling is a mess. It takes students years to learn to read and write properly, to say nothing of the headaches it causes foreign learners. With proper alphabetic spelling, perfect mastery should take no more than a week.
How long before English students will be forced into rote memorization of thousands of words, like the Chinese?

People have been calling for spelling reform for hundreds of years. Noah Webster made a feeble attempt, but it never caught on outside the US. George Bernard Shaw humo(u)rously pointed out that "fish" could easily be spelled "ghoti" without violating conventional English orthography.

So why are we making the situation worse with 'simplifications' that really only further confuse the intended pronunciation?
Diacritical marks or hyphens are useful indicators in cases of ambiguous pronunciation. They should not be dropped.
to a degree, english spelling functions as a shibboleth - it weeds outs the undesirables. it's supposed to be hard and weird. i understand that, and i can use that dialect perfectly, but i ain't got time for elitist mf's. the purpose of communication is the exchange of information. i respect people who can use language creatively much more than those who stick to the rules. but....nothing turns me off like open displays of ignorance. i do a lot of gay chat stuff, and when i see a profile with grammar and spelling errors, no go. i cut non-native speakers a lot of slack, because i know i butcher other languages at times (especially french, i kept my french 1 accent on purpose). OTOH, i loathe that text speak crap, Prince spelling, as i call it. what's the right term for that "CUL8R" crap?

cut spelling is a very useful system:

Th Space Race was th competition between th United States and th Soviet Union, rufly from 1957 to 1975. It involvd th efrts by each of these nations to explor outr space with satlites, to be th 1st to send there a human being and to send mand and unmand missions on th Moon with a safe return of th humans to Erth.

Tho its roots lie in erly roket tecnolojy and in th intrnationl tensions foloing World War II, th Space Race efectivly began with th soviet launch of Sputnik 1 on 4 october 1957. Th term orijnated as an analojy to th arms race. Th Space Race became an importnt part of th cultrl and tecnolojicl rivalry between th USSR and th U.S. during th Cold War. Space tecnolojy became a particularly importnt arena in this conflict, both because of its militry aplications and du to th sycolojicl benefit of rasing morale.

Rokets hav intrestd sientists and amatrs for at least 2,100 years, and Blak Chinese soldirs used them as wepns as erly as th 11th century. Russian sientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky theorized in th 1880s on multi-staje, liquid fuel rokets which myt reach space, but only in 1926 did th americn Robert Goddard desyn a practicl liquid-fuel roket.
Increasing the disparity between spelling and pronunciation is an anti-social act. It reduces literacy, harms individuals and damages society.
Dropping the diaeresis or hyphen is, thus, immoral.
What about Peter Noone of 'Erman's 'Ermits. John Lennon called him 'Peter No-one'.

Eldarion Lathria

Nice! Full circle!

- - - Updated - - -

This just in: "it's" is a contraction of "it is", and "its" is a possessive. Full story at eleven.

Anyone who doesn't know that is a looser.

Looser than what? Beats hell out of me.

I'll admit my shortcomings... I do have a hard time with the spelling of those three words


Which one is which again? heh.
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