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Sen. Graham conspired to commit Election Fraud?


Substitute Looney
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
Ga. secretary of state says fellow Republicans are pressuring him to find ways to exclude ballots

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Monday that he has come under increasing pressure in recent days from fellow Republicans, including Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), who he said questioned the validity of legally cast absentee ballots, in an effort to reverse President Trump’s narrow loss in the state.

In a wide-ranging interview about the election, Raffensperger expressed exasperation over a string of baseless allegations coming from Trump and his allies about the integrity of the Georgia results, including claims that Dominion Voting Systems, the Colorado-based manufacturer of Georgia’s voting machines, is a “leftist” company with ties to Venezuela that engineered thousands of Trump votes to be left out of the count.

The atmosphere has grown so contentious, Raffensperger said, that he and his wife, Tricia, have received death threats in recent days, including a text to him that read: “You better not botch this recount. Your life depends on it.”
In a quite surprising turn of events, the Georgian Secretary of State said that Senator Lindsey Graham (America's first boneless man elected to the US Senate), was feeling out if the GA SoS could disqualify mail-in ballots. The significance of this is that the source of this story is the Georgian Secretary of State Brad Raffensperfer!

article said:
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Monday that he has come under increasing pressure in recent days from fellow Republicans, including Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), who he said questioned the validity of legally cast absentee ballots, in an effort to reverse President Trump’s narrow loss in the state.


In a wide-ranging interview about the election, Raffensperger expressed exasperation over a string of baseless allegations coming from Trump and his allies about the integrity of the Georgia results, including claims that Dominion Voting Systems, the Colorado-based manufacturer of Georgia’s voting machines, is a “leftist” company with ties to Venezuela that engineered thousands of Trump votes to be left out of the count.

The atmosphere has grown so contentious, Raffensperger said, that he and his wife, Tricia, have received death threats in recent days, including a text to him that read: “You better not botch this recount. Your life depends on it.”

“Other than getting you angry, it’s also very disillusioning,” Raffensperger said of the threats, “particularly when it comes from people on my side of the aisle. Everyone that is working on this needs to elevate their speech. We need to be thoughtful and careful about what we say.” He said he reported the threats to state authorities.

You know, this story sounds interesting because you've got a conservative GOP that is getting shit on by two US Senator, both Republican, and the President, also a Republican. So clearly, he's had it. And to have Sen. Graham feeling out disqualifying ballots, this actually falls into a much much larger problem.

I mean first off, that is conspiracy territory! As in conspiring to fix an election for the Republicans. Some might consider this, oh I don't know... election fraud? Second, in doing this, it would feed into the narrative that Trump has established. Sen. Graham getting the Georgia Secretary of State to fix the election (something he couldn't have done anyway, well, not without involving counties), it would have shown that Trump was right that there was invalid ballots (or Trump would just say "fraud"), providing Trump momentum to perhaps still steal the Electoral College. Trump winning Georgia isn't a huge deal... Trump stealing Georgia by being able to illegitimately proclaim fraud and push that narrative further? Who knows what the GOP could have done with this.

Nothing short, Senator Graham should be impeached and removed from office. And this should teach our children an important lesson, "When you shit a man, don't expect him to do you any favors"
In a quite surprising turn of events, the Georgian Secretary of State said that Senator Lindsey Graham (America's first boneless man elected to the US Senate)
Mr. Lubner! Tragically born without a spine!
And this should teach our children an important lesson, "When you shit a man, don't expect him to do you any favors"
Um... to shit something is an act of creation.
If i shit a man, i should expect at least some loyalty.

Did you mean 'shit upon'?
In a quite surprising turn of events, the Georgian Secretary of State said that Senator Lindsey Graham (America's first boneless man elected to the US Senate)
Mr. Lubner! Tragically born without a spine!
And this should teach our children an important lesson, "When you shit a man, don't expect him to do you any favors"
Um... to shit something is an act of creation.
If i shit a man, i should expect at least some loyalty.

Did you mean 'shit upon'?

