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Read the entire text of President Donald Trump’s speech to Congress

I want to know who wrote this speech and thought anyone would believe Trump thought any of that shit.

I read the transcript, and honestly thought it was crap. Trump claims he gets "the best people" but he's not very good at hiring speechwriters.

Look, I'm sure a significant portion of the country is aware that Presidents don't write their own speeches, but the real talent that those speechwriters have is putting words in the speaking style of whatever President they're writing for. George Bush was an inarticulate man, so his writers took that into account and adjusted the language so that even if you know Bush didn't write the words, they sounded like something he might say. Obama was more scholarly, so his writers matched that style when composing his speeches.

The thing that stands out about this speech (apart from the terrible writing in general) is that it wasn't written in Trump's style or voice. People are remarking about how it sounded "Presidential" because it is so out of character for him. He spoke in complete sentences, didn't ramble, and didn't go off on some wacky tangent about his "huge" victory.
This thing bothers me the most. Article

article said:
"He became President of the United States in that moment, period," said Jones, after the evening's most emotional point was replayed by CNN's Anderson Cooper.

"That was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics," Jones added.
WTF?! That was the most awkward moment I've seen. A woman, a widow, is being given a standing ovation, who clearly didn't want one. Trump threw her out there as fodder, a shield. He dared to blame the military for the soldiers death, claimed the operation provided a lot of intel which has been disputed, and then points her out to show how wonderful he is.

That is when he became President?

Then Trump goes on about how the FDA nearly killed a girl because they don't approve drugs fast enough... when in fact the pharmaceutical industry weren't coming up with treatments for rare diseases because the research cost was hard to make up. There are more benefits now that help make up the difference for drug companies, perhaps a bit too much. This guy is a fucking idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about.

And that was the moment that he became my husband. Sure, our first sexual experience was assault, and sure he's lied and cheated on me, stolen money from my wallet then blamed it on my kids, and sure he occasionally hits me, but when he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring, that was the most extraordinary moment I've ever seen in a relationship.

Sorry, Van Jones, whatever respect I might have had for you before is down the toilet now. Maybe you'll find it there with my respect for Elizabeth Warren, who voted to appoint Ben Carson while thinking that perhaps he'll listen to you better since you voted for him.

That was pathetic.
All that aside.He is mentally ill.I am smarter,I have bigger words,I know more than anyone,I can fix everything, Gut EPA,Exxon. Dodd frank .no big deal .
During the State of the Union speech and the day before he gave it, Trump has made the assertion that "America has to start winning its wars." That is the basis of him wanting 10% increase in military spending. I want to know just what wars he is expecting to be fighting and winning. To be realistic (something Trump cannot do), a 10% increase in funding of our military would not even result in our military "winning" even the wars in which it is now engaged, much less any new conflict. Most of us want our leadership to keep us out of wars. Most of us with any sense or morality at all that is... So far we have had a progression lately of presidents who were total war mongers. Trump is just the latest in the line.

We really cannot afford any more of this shit. We have one hell of a clean up job in front of us. It will start the day Trump is removed from office. I suspect his own party will dump him within six month. He is not a team player even with them. Already he is stumbling on the Obamacare issue. It's too complicated for his over-focused narcissistic mind to deal with. Even I can guarantee to the American people about what is coming from this man....it will not be great and you are NOT going to love it.
There is no reason for the drug companies to be allowed to advertise their prescription drugs.

The fact that they can and do, is testament to the ruin that Republican pandering to big business rains down on us. The numbers are staggering - heading toward 11 digits (>$10b) per year in the next few years according to some sources. All to get people to realize that they can treat their moderate-to-severe (FDA mandated lingo) regional specific toenail fungus or whatever, at the risk of seizures, death and worse.
There is no reason for the drug companies to be allowed to advertise their prescription drugs.

The fact that they can and do, is testament to the ruin that Republican pandering to big business rains down on us. The numbers are staggering - heading toward 11 digits (>$10b) per year in the next few years according to some sources. All to get people to realize that they can treat their moderate-to-severe (FDA mandated lingo) regional specific toenail fungus or whatever, at the risk of seizures, death and worse.

There also has not been the normal permitting process for oil pipelines....no EIS was prepared. That too is happening outside the realm of civil law. Basically, we have arrived in doublespeak territory. Slavery is freedom and weakness is stength...alternative truth anybody? How blind do we have to be. Oh about as blind as we are...that is what the big shots want of us.
This thing bothers me the most. Article

article said:
"He became President of the United States in that moment, period," said Jones, after the evening's most emotional point was replayed by CNN's Anderson Cooper.

"That was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics," Jones added.
WTF?! That was the most awkward moment I've seen. A woman, a widow, is being given a standing ovation, who clearly didn't want one. Trump threw her out there as fodder, a shield. He dared to blame the military for the soldiers death, claimed the operation provided a lot of intel which has been disputed, and then points her out to show how wonderful he is.

