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Senate Passes on Investigating Obama, Trump Believes that he Committed the "Biggest Political Crime in American history"


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump claims Obama committed 'biggest political crime in American history' | Trump-Russia investigation | The Guardian
Donald Trump continued to fume over the Russia investigation on Sunday, more than a year after special counsel Robert Mueller filed his report without recommending charges against the president but only three days after the justice department said it would drop its case against Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser.

“The biggest political crime in American history, by far!” the president wrote in a tweet accompanying a conservative talk show host’s claim that Barack Obama “used his last weeks in office to target incoming officials and sabotage the new administration”.

'You know what the crime is': Trump stumped on 'Obamagate' details – video | US news | The Guardian
Days after tweeting about 'Obamagate' and accusing his predecessor, Barack Obama, of committing crimes, US president Donald Trump was asked to specify what those exactly were. He replied: 'Obamagate, it's been going on for a long time, it's being going on from even before I got elected and it's a disgrace that it's gone on.' He continued: 'some terrible things happened and it should never be allowed to happen in our country again.' When he is again asked what the crime is, Trump says: 'You know what the crime is.'

Bigger than the Watergate scandal? Trump is old enough to remember that one. He was born in 1946, and the Watergate scandal was over 1973-74. So he was 27-28 at the time.

Senate Republicans break with Trump over ‘Obamagate’ - POLITICO
President Donald Trump’s aggressive campaign to encourage sweeping investigations of his predecessor Barack Obama met a unanimous response from Senate Republicans: No thanks.

Trump’s Senate allies on Monday stopped short of echoing Trump’s claim that Obama acted illegally when the Justice Department began probing incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn in late 2016. And they indicated that the Senate would pass on investigating the former president as they conduct their own investigations that could soon ensnare other senior Obama administration officials.
They investigated almost endlessly then Sec'y of State Hillary Clinton about her supposed negligence in some attacks on US facilities in Benghazi, so one has to ask why they are passing on this one.
They know it’s political theater and that he’s going to lose no matter what. They are already distancing themselves.

Plus they all already know what actually happened and that Obama did nothing wrong. It’s the true hoax and Republicans only participate in fake ones.
Yeah. I heard Trump ramble on about Obama-gate, without ever giving a clue as to what that meant. He might pretend that it has something to do with Flynn, but I think it's something else.

So, I will tell you what he really meant. The toddler in the WH is pissed at Obama because he had the audacity to criticize him in that phone call conference that leaked. Anyone who dares to criticize the clown in chief is guilty of some terrible, undefined crime.
I'm not saying it is true, but some people have been talking about how unhinged President Trump is. All of these ridiculous conspiracy theories, like President Obama and the Democrats fixing an election... but forgetting to fix it? Only a person that is mentally ill would continually make such ridiculous claims is what I've heard other people saying.

And people are also saying that President Trump is saying this sort of stuff to be able to steal the election in November, by either contesting results in states he didn't like the results in, by having the GOP send competing slates of electors, or by using the military. I heard people say that the US Military had a training drill and NY was labelled "Biggest loser enemy".

Maybe it is true, maybe it is not.
Yup, Obama committed a horrible crime. Truly horrible.

Being a Democrat in the White House.
I question the standards of anyone who supported Trump after the obscenity that was Birtherism. Trump lied and lied and lied. His supporters should be forced to watch a tape loop of Trump from 7 or 8 years ago -- the interview where he claims to have a team of investigators in Hawaii tracking down the birth certificate hoax -- "and you won't believe what they're finding out." No, scratch that. By definition, the Trumpsters are incapable of seeing the man for what he is. I want to be fair toward those who support this guy, but I just can't see the justification. That the news media must report the crazy, deceitful, ugly things this man says is more than I can stand most days. He's cured me from tuning into live news feeds. That anyone in the country would listen to this liar is outrageous. That he's actually competitive in the Presidential race -- currently embattled, but competitive -- is madness.
I question the standards of anyone who supported Trump after the obscenity that was Birtherism. Trump lied and lied and lied. His supporters should be forced to watch a tape loop of Trump from 7 or 8 years ago -- the interview where he claims to have a team of investigators in Hawaii tracking down the birth certificate hoax -- "and you won't believe what they're finding out." No, scratch that. By definition, the Trumpsters are incapable of seeing the man for what he is. I want to be fair toward those who support this guy, but I just can't see the justification. That the news media must report the crazy, deceitful, ugly things this man says is more than I can stand most days. He's cured me from tuning into live news feeds. That anyone in the country would listen to this liar is outrageous. That he's actually competitive in the Presidential race -- currently embattled, but competitive -- is madness.