I don't know, if I were created by another man's shit and they kept reminding me of it whilst expecting loyalty, I would harbour some resentment towards the fucker.
My guess is the Trump has a lot of dirt on a lot of republicans, supplied by Russia. Probably video af Graham and a 15 year old boy in a compromising situation.
The scandal has legs. Sen. Graham has denied saying these things.
article said:
Graham denied that he ever asked Raffensperger to throw out ballots.

“I never said that. I said, ‘Do you have power as secretary of state to require bipartisan verification of the signature?’” Graham said, noting that he learned “right now they don’t.”
What a particularly odd question to have asked.
My guess is the Trump has a lot of dirt on a lot of republicans, supplied by Russia. Probably video af Graham and a 15 year old boy in a compromising situation.

My guess is that if what you surmise is in fact true, we will learn about all of it in fairly short order. Remember, Trump is of the school of though that posits "why do we have nukes if we can't use them?".
When he is finally deposed, he will likely try to take as many of his former enablers down with him as he can.
My guess is the Trump has a lot of dirt on a lot of republicans, supplied by Russia. Probably video af Graham and a 15 year old boy in a compromising situation.

My guess is that if what you surmise is in fact true, we will learn about all of it in fairly short order. Remember, Trump is of the school of though that posits "why do we have nukes if we can't use them?".
When he is finally deposed, he will likely try to take as many of his former enablers down with him as he can.
I also think there is dirt. What I don't think is that cheetolini has direct access to it. I think Putin has people, that hold the dirt closely. The russians show the gop just enough to prove they got it, then guard it very closely. Honestly, it's the only semi-sane explanation the explains the rapid flip of lady graham, mcconnell, rubio, cruz, and many of the other spineless gop fuckwits that flipped the minute the orange shitstain won the election.

I would love to see it 'wikileaked' all over the place, but I don't think it will happen because now putin knows how much leverage he can assert.

I expect almost any government official that has been in office (especially the gop) has something they don't want to be made public. Russia probably starts digging as soon as they announce they are running for office.
The scandal has legs. Sen. Graham has denied saying these things.
article said:
Graham denied that he ever asked Raffensperger to throw out ballots.

“I never said that. I said, ‘Do you have power as secretary of state to require bipartisan verification of the signature?’” Graham said, noting that he learned “right now they don’t.”
What a particularly odd question to have asked.

Bipartisan would not work anyway. You'd need at least tripartisan. It is an odd question. Seems like individual states are okay to make their calls unless they're not red enough.
or.. less complicated explanation... Razor friendly, I like to say...

a Large enough percentage of Republicans are Trump followers (not supporters - they just blindly follow) such that being an elected republican with enough of those america-hating terrorists in their area makes you a slave to them.. and they are slaves to Trump. So their electorate are in a lose / loser situation with that.
The only (few) republicans talking sense are those with a lower percentage of Trump followers infecting their region such that their reelection chances are not gravely impacted.
Witness to call confirms allegations against Sen. Graham.
article said:
A staffer for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger said Tuesday that he participated in a controversial phone call with Sen. Lindsey Graham and said he heard Graham ask if state officials could throw out ballots.

In response to a question from CNN about the incident, Sterling said on Tuesday, “What I heard was basically discussions about absentee ballots and if a potentially … if there was a percentage of signatures that weren’t really, truly matching, is there some point we could get to, we could say somebody went to a courtroom could say well, let’s throw (out) all these ballots because we have no way of knowing because the ballots are separated.”
Jebus! Can you imagine if Sen. Schumer called the SoS of PA and made such suggestions?

This is a pretty big deal, sadly Trump has fucked things up so badly in the US, Watergate looks like a bipartisan orgy.
I also think there is dirt. What I don't think is that cheetolini has direct access to it. I think Putin has people, that hold the dirt closely. The russians show the gop just enough to prove they got it, then guard it very closely. Honestly, it's the only semi-sane explanation the explains the rapid flip of lady graham, mcconnell, rubio, cruz, and many of the other spineless gop fuckwits that flipped the minute the orange shitstain won the election.

Yep, and it almost certainly has to do with the NRA money-laundering campaign finance pipeline (among other embarrassments).
In a year or so after the election is settled, I bet we are going to find out that Republicans massively cheated in the election and they still lost.

