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Read the entire text of President Donald Trump’s speech to Congress

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States, and Citizens of America:

Tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of Black History Month, we are reminded of our Nation’s path toward civil rights and the work that still remains. Recent threats targeting Jewish Community Centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week’s shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a Nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms.

Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice –- in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present.
That torch is now in our hands. And we will use it to light up the world.


Wants to light up the world. Well, he's off to a good start.

Read the rest at link.
POTUS said:
we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms.

Oh, the irony. And in only the second sentence. Couldn't make it past this point.
I still find it hard to believe that someone lets the cheeto stick his small, pathetic dick inside them.

"My fellow Americans, and my hot wife (she's really hot, isn't she?), this country used to be like, really, really great.

Then we stopped being great about the time I decided that I wanted to be President. The country became really, really terrible.

Then everyone agreed that I was going to be the greatest President ever. In the last month, I've proven that by being really great already.

But we still have problems. Mostly the brown people. But don't worry, because remember that wall I talked about? Totally going to build that to keep the brown people out.

Then we're going to stop the Muslims. Bad hombres, the Muslims.

Remember, folks, everything sucked until I got elected. Now everything is gonna be great again, because I said so. Also, be very afraid. Especially of immigrants.

Thank you, and God Bless America."

"My fellow Americans, and my hot wife (she's really hot, isn't she?), this country used to be like, really, really great.

Then we stopped being great about the time I decided that I wanted to be President. The country became really, really terrible.

Then everyone agreed that I was going to be the greatest President ever. In the last month, I've proven that by being really great already.

But we still have problems. Mostly the brown people. But don't worry, because remember that wall I talked about? Totally going to build that to keep the brown people out.

Then we're going to stop the Muslims. Bad hombres, the Muslims.

Remember, folks, everything sucked until I got elected. Now everything is gonna be great again, because I said so. Also, be very afraid. Especially of immigrants.

Thank you, and God Bless America."

P.S. I am also going to destroy the government and deregulate everything.
We finally found out when, in Trump's mind, America was great, the point in time he wants us to return to in order to be considered to be great again. 1876.

On our 100th anniversary, in 1876, citizens from across our Nation came to Philadelphia to celebrate America’s centennial. At that celebration, the country’s builders and artists and inventors showed off their creations.
Alexander Graham Bell displayed his telephone for the first time.
Remington unveiled the first typewriter. An early attempt was made at electric light.
Thomas Edison showed an automatic telegraph and an electric pen.
Imagine the wonders our country could know in America’s 250th year.
Think of the marvels we can achieve if we simply set free the dreams of our people.
I want to know who wrote this speech and thought anyone would believe Trump thought any of that shit.
This thing bothers me the most. Article

article said:
"He became President of the United States in that moment, period," said Jones, after the evening's most emotional point was replayed by CNN's Anderson Cooper.

"That was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics," Jones added.
WTF?! That was the most awkward moment I've seen. A woman, a widow, is being given a standing ovation, who clearly didn't want one. Trump threw her out there as fodder, a shield. He dared to blame the military for the soldiers death, claimed the operation provided a lot of intel which has been disputed, and then points her out to show how wonderful he is.

That is when he became President?

Then Trump goes on about how the FDA nearly killed a girl because they don't approve drugs fast enough... when in fact the pharmaceutical industry weren't coming up with treatments for rare diseases because the research cost was hard to make up. There are more benefits now that help make up the difference for drug companies, perhaps a bit too much. This guy is a fucking idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about.
This thing bothers me the most. Article

article said:
"He became President of the United States in that moment, period," said Jones, after the evening's most emotional point was replayed by CNN's Anderson Cooper.

"That was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics," Jones added.
WTF?! That was the most awkward moment I've seen. A woman, a widow, is being given a standing ovation, who clearly didn't want one. Trump threw her out there as fodder, a shield. He dared to blame the military for the soldiers death, claimed the operation provided a lot of intel which has been disputed, and then points her out to show how wonderful he is.

