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Roger Stone Gets Convicted

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist

Roger Stone was convicted Friday on multiple counts on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller.
The longtime associate of President Donald Trump was convicted on all seven counts.
He was charged with lying to Congress, obstruction of Congress, witness tampering and other crimes.
Stone was the nexus between the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks coordinating the release of emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman by Russian hackers, according to investigators.

All seven counts. Wheeeee! I just hope he doesn't get off easy at sentencing. No catch and release like the Republicans like to complain about. Send a loud message to future Roger Stone wannabes. Now the question is, what did Trump know and when did he know it and how illegal was it?
People have been discussing this all afternoon in the Russia Gate thread. You would enjoy some of the comments made there, and perhaps some of those comments could be added to this one, or this one could be added to that one. :D
Prosecutors seek 7 to 9 years in prison for Trump ally Roger Stone

Federal prosecutors on Monday asked a judge to sentence long-time Trump associate Roger Stone to 7 to 9 years in prison after he was in November convicted of making false statements, witness tampering, and obstruction.

The request was made in a sentencing memorandum filed Monday by prosecutors in Washington, D.C.

Prosecutors said the sentence of 87 to 108 months is consistent with the guideline sentence outlined by federal law.

In a 26-page memo, prosecutors said that "Roger Stone obstructed Congress’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, lied under oath, and tampered with a witness."
Of course now we will learn from Trump that he doesn't know Roger Stone. Never heard of him. Who is that?
What? Mr. Untouchable after having the GOP cover for him a third time? He'll pardon Stone in a second. He'll use the "findings" of the Mueller Report and the not being convicted in the Senate Trial as evidence of how it was all a fraud by the Democrats.
Did Stone get hauled to the hoosegow or does that come after sentencing?

The prosecutors wanted him locked up immediately, which, IMO, would have been appropriate, given all his antics during the trial. However, the judge treated him like the first time offender that he is. That is, this is the first time he has been made to answer for his crimes. He is now a convicted felon. However, she set the sentencing date for February and kept the gag order on him. Presumably, he goes to jail immediately, if he breaks it. I would not be surprised if Trump pardoned him before then. He has already expressed his outrage at how unfair it is that Hillary Clinton goes free, while this turkey gets convicted of all counts by a jury.

Stone Seeks to Avoid Prison as Trump Hints at Pardon in Tweet

Donald J. Trump


This is a horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens to them. Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice!

Chuck Ross


Prosecutors recommend up to NINE YEARS in prison for Roger Stone.

They call foreign election interference a “deadly adversary” even though Stone was never accused of working with Russians or WikiLeaks. dailycaller.com/2020/02/10/pro…

And now Trumpublicans are removing justice from the DOJ.

“The Department finds seven to nine years extreme, excessive and grossly disproportionate to Mr. Stone’s offenses,” the source told Fox News, adding that the DOJ will clarify its position on sentencing later Tuesday.

President Trump tweeted about the sentencing recommendation early Tuesday morning, leading to speculation that a pardon may be in Stone's future.

“This is a horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens to them. Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice!” Trump said.

The decision to alter the sentencing recommendation was made before that tweet, the official said.

Well good news is this announcement clearly indicates that they worry about the optics of Trump pardoning or commuting the sentence for Stone.

That is the extent of the good news.

The Trump Admin isn't even trying to hide it anymore.
Hopefully our Despot loving conservatives here can get a bit more spank out of this latest news.
Oh, my nothing.

Just imagine if any of the Ben-Gaw-Zee investigations caught Hillary lying to Congress, and when turned over to the Feds, Obama's prosecutors tried to backwalk the sentencing.
Even without a public complaint by Obama, the Senate would have dragged a guillotine across the Mall...

Well good news is this announcement clearly indicates that they worry about the optics of Trump pardoning or commuting the sentence for Stone.
More likely, he used up all the PresPardon forms and doesn't want to wait for the intern to get back from the printer's.
Reports coming from Matt Drudge and the Keller Report indicate that the Judge did eat at a Mexican restaurant.
Anyone know if the judge on this case is a Mexican?

No, but she's a woman.
So, either she uses the new and improved sentencing suggestion and Stone does dippsy squaddle time, or she goes with the first suggestion.
Then Trump simply HAS to pardon Stone, or commute his sentence, because the bitch suffers from the same leftist revenge fantasy as the four democrat prosecutors who were so outrageous in the first place.
And Stone does even less time...
Fox News is saying that the jury foreman posted something negative about Trump in social media and so the whole conviction should be thrown out.
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