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Russian oligarchs may have directly funded Donald Trump's 2016 campaign


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
The truth is inching further into view....

It was already clear that huge amounts of the money that didn’t come from Trump came in from rather … mysterious sources. For example, the number one outside source of Trump funding was the National Rifle Association. But, as reported by Vanity Fair, the $30 million that flowed from the NRA to Trump coincided with a sudden, one year only, $30 million increase in NRA funds. It seems entirely possible that all of that increase came from Russian funds shoveled through a “charity”—a scheme under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

But it’s not just the non-Trump funds that may have come express from Moscow. Previous reports from Buzzfeed had indicated that federal investigators were looking into a series of “suspicious money transfers” that happened shortly after the infamous Trump Tower meeting between the senior members of Trump’s campaign team and Russian operatives. Those moves included more than $19.5 million shipped into the US by Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov, who is both a top adviser to Vladimir Putin and Trump’s friend (and host during Trump’s 2013 lost weekend in Moscow).

Political Wire is now reporting that Agalarov formed a new LLC inside the US a month before the Trump Tower meeting. Funds appear to have been laundered through that LLC to … that part isn’t clear. But if Agalarov’s funds were going to Trump, then Donald Trump may have not just had Russian “outside” money. Even the funds that he supposedly paid himself, may not have been his.

One has to ask what sort of quid pro quo that Trump and his underlings had promised their financiers. Surely they would want assurance that they would get support in the future if they needed it.
One has to ask what sort of quid pro quo that Trump and his underlings had promised their financiers. Surely they would want assurance that they would get support in the future if they needed it.

Sucking Putin's dick and running interference for a lowlife murderous sand nigger isn't enough?
At this point I'm wondering that even if all of it is true, will it matter?

The Trump Tower meeting alone is more than enough to impeach and remove Trump. Everything after that is a bonus. But that only applies in a non-batshit America.

Trump's base already believes that it was Hillary who conspired with the Russians, and they're fully onboard with Trump doing or saying anything because in their minds, Hillary did way worse. Never mind that there's no basis in reality for that viewpoint. Long proven facts present no obstacle.

As to the GOP, they know the facts, but are clearly delighted with their constituent's willingness to believe the greatest absurdities and have taken advantage of that. They can whip their voters into a frenzy over things like the banning of plastic straws, NFL players taking a knee, and the color of cups at Starbucks during the Xmas season. So what if the most nakedly corrupt and most clearly unqualified person to have ever gotten into the White House has lied to them at every turn, set their best interests on fire, and alienated the majority of Americans by calling them a violent mob, and says they're crazy for voting democrat? Goddammit, the phrase, "Happy Holidays!" is threatening to allow the commies to burst through the door and destroy Freedom!
It's time to relent on the Russia collusion, folks. It's over. There was none. The Trump Tower meeting was benign - nothing - period. Has anyone noticed it slowly fading in the press and also a slow diverting attention away from it and onto China and Saudi Arabia? This is no accident. The media is and has been engaging in what it does best - cover for intelligence, Robert Mueller being a former FBI director.

Just in time to salvage some seats for Republicans too. Trump wins again. Unbelievable.

Although there have been a few of us warning about this all along.
It's time to relent on the Russia collusion, folks. It's over. There was none. The Trump Tower meeting was benign - nothing - period. Has anyone noticed it slowly fading in the press and also a slow diverting attention away from it and onto China and Saudi Arabia? This is no accident. The media is and has been engaging in what it does best - cover for intelligence, Robert Mueller being a former FBI director.

Just in time to salvage some seats for Republicans too. Trump wins again. Unbelievable.

Although there have been a few of us warning about this all along.