That is when he became President?

Then Trump goes on about how the FDA nearly killed a girl because they don't approve drugs fast enough... when in fact the pharmaceutical industry weren't coming up with treatments for rare diseases because the research cost was hard to make up. There are more benefits now that help make up the difference for drug companies, perhaps a bit too much. This guy is a fucking idiot and doesn't know what he is talking about.

So, I have not seen this cynical use of the widow, because I can pretty much know how much it will make me cringe. I already feel bad for the loss of her ZOG-bot husband.

But, this is always tough to combat the president when he is totally shameless like this. This is leading to more shamelessness.
And why isn't anyone calling the 'investment into infrastructure' a STIMULUS PACKAGE like they do when it's a D in the WH?
And why isn't anyone calling the 'investment into infrastructure' a STIMULUS PACKAGE like they do when it's a D in the WH?

Because stimulus packages are examples of an inefficient government overreaching its authority, but an investment in infrastructure is a business-like approach and a proper use of public funds.
And why isn't anyone calling the 'investment into infrastructure' a STIMULUS PACKAGE like they do when it's a D in the WH?
Didn't you see their plan? It calls for it primarily being funded by tax subsidies to private equity firms, to provide capital to do the construction. IE selling off American Infrastructure.
Washington Post on the AP Factcheck:
A look at some of his claims Tuesday night:

TRUMP: Speaking of the NATO alliance, “Our partners must meet their financial obligations. And now, based on our very strong and frank discussions, they are beginning to do just that. In fact, I can tell you the money is pouring in. Very nice. Very nice.”

THE FACTS: No new money has come pouring in from NATO allies. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis made a strong case when he met with allied defense ministers at a NATO meeting last month, ... and no new commitments have been made since the NATO meeting.

In fact, Germany’s foreign minister said Wednesday he is skeptical about his country’s plans to increase defense spending, ... In any event, the commitment is for these nations to spend more on their own military capabilities, which would strengthen the alliance, not to hand over money.

TRUMP: “We’ve saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars by bringing down the price” of the F-35 jet fighter.

THE FACTS: The cost savings he persists in bragging about were secured in full or large part before he became president.

TRUMP: “Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs.”

THE FACTS: Trump is taking credit for corporate jobs decisions that largely predate his election. In the case of Intel, construction of the Chandler, Arizona, factory referred to by Trump actually began during Barack Obama’s presidency. ...

More important, even as some companies create jobs, others are laying off workers. The best measure of whether more jobs are actually being created is the monthly employment report issued by the Labor Department, which nets out those gains and losses. The department will issue its report for February, the first full month of Trump’s term, on March 10.

TRUMP: His budget plan will offer “one of the largest increases in national defense spending in American history.”

THE FACTS: Three times in recent years, Congress raised defense budgets by larger percentages than the $54 billion, or 10 percent, increase that Trump proposes. The base defense budget grew by $41 billion, or 14.3 percent, in 2002; by $37 billion, or 11.3 percent, in 2003, and by $47 billion, or 10.9 percent, in 2008, according to Defense Department figures.

TRUMP: “We will provide massive tax relief for the middle class.”

THE FACTS: Trump has provided little detail on how this would happen. Independent analyses of his campaign’s tax proposals found that most of the benefits would flow to the wealthiest families. The richest 1 percent would see an average tax cut of nearly $215,000 a year, while the middle one-fifth of the population would get a cut of just $1,010, according to the Tax Policy Center, a joint project by the Brookings Institution and Urban Institute.
TRUMP: “Ninety-four million Americans are out of the labor force.”

THE FACTS: That’s true, but for the vast majority of them, it’s because they choose to be.

That 94 million figure includes everyone aged 16 and older who doesn’t have a job and isn’t looking for one. So it includes retirees, parents who are staying home to raise children, and high school and college students who are studying rather than working.

TRUMP: “According to data provided by the Department of Justice, the vast majority of individuals convicted for terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country. We have seen the attacks at home — from Boston to San Bernardino to the Pentagon and yes, even the World Trade Center.”

THE FACTS: It’s unclear what Justice Department data he’s citing, but the most recent government information that has come out doesn’t back up his claim. Just over half the people Trump talks about were actually born in the United States, according to Homeland Security Department research revealed last week. ...

Trump likes taking credit for things someone else accomplished and dumping the blame for his failed missions onto his subordinates. Very nice. Very nice.
But but but but, he didn't eat a puppy during the speech, so Donny did a good job. He's a good boy, a real good boy.
I wonder if trump has the nerve to ban the AP from press conferences. Their factchecking sounds awfully close to being fake news.
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