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Russian trolls spreading anti-GMO messages on both liberal and conservative web sites


Weird. I always thought of anti-GMO bullcrap as a liberal thing. Are there anti-GMO idiots on the conservative side as well?

It doesn't mater to Putin whether there are or not. The point is to cultivate conflict. Maybe there are anti-GMO neo-cons who think that (like everything else) GMs are part of some "Deep State", but there are others who hate lib'ruls and can be riled up by telling them that lib'ruls hate GMOs.
Don't be lulled into complacency by thinking that Russian trolls and bots actually address opinions. All they do is identify areas of disagreement among Americans, and try to amplify and exacerbate those disagreements.
I know I have been fooled, and I bet you have too. But the time to keep taking the bait is passed.
Yep. Elixir has hit the bullseye. They're just widening the divide between us, using any wedge they can to do so. They'll sow disagreement and conflict between the left and right, and between the party members themselves. They've also been caught making ripples in the social justice side of things (both for and against). Although we don't know how extensive these trolling operations are. Considering their incredible success as of late, I would imagine this decade will be known as "The Decade of the Troll".
I thought it was worth asking because I thought anti-vaccine was a liberal thing, and it turns out that conservatives are slightly more likely to be anti-vaccine than liberals.

How many conservatives buy into claims about organic foods? GMO claims? What about "natural healing" bullshit like colon cleanses or trying to alter your blood pH with diet?

Weird. I always thought of anti-GMO bullcrap as a liberal thing. Are there anti-GMO idiots on the conservative side as well?

It doesn't mater to Putin whether there are or not. The point is to cultivate conflict. Maybe there are anti-GMO neo-cons who think that (like everything else) GMs are part of some "Deep State", but there are others who hate lib'ruls and can be riled up by telling them that lib'ruls hate GMOs.
Don't be lulled into complacency by thinking that Russian trolls and bots actually address opinions. All they do is identify areas of disagreement among Americans, and try to amplify and exacerbate those disagreements.
I know I have been fooled, and I bet you have too. But the time to keep taking the bait is passed.

I agree, but you are confusing Neo-cons for Trump supporters. The Neo-cons aligned with Hillary last election (which makes sense since she is essentially a Neo-con).

Weird. I always thought of anti-GMO bullcrap as a liberal thing. Are there anti-GMO idiots on the conservative side as well?

Anything "anti-establishment" has advocates on the extreme right and left. They almost come full circle in some cases. There are left wing and right wing 9/11 "Truthers". There are anti vaccine and anti GMO nuts on the right.

Natural News has been flooded with Russian troll crap going back at least to 2014. It got to the point where I wondered of Mike Adams was working with them or if they were just feeding him content and doing a good job of pushing his anti-establishment buttons.

It got pretty thick on "Infowars" as well. Alex Jones has a lot of anti-GMO crap.

I became aware of the Russians pushing the anti-GMO bullshit when the same trolls that were advocating for Russia on the MH17 shoot-down started pushing a bunch of Seralini silliness. I thought it odd that the same guys whos only presence on various forums was pushing the Russian narrative on Ukraine issues started pushing anti-GMO crap.

I think anti-GMO bullshit hits a couple of points for the Russians. Our agriculture kicks their asses on soybeans, corn, and wheat. Anything they can do to try to hurt American agriculture is in their state interest. As such I think they like to hype up Seralini style bullshit to convince Eurozone countries to be wary of importing US product. Then they get the double bonus of keeping the anti-establishment folks in the US all hot and bothered.
I thought it was worth asking because I thought anti-vaccine was a liberal thing, and it turns out that conservatives are slightly more likely to be anti-vaccine than liberals.

How many conservatives buy into claims about organic foods? GMO claims? What about "natural healing" bullshit like colon cleanses or trying to alter your blood pH with diet?

Well, all natural knows no party. As far as that goes for conservatives? I think GMO often comes under the "thou shall not play God" type of general resistance that is present, falling under the same category to these types of people as abortion, birth control, and IVF.
Why do Americans blame everything on Russian hackers and trolls?

Why do Russian hackers and trolls cause so many problems?

I mean, Russia has "troll farms" with no other purpose than to fuck with other countries. This is not some American fantasy, and the US is not their only target.
Illustration of one of the biggest anti-GMO conspiracy theorists (Mike Adams) teaming up with Alex Jones and the troll armies on right wing issues.


Meanwhile, a website called Hoggwatch.com has emerged that features content exclusively related to Hogg, the New York Daily News reported. The site is linked to conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and pushes false ideas that Hogg is an actor paid by left-wing organizations to turn Americans against the Second Amendment, the Daily News said. Many of the articles are written by Mike Adams, the founder of Natural News, a “bombastic” website that seeks to debunk widely accepted scientific theories, the Daily News added.

Have to wonder how much these clowns are making with their scams.
Why do Americans blame everything on Russian hackers and trolls?

Everything? Hardly.

I blame a hell of a lot of the GMO disinformation on homegrown charlatans and scammers like Mike Adams.

Heartland Institute, Heritage Foundation and their AM radio and FOX news shills have been at the disinformation game for decades. The bullshit they spread about CFCs and acid rain in the 1980s was legendary disinformation.
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