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Russel Brand is an idiot


Nov 28, 2007
Basic Beliefs
Way too many people share Russel Brand on Facebook, and he's hailed as a genius and whatnot. If you think he's a genius... take a look at this:


Complete moron. The video is in response to this:


Which, frankly, is the best answer ever. Stephen Fry is awesome.

BTW, Fry got the opportunity to make a retort against Brand and chose the high road. That too is impressive I think. Fry for president.

What's the problem? He read a book that said a bunch of stuff was unlikely, therefore God. Makes perfect sense.

I think these boards can shut down now that their entire purpose has been thwarted by Russel Brand reading a paperback.
I've never taken to Brand's comedy. He can be quite funny at times but for the most part he's painful to watch and his politics are just wild ramblings as is the first few minutes of the video, which was what I expected.

The funniest thing I heard from Brand was his retort to Bob Geldof after Geldof called him a c**t.
I've never taken to Brand's comedy. He can be quite funny at times but for the most part he's painful to watch and his politics are just wild ramblings as is the first few minutes of the video, which was what I expected.

The funniest thing I heard from Brand was his retort to Bob Geldof after Geldof called him a c**t.

I think the problem is that Brand is smart and quick but not well read.
I don't believe in any god but I find Stephen Fry a boring sanctimonious git. And I rather like Russel brand and enjoy his humour and thinking.
Not even Carlin can match wit with Izzard. I'd love to see Brand deal with Izzard on god (actually I wouldn't, who fucking cares what Brand thinks?). 'When you make it from the blue one to the gray one... (Earth to Moon) should at least give an attaboy.'
I haven't seen the Fry video in a while but if I remember correctly, the version of god he was talking about wasn't the same version of god Brand was talking about. They both seem to be in agreement that Yahweh doesn't exist.
Way too many people share Russel Brand on Facebook, and he's hailed as a genius and whatnot. If you think he's a genius... take a look at this:


Complete moron. The video is in response to this:


Which, frankly, is the best answer ever. Stephen Fry is awesome.

BTW, Fry got the opportunity to make a retort against Brand and chose the high road. That too is impressive I think. Fry for president.


uhhh DUH!!!
I haven't seen the Fry video in a while but if I remember correctly, the version of god he was talking about wasn't the same version of god Brand was talking about. They both seem to be in agreement that Yahweh doesn't exist.

Brand is defending the logical fallacy of equivocation. He's ok with that god sometimes really really exists and sometimes only exists metaphorically. He doesn't acknowledge the intellectual dishonesty of it. In other videos Brand does a lot of arguing from ignorance when it comes to "spiritual" matters. He's the typical New Age yoga guy. A lot of magical thinking and energies. I don't think Brand is an atheist at all.
I haven't seen the Fry video in a while but if I remember correctly, the version of god he was talking about wasn't the same version of god Brand was talking about. They both seem to be in agreement that Yahweh doesn't exist.

Brand is defending the logical fallacy of equivocation. He's ok with that god sometimes really really exists and sometimes only exists metaphorically. He doesn't acknowledge the intellectual dishonesty of it. In other videos Brand does a lot of arguing from ignorance when it comes to "spiritual" matters. He's the typical New Age yoga guy. A lot of magical thinking and energies. I don't think Brand is an atheist at all.

Well, in the same way that one can simultaneously be both an atheist and an agnostic, so one can also simultaneously be an atheist and a fuckwit.

It seems to me that Brand is probably an atheist, but gets upset about atheists who he sees as being mean to theists by using facts, logic or reason, even after the theists asked them very nicely to stop doing that.

In other words, he likely hasn't fallen for the theists main message; but he has swallowed a large dose of their woolly propaganda. Because he is too much of a fuckwit to see through it.
Pretty ordinary and harmless spiritual crap. Does not qualify for idiot in my opinion.

The harm comes in encouraging false beliefs and false authority figures. I draw a straight line from New Age to anti-vax or anti-GMO's.

Anti-intellectualism and disregard of science is rampant in our world. We need less of it

I think Russell means well. Can't kick a man down for that.


Yes we can!

All of us have a responsibility to use our ability to reason.

Misusing that is definitely a reason to slander.

I think Russell means well. Can't kick a man down for that.


The guy is very likable. I think that sometimes he's funny. But I think he's willfully being an idiot when it comes to this. So I can kick him for that (verbally, on an internet message board).
He is starting with a conclusion and desperately trying to find a way to reach it.

This is a common human trait.

The most any human could say is that there are mysteries, but to claim mysteries can point towards any gods IS idiotic.
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