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Republican candidates and their changing support/disapproval of Trump


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs
You really can't make this shit up. Just when you think that a few Republican candidates will show just a bit of decency and honesty concerning their support/disapproval of Trump, they fool you once again.


-- So what would it take for these Republicans to actually dump Trump? Dogged by accusations of corruption as he ran for governor of Louisiana in 1983, Edwin Edwards told reporters: "The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy." The Democrat won.

Earlier this year, Trump boasted in Iowa: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters.”

We were reminded of both these quotes during Blake Farenthold’s appearance on MSNBC last night. Asked by host Chris Hughes whether he would still support Trump even if the Republican nominee said on tape that he liked raping women, the congressman from Texas suggested he might — eventually adding he'd “consider it.”

“Again — it depends — you don't know the entire context of all of this,” he said. “That would be bad, and I would have to consider — I'd consider it. But again, we're talking about what Donald Trump said 10 years ago as opposed to what Hillary Clinton has done in the past two or three years.”

I guess the desire for power really does corrupt.
If a mod gets the chance, please change my typo in the OP. Thanks.
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The problems with all of this is, voters. The politics of rage, practised by Limbaugh et al for years set Trump up and there is no way to switch it all off now that Trump proved the best equipped to harness the rage. Now the GOP is going to have to figure out all of this and to rebuild a national party that can get a president elected. But politics of outrage don't always work. It didn't in the past for Newt Gingrich, or Ted Cruz. Now that the master of the politics of outrage, Trump is going to lose big, it's going to be interesting to see how the GOP handles the next 4 years. Many on the far right have been speaking of Clinton's possible presidency in apocalyptic terms. If over 4 years, Clinton is more or less a success as president, that will get old and less effective with anybody outside the GOP arch-conservative bubble.
If over 4 years, Clinton is more or less a success as president, that will get old and less effective with anybody outside the GOP arch-conservative bubble.

That's why you can bet that GOPsters will be doing everything in their power to make her administration ineffective and worse. Which in turn, is why the down-ballot races are critical.
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