I don't think the media has any sway whatsoever over the investigation.
The Trump Tower meeting was benign

When a foreign adversary reaches out to a presidential campaign to "help" with an election, that's business as usual. But -
When the highest officials in a presidential campaign accepts the offer and actually meets with representatives of a foreign adversary to get dirt on their opponent, it's anything but benign.
When they try to cover it up instead of immediately reporting it to the FBI, it's a crime. Conspiracy. It's over all right - Trump is running a criminal enterprise under the protection of the highest office in the land.
The Trump Tower meeting was benign

When a foreign adversary reaches out to a presidential campaign to "help" with an election, that's business as usual. But -
When the highest officials in a presidential campaign accepts the offer and actually meets with representatives of a foreign adversary to get dirt on their opponent, it's anything but benign.
When they try to cover it up instead of immediately reporting it to the FBI, it's a crime. Conspiracy. It's over all right - Trump is running a criminal enterprise under the protection of the highest office in the land.

Might I suggest then sending Robert Mueller whatever evidence you have and advise him on the law accordingly, since he clearly doesn't know what you appear to. If he did, I'd imagine indictments for all attendees would have already been served. Or is he still dotting those "i"s and crossing those "t"s?
Might I suggest then sending Robert Mueller whatever evidence you have and advise him on the law accordingly, since he clearly doesn't know what you appear to.

I note off the top, that you are unable to deny or refute any of the facts I listed... Lol! And then ...
You make the classic mistake of thinking that what's apparent to you is all there is. You are not an investigator, and are quite apparently staying willfully ignorant of the processes at hand.
I suggest staying tuned, and maybe pulling your head out of Rupert Murdoch's asshole once in a while so that when more indictments come down, more guilty pleas entered and more convictions obtained, you are not totally caught off guard.
Might I suggest then sending Robert Mueller whatever evidence you have and advise him on the law accordingly, since he clearly doesn't know what you appear to.

I note off the top, that you are unable to deny or refute any of the facts I listed... Lol! And then ...
You make the classic mistake of thinking that what's apparent to you is all there is. You are not an investigator, and are quite apparently staying willfully ignorant of the processes at hand.
I suggest staying tuned, and maybe pulling your head out of Rupert Murdoch's asshole once in a while so that when more indictments come down, more guilty pleas entered and more convictions obtained, you are not totally caught off guard.

"Facts" you've posted such as...
Sucking Putin's dick and running interference for a lowlife murderous sand nigger isn't enough?
"Facts" you've posted such as...

WHOOSH! - right over your head.
Let's take this real slow for your benefit:

When a foreign adversary reaches out to a presidential campaign to "help" with an election, that's business as usual. But -
When the highest officials in a presidential campaign accepts the offer and actually meets with representatives of a foreign adversary to get dirt on their opponent, it's anything but benign.
When they try to cover it up instead of immediately reporting it to the FBI, it's a crime. Conspiracy. It's over all right - Trump is running a criminal enterprise under the protection of the highest office in the land.

Got it?
"Facts" you've posted such as...

WHOOSH! - right over your head.
Let's take this real slow for your benefit:

When a foreign adversary reaches out to a presidential campaign to "help" with an election, that's business as usual. But -
When the highest officials in a presidential campaign accepts the offer and actually meets with representatives of a foreign adversary to get dirt on their opponent, it's anything but benign.
When they try to cover it up instead of immediately reporting it to the FBI, it's a crime. Conspiracy. It's over all right - Trump is running a criminal enterprise under the protection of the highest office in the land.

Got it?

What was the cover up? Explain that to me, if you don't mind.
"Facts" you've posted such as...

WHOOSH! - right over your head.
Let's take this real slow for your benefit:

When a foreign adversary reaches out to a presidential campaign to "help" with an election, that's business as usual. But -
When the highest officials in a presidential campaign accepts the offer and actually meets with representatives of a foreign adversary to get dirt on their opponent, it's anything but benign.
When they try to cover it up instead of immediately reporting it to the FBI, it's a crime. Conspiracy. It's over all right - Trump is running a criminal enterprise under the protection of the highest office in the land.

Got it?

What was the cover up? Explain that to me, if you don't mind.

