OK. If we analyze the "process requirements" in the scientific method, it is my contention that atheists have more faith than theists.
Neither atheism or theism is 100% scientifically testable, but one is more testable than the other.
The one that's testable is theism/creator-creation events. Scientists create this parallel lane of thinking every time they use the scientific method which implies (but does not confirm) intervention. An example would be creating a single celled organism, or any type of nuclear test.
Without anything, however, there is no test. Hence there is no testability. Hence one who somehow believes that all the results IMPLIED are somehow representative of the exact opposite of all the other implied test's conclusions relies on what I refer to as "super faith."
So a religious person, regardless of doctrine, relies on faith. A true atheist who honestly applies the scientific method to the universe's creation or even existence (and therefore cannot even have an entity present to conduct or even observe an allegorical test) relies on super faith.
Please define "faith".