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Roe v Wade is on deck

Fighting for Reproductive Freedom | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube - at Las Vegas NV
Great speech.

On the podium: "Biden-Harris: Fighting for Reproductive Freedom"

She described how she is a "Planned Parenthood baby", and how her mother chose to have her, and she then described what she did about being sexually assaulted in her bartender years. She bought a pregnancy test and then administered it to herself, and in the 3 minutes that she waited, she had a great insight. After so much that was out of control, like the medical bills from her father's cancer, the disputes over her family's house afterward, and the recent violation of her consent, here was something that she could control. The test gave a negative result, meaning that there was one choice that she did not have to make. But she did decide to support reproductive freedom and justice for all people.

The next battleground: Nevember -- referring to the general elections then: defeating Donald Trump and re-electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Also getting good Democratic majorities in the House and the Senate.

Then she said to her audience that one ought to wave to or say hello to someone that one doesn't know -- what Bernie Sanders did when he was campaigning.

Then saying that governance depends on the consent of the governed, and to SCOTUS and Donald Trump: "We do not consent".
The next battleground: Nevember -- referring to the general elections then: defeating Donald Trump and re-electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Also getting good Democratic majorities in the House and the Senate.
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