I'm not here to spoon feed you. But obviously, someone has to do it.
Start here:

"When reporters got word of that meeting, the Trump camp denied it. Then it concocted an absurd false statement claiming that the meeting was organized to discuss “adoptions.” Then, once that lie fell apart, it falsely insisted that at least Trump himself had nothing to do with it."
What was the cover up? Explain that to me, if you don't mind.

I'm not here to spoon feed you. But obviously, someone has to do it.
Start here:

"When reporters got word of that meeting, the Trump camp denied it. Then it concocted an absurd false statement claiming that the meeting was organized to discuss “adoptions.” Then, once that lie fell apart, it falsely insisted that at least Trump himself had nothing to do with it."
This is pretty much what everyone at that meeting said it was. I believe them, and apparently, so does Robert Mueller.

Trump Jr. initially told reporters that the meeting had been "primarily about adoptions".[2][40] He then released a statement saying it had been a "short introductory meeting" concerning "a program about the adoption of Russian children".[41] A few days later Trump Jr. acknowledged that he went into the meeting expecting to receive opposition research from Veselnitskaya that could hurt Clinton's campaign, adding that none was presented and that the conversation instead focused on the Magnitsky Act.[22][42][43] Later a statement from Trump Jr.'s lawyer said Veselnitskaya had claimed to have information "that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Mrs. Clinton" but "it quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information".[44] Trump Jr. said he felt the adoption issue was her "true agenda all along" and the claims of helpful political information were a pretext.[45] After learning that the New York Times was about to publish the series of emails setting up the meeting, Trump Jr. himself published the email chain via Twitter, and explained that he considered the meeting to be "political opposition research".[18][46] He summarized the meeting as "such a nothing... a wasted 20 minutes".[47]

Veselnitskaya said that she intended to provide allegations to the Trump campaign about a firm connected to William Browder, a financier who lobbied for the Magnitsky Act. She said that the firm committed tax evasion in Russia and donated to Democrats.[48] She said in an interview, "I never had any damaging or sensitive information about Hillary Clinton. It was never my intention to have that."[49] She initially denied the allegation that she was or is connected to the Russian government. At a later date she disclosed that she was in regular contact with the Russian Prosecutor General's office and with Prosecutor General Yury Chaika, about sharing information she acquired in her investigation relating to the Magnitsky Act.[48][49][50]

On July 14, Akhmetshin stated in an interview that Veselnitskaya had claimed to have evidence of "violations of Russian law by a Democratic donor", and added that she "described her findings at the meeting and left a document about them with Trump Jr. and the others."[32][51]

This is pretty much what everyone at that meeting said it was.

WHEN did they say that? After denying it occurred? Those jackasses only admit things that have been found out. Why you would "believe" them is beyond all reason.
Why didn't they call the FBI immediately, when a hostile foreign power offered their assistance in getting Trump elected?

Also wondering what makes you think Mueller believes them... are you part of his team or something? Leaks from that bunch are few, far between, and well thought-out. If you think they believe him, it's probably because they'd like you to.
This is pretty much what everyone at that meeting said it was.

WHEN did they say that? After denying it occurred? Those jackasses only admit things that have been found out. Why you would "believe" them is beyond all reason.
Why didn't they call the FBI immediately, when a hostile foreign power offered their assistance in getting Trump elected?

Also wondering what makes you think Mueller believes them... are you part of his team or something? Leaks from that bunch are few, far between, and well thought-out. If you think they believe him, it's probably because they'd like you to.

Lots of leaps and bounds in there.
This is pretty much what everyone at that meeting said it was.

WHEN did they say that? After denying it occurred? Those jackasses only admit things that have been found out. Why you would "believe" them is beyond all reason.
Why didn't they call the FBI immediately, when a hostile foreign power offered their assistance in getting Trump elected?

Also wondering what makes you think Mueller believes them... are you part of his team or something? Leaks from that bunch are few, far between, and well thought-out. If you think they believe him, it's probably because they'd like you to.

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