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Russian scientists created cure for cancer (all types/kinds of it)

The difference between the USA and the west in general is that we acknowledge our moral failings and try to correct it.
Wake me up when you correct Iraq invasion.
For the record. USSR corrected forementioned Lysenkovshina rather quickly.
You on the other hand have not corrected anything let alone acknowledged.
"America is great! and let's not talk about what we just did, America is Great!"
this is the american way,

How is saying you cured cancer again correcting past mistakes?
How is that relevant to the topic?
OK, you had slavery, hence I win.
Gulags, pogroms, serfdom, mass murder by Stalin, centuries of tyrannical czars, Nazi Putinistas, illegal invasion of Ukraine, invasions of Finland and the Baltic States, and occupation of the latter, at the start of World War II, carving up of Poland with Hitler, Lysenko — God, what crimes against humanity has your awful country not committed since they unfortunately came to existence, some two centuries after Kyivian Ukraine was already a thriving society?
You started it.
slavery slavery slavery! You lose.

We STARTED it? Your rotten country predates America by centuries, though it postdates Ukraine. I listed all the sins of your country, and there are many more. They had nothing to do with America, which indeed does have its own sins, slavery foremost among them. But at least here, with some semblance of democracy, we push forward over time. You just slide back.

ETA: Oh, and, you lose.
Not to mention the fact that serfdom in Russia was abolished only in 1861 (and 1866 for state-owned serfs), and the serfs could be sold, bought and traded as slaves.
We STARTED it? Your rotten country predates America by centuries, though it postdates Ukraine
Russia can not possibly postdate Ukraine. Russia started in modern day Ukraine. Ukraine is mostly 19 century idea.
I read Memoirs Of A Revolutionist by Kropotkin back in the 70s. He was born to Russian Royalty pre revolution and became radicalized. He is labeled an anarchist.

He described life of the peasant on his family estate. Pretty much slavery.

Hey Barbos, is it true Russia invented the computer and telephone?
Not quite.

Without Maxwell there would have been no radio.

Along with experiments in wireless communication in the USA and Europe there is reference to a Russian. I don't think he was the first.

The Italian Marconi is credited with the first practical audio communications radio.
So what? Simultaneous discovery was not new.

The first experiments were about witless telegraph, not radio as in voice communications. OOK or
on/off keying, Morse code.
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