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Should the Bidens be Investigated?

“Mr. Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,” the notes from the interview stated. The notes also claimed Shokin was told Biden had held up U.S. aid to Ukraine over the investigation.

Shokin was fired in April 2016, and his case was “closed by the current Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko,” according to the notes. Despite his claims, Shokin, on both sides of the Atlantic, had been widely accused of corruption.

It's entirely possible that Shokin and Giuliani are engaging in a conspiracy of lies, but at least the data that is being presented can be looked at in more detail and checked against other data for alignment.

I kept seeing that the above quote was referencing "the notes" rather than any directly verifiable quote from those supposedly being quoted, so I wondered where these "notes" came from. This caused me to click on a Fox News link, something I normally would never consider doing, so that I could discover that "the notes" were supplied by Giuliana. There is no reason to believe that anything approaching the truth is contained in those notes. I think you need to find another reference for those quotes.
“Mr. Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,” the notes from the interview stated. The notes also claimed Shokin was told Biden had held up U.S. aid to Ukraine over the investigation.

Shokin was fired in April 2016, and his case was “closed by the current Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko,” according to the notes. Despite his claims, Shokin, on both sides of the Atlantic, had been widely accused of corruption.

It's entirely possible that Shokin and Giuliani are engaging in a conspiracy of lies, but at least the data that is being presented can be looked at in more detail and checked against other data for alignment.

I kept seeing that the above quote was referencing "the notes" rather than any directly verifiable quote from those supposedly being quoted, so I wondered where these "notes" came from. This caused me to click on a Fox News link, something I normally would never consider doing, so that I could discover that "the notes" were supplied by Giuliana. There is no reason to believe that anything approaching the truth is contained in those notes. I think you need to find another reference for those quotes.


Guys, Biden's son was on the board. Biden then pressured firing of prosecutor who was investigating company. Biden should have recused himself and not been involved at all. That was mistake#2 at a minimum.

The members and former members of Congress have all learned that Ethics policies are also about conflict of interest and perceptions of conflicts of interests.

Pointing to the investigation being removed by the next prosecutor doesn't add to the company's innocence. It makes things look suspicious, like they got away with something.

Reminder: this thread is not about President Twitler McCrazyPants.

Lots of people wanted the Ukrainian sacked. Including the heads of IMF. Obama finally decided to act and demand just that. No use pouring money down a corrupt rat hole. Biden was just Obama's messenger.
Guys, Biden's son was on the board. Biden then pressured firing of prosecutor who was investigating company. Biden should have recused himself and not been involved at all. That was mistake#2 at a minimum.

The members and former members of Congress have all learned that Ethics policies are also about conflict of interest and perceptions of conflicts of interests.

Pointing to the investigation being removed by the next prosecutor doesn't add to the company's innocence. It makes things look suspicious, like they got away with something.

Reminder: this thread is not about President Twitler McCrazyPants.

Lots of people wanted the Ukrainian sacked. Including the heads of IMF. Obama finally decided to act and demand just that. No use pouring money down a corrupt rat hole. Biden was just Obama's messenger.
You mean like how Pence was the message when Pence was cancelled for an appearance in Ukraine? Something like that?
Guys, Biden's son was on the board. Biden then pressured firing of prosecutor who was investigating company. Biden should have recused himself and not been involved at all. That was mistake#2 at a minimum.

The members and former members of Congress have all learned that Ethics policies are also about conflict of interest and perceptions of conflicts of interests.

Pointing to the investigation being removed by the next prosecutor doesn't add to the company's innocence. It makes things look suspicious, like they got away with something.

Reminder: this thread is not about President Twitler McCrazyPants.

I thought the investigation was over and done with before Biden was brought on board.
Guys, Biden's son was on the board. Biden then pressured firing of prosecutor who was investigating company. Biden should have recused himself and not been involved at all. That was mistake#2 at a minimum.

The members and former members of Congress have all learned that Ethics policies are also about conflict of interest and perceptions of conflicts of interests.

Pointing to the investigation being removed by the next prosecutor doesn't add to the company's innocence. It makes things look suspicious, like they got away with something.

Reminder: this thread is not about President Twitler McCrazyPants.

I thought the investigation was over and done with before Biden was brought on board.

Everyone should be investigated of course. And if they oppose Donald Trump, jaywalking should be a capital offense.
(Donald can shoot you on 5th Avenue and hang your body from a light pole as an example)

The Hunter Biden Timeline

Sorry, I was wrong in my earlier post.