Especially in places like Florida that were WAY off from the polling data.

We are also finding out that the polling data and modeling was mostly right.
My guess is the Trump has a lot of dirt on a lot of republicans, supplied by Russia. Probably video af Graham and a 15 year old boy in a compromising situation.

My guess is that if what you surmise is in fact true, we will learn about all of it in fairly short order. Remember, Trump is of the school of though that posits "why do we have nukes if we can't use them?".
When he is finally deposed, he will likely try to take as many of his former enablers down with him as he can.

He will use the Kompromat to install a more useful person in the senate... and probably screw up in the process.
The fact that they are trying to get ballots tossed based on something as invalid and arbitrary as a non-matching signature proves how vile and fascistic they are, without the slightest regard for voting rights and democracy.

One thing the Dems need to focus upon is eliminating the use of signatures as a basis to discount a ballot. People's signatures change all the time and many people (myself being one) don't even have a standard signature so it looks different almost every time I write it. At minimum, there should be a requirement that any disputed signature must be proven not to match, which should require and under oath affidavit by experts in the area. Or just require that the voter be contacted to confirm their vote (such as with a serial # that is put on the ballot and a stub of the ballot they retain.
My guess is the Trump has a lot of dirt on a lot of republicans, supplied by Russia. Probably video af Graham and a 15 year old boy in a compromising situation.

My guess is that if what you surmise is in fact true, we will learn about all of it in fairly short order. Remember, Trump is of the school of though that posits "why do we have nukes if we can't use them?".
When he is finally deposed, he will likely try to take as many of his former enablers down with him as he can.
But, really, if you were the one who collected such data, would you give it to Trump? I'd be worried he'd give it away by accident, or in a fit of pique.
If i were running this, i would tell Trump i had info on Graham, but no more . Then if Graham showed backbone, _I_ could call him and say, "Holiday Inn Express, June 14, 2005. You signed in as a Coach Maharg. With your 'team.' Now, be a good Trumper or....else."

Then no matter what Trump does, i still own a Senator.
Not to put anything past the Russians (either in capability or intent) but as tempting as it is to figure Putin has dirt on essentially the entire core of the GOP, I still favor a simpler answer--pretty much the one articulated by Gun Nut above.

Don't underestimate the powerful leverage exercised by (nor the primal fear of offending) Trump's retarded little army of whatever 30-40% Americans are dumb enough to support him even after witnessing four years of his corrupt ineptitude. Those people came dangerously close to re-installing Trump, and they also, demonstrably, have the power to un-elect longtime Senators and Representatives.

Being seen as too critical of Trump, for a GOP official, has been a kiss of death unless he or she is particularly well-insulated from the influence of Trump's "base." And most of them aren't. Romney is. Rubio isn't.

It's telling that many of those who are the most vulnerable to "base" backlash (Graham, McConnell, any Texan) are the most fawning admirers...at least publicly.
The fact that they are trying to get ballots tossed based on something as invalid and arbitrary as a non-matching signature proves how vile and fascistic they are, without the slightest regard for voting rights and democracy.

One thing the Dems need to focus upon is eliminating the use of signatures as a basis to discount a ballot. People's signatures change all the time and many people (myself being one) don't even have a standard signature so it looks different almost every time I write it. At minimum, there should be a requirement that any disputed signature must be proven not to match, which should require and under oath affidavit by experts in the area. Or just require that the voter be contacted to confirm their vote (such as with a serial # that is put on the ballot and a stub of the ballot they retain.

My friends and I who voted absentee, took out our driver's license and did our best to match it. All of our ballots were accepted. The law in Georgia requires that any voter who's signature is in question be contacted to make sure that they sent in the ballot. That should be the way it is in every state, but I don't know if this is the case. Besides, this shouldn't be a partisan issue. Both parties should be concerned about this issue.

People have been voting by mail for over 100 years without any major problems. It's just Trump and his toadies that have been trying to make people think that voting absentee leads to a lot of fraud. This despite the fact that he and his family have voted absentee in the past. It's just one more of his attempts to make the election seem rigged.
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