That is when he became President?

Then Trump goes on about how the FDA nearly killed a girl because they don't approve drugs fast enough... when in fact the pharmaceutical industry weren't coming up with treatments for rare diseases because the research cost was hard to make up. There are more benefits now that help make up the difference for drug companies, perhaps a bit too much. This guy is a fucking idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about.

My understanding is that most of the money is spent on marketing. I guess if Trump has his way and things get super-deregulated, they'll no longer have to tell you the side effects in commercials and on paper. That could save tons of marketing money.
The problem with all that he outlined isn't that he hasn't properly identified the problems that we face. It is that the alternate reality that he and the conservatives have lived in for the last eight years, that all of our problems are because of Obama and the hyper-liberal administration of his. It is that our problems are the result of forty years of conservative and DLC Washington Consensus policies. The exact same policies that the Republicans intend to double down on. He and the Republicans are victims of their own propaganda. They are set largely to try to get out of the problems by using the same policies that caused the problems in the first place.

It will not work.

The best example is healthcare, which is in Trump's alt-world now "more complicated than anyone knew." But a lot of people who deal with the reality of the healthcare industry did know that it is very complicated, especially if they carry the baggage that conservatives carry, the assumptions that the for profit model of competition is the best way to lower costs and that the for profit model is constrained by too much government regulation to deliver the lower costs.

Both assumptions are demonstrably wrong. In fact, it is the introduction of for profit business into the health care system that caused the spiraling cost increases and the need to tightly regulate the for profit healthcare industry over the last fifty years or so. Conservative dogma places the cart firmly in front of the horse.

The greatest failure of the ACA isn't the mandate, it isn't the financing of it by taxing the wealthy, it isn't the Cadillac tax, it isn't that the act requires standardized policies, it is that the ACA depends on the for profit model exclusively, to deliver the insurance and more broadly the health care itself. We don't have to look very hard to find examples of lower cost health care systems. Medicare, the military TriCare or even the charity and government owned hospitals and community based rate non-profit insurance providers of 1970 US.
There are a couple issues. One is that apparently no one remembers how Trump 2.0 was supposed to happen repeatedly in the campaign and people are wondering if this is a shift in attitude. It isn't. Trump can't keep anything straight (going as far to do a 360 on immigration yesterday) and always resorts to being a Donhole.

Second, as you note, he is saying he wants to protect us from a world that doesn't exist. From refugees that want to kill Americans, to ACA which is just too expensive and can be cheaper and better, to the burdensome regulations that stop the banks from lending and drug companies from curing people.

The ACA is the best example. Trump says he wants to trade in the Camry and give everyone a Mercedes... and it'll be cheaper... where as Ryan is looking to create vouchers that will only provide enough money to cover high-deductible plans which are shit plans and savings accounts that only save people 20% of services (ie the tax savings part). If you can't afford health care, high deductible plans and savings accounts don't address the issue because once you need health care you can't afford the service and you couldn't afford to save money in the account.

To make matters worse, Trump also shifted on health care, going from health care for all, to health care "access" for all. Which means, "Fuck you! If you liked your ACA subsidy plan, go fuck yourself, here have a small stipend which will only make you impoverished instead of bankrupt if you get cancer."

But hey, there won't be a mandate anymore... well... actually... there is, but we call it an incentive. Fuck you Republicans!
This thing bothers me the most. Article

WTF?! That was the most awkward moment I've seen. A woman, a widow, is being given a standing ovation, who clearly didn't want one. Trump threw her out there as fodder, a shield. He dared to blame the military for the soldiers death, claimed the operation provided a lot of intel which has been disputed, and then points her out to show how wonderful he is.

That is when he became President?

Then Trump goes on about how the FDA nearly killed a girl because they don't approve drugs fast enough... when in fact the pharmaceutical industry weren't coming up with treatments for rare diseases because the research cost was hard to make up. There are more benefits now that help make up the difference for drug companies, perhaps a bit too much. This guy is a fucking idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about.

