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Putin just threatened Europe: no new U.S. nukes on the continent

Isn't this just the Trump way to get a party to the negotiating table? He wants a new treaty with his name on it. It's not clear that the Russians are abiding by the old treaty. And I understand Trump wants China to be part of any new agreement. We can all agree that no one wins a nuclear war. The US has nukes on subs. So if the Russians do a retaliatory strike on Europe, Moscow will still be turned to glass.
Isn't this just the Trump way to get a party to the negotiating table?

Yes, and it has worked SO WELL in the recent past. How long did it take before he announced that the nuclear threat from NK was over? And all we had to do was pull out of military readiness in the region and start a trade war with China, while NK had to ... what? Oh yeah - flatter him, smile and sign a letter acknowledging that the Korean peninsula would be better off without nukes. And now he's IN LOVE! :love: :love: :love:
What a negotiator!
ICBMs can't hit Poland, Poland is just too close, and they are too expensive to waste on Poland. Idea behind Short range nukes is that they are very fast and hard to defend from. So US can use them for "preventive" strike on European part of Russia killing Putin. But Russia has Dead man's switch system, so ICBMs will be launched regardless. I doubt it will require a lot of money especially if you believe Trump that Russia violated that treaty by already developing banned missiles. In any case, I think Bolton is a dangerous degenerate who should be retired already.

Oh ya, don't take anything I'm saying as an implication that I'm arguing there's some measure of sanity or competence in the US administration.

What I'm saying is that more nukes don't increase nuclear capabilities. If Russia shoots a nuke at a NATO country,
Russia (unlike US) have never had any plans for preemptive strike. The point is, If Poland place US nukes then they automatically became a target for retaliatory strike in case of US staring nuclear war.
Russia is a depopulated wasteland as are all of the NATO countries. More nukes doesn't change this equation.
What is the point in nuking NATO countries which don't have nukes?
There's also no such thing as a "targeted" nuclear strike in a MAD situation.
But american idiots might think it's not MAD situation, they might think that they can preemptively destroy Russian ability to strike back.
Shooting a short range nuke at Poland is the same as shooting an ICBM at Washington, DC, given the identical responses and counter responses these actions would lead to.
Yes, but that's what you have to do, these are the rules
Making more nukes has zero value beyond lining the pockets of whichever company is making the nukes. It doesn't add to any strategic situation in any way.
Lecturing me has zero value go and lecture Bolton :)
The stupid tangerine shitgibbon seems to want a war....

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Europe Wednesday that any country accepting new U.S. nukes on its territory risks a retaliatory strike from Moscow.

The threat came as NATO launched its largest war games exercise since the Cold War Thursday, with more than 50,000 personnel from 31 countries drilling a mock invasion of Norway.

Putin was responding to President Donald Trump’s call Sunday for the U.S. to withdraw from from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, credited with ending an arms race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in the dying years of the Cold War.


Putin is a tin-plated dictator and Trump is Putin's cockholster, so I fail to see why you think Trump is doing anything wrong. All of Putin's fans looooove the guy....or their families will pay for it.

The sooner a Russian Patriotic liberates Russia from Putin, the better for all Russian people.

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