Looking from afar my sense is it's a desire for change from the past that Trump tapped into. When Trump goes I think there are still problems that need addressing - like in any society. It wont be all fixed when he goes.
I question the standards of anyone who supported Trump after the obscenity that was Birtherism. Trump lied and lied and lied. His supporters should be forced to watch a tape loop of Trump from 7 or 8 years ago -- the interview where he claims to have a team of investigators in Hawaii tracking down the birth certificate hoax -- "and you won't believe what they're finding out." No, scratch that. By definition, the Trumpsters are incapable of seeing the man for what he is. I want to be fair toward those who support this guy, but I just can't see the justification. That the news media must report the crazy, deceitful, ugly things this man says is more than I can stand most days. He's cured me from tuning into live news feeds. That anyone in the country would listen to this liar is outrageous. That he's actually competitive in the Presidential race -- currently embattled, but competitive -- is madness.

Looking from afar my sense is it's a desire for change from the past that Trump tapped into.

Yeah. It's called white supremacy.

When Trump goes I think there are still problems that need addressing - like in any society. It wont be all fixed when he goes.

At the heart of all bigotry is a combination of ignorance, deep insecurity and profound self-loathing. That's why it's so easy to manipulate bigots. All you have to do is agree with them and give them permission to openly hate; to tell them they were right in their assumptions and that, more importantly, the people that taught them to hate--their parents and grandparents--were all "good people" etc. Ignorance is strength. I mean, Orwell spelled it all out, but he was just using the autocratic playbooks of Hitler and Stalin.

That and cognitive dissonance. If your parents and grandparents are ignorant bigots then it can't be that they are bad people, because they're your parents and grandparents. So it must be something ELSE wrong, or that being a bigot isn't wrong. It's exactly how cults operate.

It's endlessly ironic that the same group of people in America who were so easily manipulated by the "red scare" of the fifties and whose children Reagan exploited in the eighties to rise to power are now the ones who have been turned into willing traitors by Trump now that there is an actual Russian invasion, albeit on an evolved battlefield.

And all it took was permission to take pride in being full of hate and ignorance. To be proud of being terrible people and no longer allow anyone to insist they be better people. To eschew shame and personal responsibility. Your hate-filled parents taught you the right things, not the wrong things! And all the lies of white supremacy; that it's not about oppressing others--whites are the real oppressed group, etc.--are all just permission to love your bigotry and bigoted parents/grandparents.

It's brainwashing, but it's being conducted on people who have already opened their own skulls and stand ready with their own wet sponges just waiting for someone in authority to tell them to begin scrubbing in unison. They're the bungled and the botched looking for a cliff to jump off of so long as someone tells them it's in their best interest, because they aren't intelligent enough to figure out it's the exact opposite.

And we who are intelligent enough can only watch them do it. Over and over and over again. Dunning-Kruger Darwinism.

So, yeah, it won't be "fixed" because they're too ignorant to know they're broken and too lazy to give a shit about it in the first place, so anyone that comes along and lies to them about how their flaws are really their strengths--as they bend them over and stick it in--will always get their votes.

We see this exact dynamic played out over and over and over here by the usual suspects. We all know who they are--they know who they are--and yet, it's all just the same sophistry and appeals to the same fallacies over and over and over again and no matter how many times the same idiotic arguments are shredded, they just keep repeating them as if nothing ever counters them and there is an unseen audience that they are playing to, even if that is just ultimately themselves. Again, exactly like a cult.

Endlessly bizarre. The human zoo.
Fuckface Von Clownstick said:
If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING. Do it
, just do it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!

Can we just ban Trump from using superlatives? He's doing it wrong.
Fuckface Von Clownstick said:
If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING. Do it
, just do it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!

Can we just ban Trump from using superlatives? He's doing it wrong.
Funny thing is, a lot of dem leaning commentators are saying the congress should ask (not subpoena) Obama. They know how good he as speaking, and would love to see him dismantling the current crop of GOP bootlickers trying to question him on anything.

Of course, it wouldn't matter to ~45% of the electorate, but that might be enough to push a few of the other idiots back into doing the right thing in Nov.
So Trump is insisting Obama should testify... so is Trump saying that when he isn't President, he'll testify... right after he releases his tax rrecords?
Fuckface Von Clownstick said:
If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING. Do it
, just do it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!

