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Question about Trump and his religious fanatic followers.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 26, 2006
United States-Texas
Basic Beliefs
Let us say Trump runs and loses in November and civil strife is stirred up.

How should the leaders of the religious fanatics be treated?

If he wins and does take over and does what we all fear, then leaves office on his own, dies, or is himself thrown out and the US is taken over by pro democratic forces again what should be done to punish the religious leaders for their part in helping Trump and for passing rules and laws discriminatory against people not of their religious beliefs?

BY this point I personally wouldn't mind taking some tips from what the USSR did to its people like that after their revolution. Made legal of course.
How should the leaders of the religious fanatics be treated?
Harshly IMO, but as individuals.
I would surmise that they’re quite different from each other in motivation level, participation level and total impact on the whole debacle.

The worst case scenario is so bad that it’s not even worth considering, at least for me. It would be a global catastrophe. You can’t give a malicious imbecile really big toys without expecting disaster. It might even help Merle out with the population problem.
Didn't Obama pass a law through congress a few years back where he could take out enemy combatants here in the US.

I'm sorry.

I wouldn't like it happening.

It's just they got away in the name of religion making money badmouthing and slandering the left in the Cold War, even leftists not as extreme as communists.

Then they found out they could lie out of their butt about creationism and no one hold them to punishment.

And now they are emboldened to actually take over the country and force their will on everyone else.

It not just people who are Muslim, Jew, or Hindu or atheist that should be concerned. I've read some of these folks works. They have it out for J Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Church of Christ, and Catholics. These denominations teach you are saved teach moment you are baptized which is rank heresy to these evangelicals or they oppose these groups because they use a false bible or false scripture for authority in their eyes. In the Catholic's case its church tradition.

A lot of people need to be worried about this.
I'm 100% confused by the terms you're using: "leaders of the religious fanatics", "religious leaders" who helped in "passing rules and laws discriminatory against people not of their religious beliefs". Please name the leaders you're thinking of, and the rules and laws. And how their acts are actionable, legally. (SCOTUS approved Trump's Muslim travel ban, for instance.) And how they should be sanctioned or fined or punished.
Also, look at the long list of bad actors who haven't been held accountable in this century: the Bush administration, its lawyers, its veep, its Pres, for running a torture program. Bush, Cheney, Powell, et al., for lying us into the Iraq War, which was tragic folly. The CEOs of major investment, banking, and insurance firms whose sales orgy of worthless instruments cratered our economy in '08/'09 and caused most Americans to lose a good chunk of their net worth. The 147 GOP senators and reps who voted (after the riot in the Capitol) to decertify Biden's win. Trump, on the facts of two impeachments.
The religious fanatics who are doing the most to impose a tyranny of the minority are the 6 conservatives on SCOTUS. And they can pretty much do as they please. Just ask Clarence Thomas.
Something as simple as taxing them would probably be enough to scramble their drive for power. That's what scares them the most.
How should the leaders of the religious fanatics be treated?
Religous leaders getting political and not caring about the separation of Church and State?

Cool. Start paying income tax you fucks. Retroactively as well.
I feel as though I should clarify what I mean when I say "religious leaders getting political", before Derec posts a predictable whataboutism citing a black minister endorsing Obama or something. Because that scenario is something I would wholeheartedly condemn as well.

I don't think there is a problem if a politician openly supports a religious charity. That falls under how a community should work. Where I draw the line is when a religious leader tells their congregation WHO to vote for, as though they are a sanctioned election campaign advertisement.

Hope that clears things up.
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