My understanding is that most of the money is spent on marketing. I guess if Trump has his way and things get super-deregulated, they'll no longer have to tell you the side effects in commercials and on paper. That could save tons of marketing money.
This is addressing the rare disease drug issue, where there aren't many people with the disease so the benefit of the risk is much smaller. Trump tried to use the FDA as a windmill to say the FDA is blocking cures for rare diseases. He is a fucking idiot... well... I do realize that they (GOP) want to kill the FDA, because they just keep companies from being able to make money on drugs that could kill just a few people and the cost benefit of the deaths can be dealt with in a very profitable way.
Yeah, he's getting good press. Which means he'll quickly revert to form, now that he's been proven right.
The drug problem and the illegal immigration problem share a common thread. Both are problems of supply and demand, that can't be solved without addressing one or both. Relying on enforcement at the border is applying an artificial constraint on the problem, it can never solve the problems, it can only increase the costs of the supply and demand equalizing. You have to reduce either the supply or the demand or both to solve the problems.

While Trump has indicated that he wants to increase the treatment for drug addiction, i.e. to reduce demand, this is hardly ever the case because treating drug addicts is very expensive and has a record of limited success, having to be repeated often three or four times. This means that it would not be included in the majority of the freedom of choice insurance policies that most people would buy under the proposed TrumpCare.

As for illegal immigration, the best thing that we could do to limit the demand for the low cost labor would be to remove the loophole that the Reagan amnesty bill of 1986 (not sure about the date) put in. Require employers to be held responsible for hiring illegals even if they do it by hiring subcontractors and to step up the enforcement of these provisions. You won't have to throw many employers into prison to dramatically reduce the hiring of illegals and the demand for illegal, lower cost labor.

We could have dramatically reduced the supply of illegals if we had directed the largest foreign aid effort in history toward Mexico and Central America instead of toward the People's Republic of China, our trade deficit. Think of it, 500 to 800 billion dollars a year going into Latin America, providing jobs in their native countries for the otherwise potentional illegals. Instead we have boosted the economy of one of our potentional enemies, because of a few cents an hour difference in the wage rate and a few cents an hour extra profit. We should try to correct this and to direct our future trade deficit toward Latin America instead of toward the PRC.

I have not heard of anyone proposing anything of these two obvious ways to reduce both the supply and the demand for illegals and their low cost labor.
This thing bothers me the most. Article

WTF?! That was the most awkward moment I've seen. A woman, a widow, is being given a standing ovation, who clearly didn't want one. Trump threw her out there as fodder, a shield. He dared to blame the military for the soldiers death, claimed the operation provided a lot of intel which has been disputed, and then points her out to show how wonderful he is.

That is when he became President?

Then Trump goes on about how the FDA nearly killed a girl because they don't approve drugs fast enough... when in fact the pharmaceutical industry weren't coming up with treatments for rare diseases because the research cost was hard to make up. There are more benefits now that help make up the difference for drug companies, perhaps a bit too much. This guy is a fucking idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about.

My understanding is that most of the money is spent on marketing. I guess if Trump has his way and things get super-deregulated, they'll no longer have to tell you the side effects in commercials and on paper. That could save tons of marketing money.

There is no reason for the drug companies to be allowed to advertise their prescription drugs. The entire health care system is in the hands of professionals, the doctors, etc. who have a greater duty than profits toward health care. Profit as a motive has no place in health care.

How is it profitable to keep me alive? I require about 6,000 dollars a month in drugs. Paid for by the VA for my ALS, now considered to be a military disability, and by my wife's Blue Cross-Blue Shield for everything else, primarily my RA and my sleep disorders. I am personally happy that they do pay this. But I do little useful work. I don't contribute much to society. A little coding is all, for my son.
Here is Bernie Sanders response to Trump's speech. He points out the multitude of things that Trump didn't say.

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