Can we just ban Trump from using superlatives? He's doing it wrong.
Funny thing is, a lot of dem leaning commentators are saying the congress should ask (not subpoena) Obama. They know how good he as speaking, and would love to see him dismantling the current crop of GOP bootlickers trying to question him on anything.
Yeah, they had Hillary Clinton in their sights in the hearing for over 8 hours, and they got nothing. Put Obama in front of them, and they'll leave the room crying.
They know it’s political theater and that he’s going to lose no matter what. They are already distancing themselves.
Plus they all already know what actually happened and that Obama did nothing wrong. It’s the true hoax and Republicans only participate in fake ones.

Huh? I don't recall them declining participation in hoaxes designed to distract from their own failures. I think it's just a matter of math. There simply aren't enough people who are going to retroactively decide that the best president of heir lifetimes was a bad guy to make it worth the effort. I'm sure they're busily reassuring Jabba the President that they can come up with a more effective distraction.
I'm gonna steal something I wrote elsewhere about this "scandal."

A long time ago, a successful prosecutor came to speak in one of my college classes. His conviction rate was 100 percent.

Someone asked why he was so successful, and his answer was simple: "I don't bring a case to trial unless I am 100 percent certain of a guilty verdict."

He only did open-and-shut cases. Sure, he worked out plea deals and such, but when it came to putting a defendant in front of a jury? He would only do it if he had the goods.

According to the Trump administration, it's an open-and-shut case against Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, Clapper, pretty much the entire leadership of the FBI, the FISA courts, etc.

Well then...why haven't you fucksticks done anything about it for almost 4 years? The answer is simple:

You ain't got shit.

If you did, you'd have moved on all these cases "like a bitch," and been able to celebrate bringing "Crooked Hillary" to justice, throwing Joe and Hunter Biden in jail for their "crimes," and hauling the FBI leadership in front of a jury for a trial 'o the century. It would have been the most smashing series of political victories in US history, and would have crippled the Democratic Party for decades. The same thing would have happened if anyone had a case that Obama was not actually eligible to be President because of the birth certificate. You had - according to you - an historic opportunity to finally "get him."

But you did nothing, because you ain't got shit.

"Lock her up" was only used to stir up the base. You never had any intention of actually doing it, because you knew you couldn't.

"Ukraine-gate" failed because of a whistle-blower, but if you had evidence of crimes committed...well, you only brought it up when Biden joined the race and started beating Trump in the polls. To date, not a single legal finger has been raised by the Trump administration against either Joe or Hunter Biden.

The only reason this "scandal" is coming up now (almost 4 years later) is because the tens of thousands of dead and tens of millions unemployed are hurting your poll numbers. You also know that there's no way you could possibly prosecute any of these cases and have them wrapped up by November.

Because you ain't got shit.
I'm gonna steal something I wrote elsewhere about this "scandal."

A long time ago, a successful prosecutor came to speak in one of my college classes. His conviction rate was 100 percent.

Someone asked why he was so successful, and his answer was simple: "I don't bring a case to trial unless I am 100 percent certain of a guilty verdict."

He only did open-and-shut cases. Sure, he worked out plea deals and such, but when it came to putting a defendant in front of a jury? He would only do it if he had the goods.

According to the Trump administration, it's an open-and-shut case against Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, Clapper, pretty much the entire leadership of the FBI, the FISA courts, etc.

Well then...why haven't you fucksticks done anything about it for almost 4 years? The answer is simple:

You ain't got shit.

If you did, you'd have moved on all these cases "like a bitch," and been able to celebrate bringing "Crooked Hillary" to justice, throwing Joe and Hunter Biden in jail for their "crimes," and hauling the FBI leadership in front of a jury for a trial 'o the century. It would have been the most smashing series of political victories in US history, and would have crippled the Democratic Party for decades. The same thing would have happened if anyone had a case that Obama was not actually eligible to be President because of the birth certificate. You had - according to you - an historic opportunity to finally "get him."

But you did nothing, because you ain't got shit.

"Lock her up" was only used to stir up the base. You never had any intention of actually doing it, because you knew you couldn't.

"Ukraine-gate" failed because of a whistle-blower, but if you had evidence of crimes committed...well, you only brought it up when Biden joined the race and started beating Trump in the polls. To date, not a single legal finger has been raised by the Trump administration against either Joe or Hunter Biden.

The only reason this "scandal" is coming up now (almost 4 years later) is because the tens of thousands of dead and tens of millions unemployed are hurting your poll numbers. You also know that there's no way you could possibly prosecute any of these cases and have them wrapped up by November.

Because you ain't got shit.

Sure they have shit.

The orange turd in the White House!

“Well we’re just going to have to leave it there.”
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