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Roe v Wade is on deck

Fighting for Reproductive Freedom | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube - at Las Vegas NV
Great speech.

On the podium: "Biden-Harris: Fighting for Reproductive Freedom"

She described how she is a "Planned Parenthood baby", and how her mother chose to have her, and she then described what she did about being sexually assaulted in her bartender years. She bought a pregnancy test and then administered it to herself, and in the 3 minutes that she waited, she had a great insight. After so much that was out of control, like the medical bills from her father's cancer, the disputes over her family's house afterward, and the recent violation of her consent, here was something that she could control. The test gave a negative result, meaning that there was one choice that she did not have to make. But she did decide to support reproductive freedom and justice for all people.

The next battleground: Nevember -- referring to the general elections then: defeating Donald Trump and re-electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Also getting good Democratic majorities in the House and the Senate.

Then she said to her audience that one ought to wave to or say hello to someone that one doesn't know -- what Bernie Sanders did when he was campaigning.

Then saying that governance depends on the consent of the governed, and to SCOTUS and Donald Trump: "We do not consent".
The next battleground: Nevember -- referring to the general elections then: defeating Donald Trump and re-electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Also getting good Democratic majorities in the House and the Senate.
With the Roberts Court, can't tell if her complete lack of standing will matter.

Makes me ponder who can challenge it? People are literally not harmed by gay marriage.
It would help if you indicated what you're replying to.
Come on, man. Don’t we all have days when Whaaaaaat? best describes your whole day??

LOL, so true, bestie.

I was responding to Loren’s newsclip; specifically:
“ has adopted a rule that would automatically stay orders transferring lawsuits out of the 5th Circuit for 21 days.”

Automatically create a delay of 21 days? So obviously targeted at harming women who need medical attention. Willing to kill for their religion.
She's baaa-aack...

She has a chance now with this court.
I had no idea they were still litigating her 2015 stunt. Looks like she is saying Ogerfell is wrong, says they know the courts can't overturn it, it must be SCOTUS, but arguing it anyway. Where are all the politicians to help support her for her decisions? Can't Mick Huckabee spare some change?
I didn't think that there was any chance of Roe v Wade being overturned. I'm very unhappy that it was. But I also don't support completely unfettered abortions, because at some point a fetus is a baby. Sorry if that offends anyone, but it's true. And it's a view held by the vast majority of americans, who tend to think that somewhere between three and five months into a pregnancy, abortion should no longer be an option unless the life of the mother is at risk. But having abortion laws turned over to the states still allows for those laws to be challenged - and continuously challenged. So there is some recourse to oppose them and to change the approach in highly restrictive states.
And you're falling for the conservative lies.

The reality is that the point at which the fetus becomes a baby is almost certainly well past viability. And nobody performs abortions for maternal reasons at that point--if delivery is a viable path that's what will be done. Thus all late abortions are fetal defect. There's no baby there.
And you're falling for the conservative lies.

The reality is that the point at which the fetus becomes a baby is almost certainly well past viability. And nobody performs abortions for maternal reasons at that point--if delivery is a viable path that's what will be done. Thus all late abortions are fetal defect. There's no baby there.
I think that ship has long since sailed for "falling for".

As I said in the thread about rebranding misogyny as "feminism" though (with regards to 'restoring consequentiality'), I wonder how long before our local conservative population start barking up that tree.

It looks like some of them are already on their way there.

It's some serious Ministry of Truth kinda bullshit.
I didn't think that there was any chance of Roe v Wade being overturned. I'm very unhappy that it was. But I also don't support completely unfettered abortions, because at some point a fetus is a baby. Sorry if that offends anyone, but it's true. And it's a view held by the vast majority of americans, who tend to think that somewhere between three and five months into a pregnancy, abortion should no longer be an option unless the life of the mother is at risk. But having abortion laws turned over to the states still allows for those laws to be challenged - and continuously challenged. So there is some recourse to oppose them and to change the approach in highly restrictive states.
And you're falling for the conservative lies.
Um... no. I don't know what the hell lie you're talking about, but 19% of people in the US think that abortion should be 100% legal with no exceptions at all.

The reality is that the point at which the fetus becomes a baby is almost certainly well past viability. And nobody performs abortions for maternal reasons at that point--if delivery is a viable path that's what will be done. Thus all late abortions are fetal defect. There's no baby there.
How often something is selected is not the same as discussing whether or not is should be allowed to be selected. There are seven states in the US right now where abortion is legal at any point in the pregnancy, with no limitations at all.

I didn't think that there was any chance of Roe v Wade being overturned. I'm very unhappy that it was. But I also don't support completely unfettered abortions, because at some point a fetus is a baby. Sorry if that offends anyone, but it's true. And it's a view held by the vast majority of americans, who tend to think that somewhere between three and five months into a pregnancy, abortion should no longer be an option unless the life of the mother is at risk. But having abortion laws turned over to the states still allows for those laws to be challenged - and continuously challenged. So there is some recourse to oppose them and to change the approach in highly restrictive states.
And you're falling for the conservative lies.
Um... no. I don't know what the hell lie you're talking about, but 19% of people in the US think that abortion should be 100% legal with no exceptions at all.

The reality is that the point at which the fetus becomes a baby is almost certainly well past viability. And nobody performs abortions for maternal reasons at that point--if delivery is a viable path that's what will be done. Thus all late abortions are fetal defect. There's no baby there.
How often something is selected is not the same as discussing whether or not is should be allowed to be selected. There are seven states in the US right now where abortion is legal at any point in the pregnancy, with no limitations at all.

That's a good article. You pick out and spin the parts that support your position if indeed you are a pro life absolutist.
How often something is selected is not the same as discussing whether or not is should be allowed to be selected. There are seven states in the US right now where abortion is legal at any point in the pregnancy, with no limitations at all.
That doesn't mean it's actually happening. Do you think there are obstetricians out there who would actually abort and kill a nine month unborn baby just because mom says so? I've only heard of one such person and he went to jail for a very long time.

You've fallen for the propaganda.
How often something is selected is not the same as discussing whether or not is should be allowed to be selected. There are seven states in the US right now where abortion is legal at any point in the pregnancy, with no limitations at all.
That doesn't mean it's actually happening. Do you think there are obstetricians out there who would actually abort and kill a nine month unborn baby just because mom says so? I've only heard of one such person and he went to jail for a very long time.

You've fallen for the propaganda.
If 19% of the general population is OK with it, then wouldn't one assume that, roughly, 19% of obstetricians in those seven states are OK with it? Granted, likely some of them are OK with it being legal, but would not do it themselves. Regardless, if only 1% of OB/GYNs in those seven states actually would approve and are doing it, that still adds up. So, I would say the answer to your question is most certainly "yes".
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