At this time, Shokin was not investigating Burisma, the energy company on which Hunter Biden held a board seat. This is one of the (many) reasons he was considered corrupt.

Joe Biden later told the story of Shokin’s firing like this: “I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.” Now, this might be a bit of Biden exaggeration, but it accurately describes the general attitude toward Shokin at the time.

A new Prosecutor General was appointed and immediately reopened the investigation into Burisma. In other words, by switching prosecutors Biden probably made things harder on his son, not easier.

The new prosecutor eventually reached a deal with Burisma. As with everything in Ukraine, it’s unclear if this was on the up-and-up, but in any case it happened after Trump had won election and Joe Biden no longer had any power or influence.
I think it goes like that:
1. Investigation of Burisma starts under Shockin
2. Burisma hires bunch of names including former president of Poland and cocaine user with a last name Biden.
3. Investigation stops (I wonder why?)
4. Joe Biden on a white horse appears on a scene and gives his "Son of a Bitch" speech.
5 Shockin is replaced with a new guy. The guy I understand has no education in law and is famous for drunken rage on the airplane plus being in prison for something else. Joe Biden calls him a solid guy.
6. The end.

I understand that big shot politicians as everybody else want the best for their loser kids.
Guys, Biden's son was on the board. Biden then pressured firing of prosecutor who was investigating company. Biden should have recused himself and not been involved at all. That was mistake#2 at a minimum.

The members and former members of Congress have all learned that Ethics policies are also about conflict of interest and perceptions of conflicts of interests.

Pointing to the investigation being removed by the next prosecutor doesn't add to the company's innocence. It makes things look suspicious, like they got away with something.

Reminder: this thread is not about President Twitler McCrazyPants.

Timeline error. His son was not on the board at that time.

That being said, Biden should be investigated--but I think all presidential candidates should be investigated. Do a standard TS/SCI background check on them. While the president doesn't actually need a security clearance, let people know what was found in deciding who to vote for.
First, this thread is not about Trump. I have to say this because no doubt, it will be difficult to discuss an investigation of Biden without mentioning key figures in our executive branch who have conflicts of interest around such investigation. The question is meant to be completely independent of President Douchebag McBullyFace and his cronies.

So, now, trying to look at the issue idependently...Hunter Biden had gotten kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use or something like that? He had barely any qualifications but somehow landed a job on the board of a Ukranian corp making $50k a month, i.e. $600k a year. He should not have had the job. The company was being investigated. Biden sr pressured the prosecutor allegedly. Right wing sources, known to lie, say Biden admitted to the pressure. True or Alternate fact?

Biden also said Hunter never talked to him about business dealings. But there's a photo of him with Hunter and a Ukrainian oil CEO playing golf. That isn't proof. In fact, none of this is proof, but it all has the pattern of corruption.

Why I want to ask the question:
1. I do not want to be a partisan and therefore I do not want to have my OWN conflict of interest in saying no, just because Biden is a Democrat.
2. If Biden becomes President and he is corrupt, it's no good for us.


You may not want to talk about the NOTUS (Narcissist of the United States), but you are willing to accept the premise of the argument.

First as to Hunter Biden's qualifications for the Board of Directors, he was there because he might be able to be used by the owner of the company. John Kerry's son was also on the board. SO what does that prove/

Next, Biden didn't set the policy (he did contribute to it) The policy of the IMF, EU abd the US Government was the prosecutor had to go because he was corrupt. It nothing to do with his son as if the EU and IMF gave 2 shits about helping Hunter Biden.

Finally, The picture of the Biden's Golfing was with another American Director of the company. So he was not golfing with any Russian.


Joe Biden may be too old, he may not be as sharp as he once was, he may be out of step with the Democratic base, He is not corrupt. Anyone who accepts the false equivalence between the NOTUS and the VP is a complete and total moron who should not be allowed to vote on the grounds they are mentally defective
Rudy Giuliani caught trying to score cash from Ukraine gas company while accusing Hunter Biden of the same

In an ironic twist, Rudy Giuliani has been caught trying to make money off of a Ukraine gas company while trying to accuse former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter of doing the same.

The Associated Press reported Sunday that Giuliani was trying to score major cash while manifesting a conspiracy theory to sink the Bidens.

“Their aims were profit, not politics,” the AP reported. “This circle of businessmen and Republican donors touted connections to Giuliani and Trump while trying to install new management at the top of Ukraine’s massive state gas company. Their plan was to then steer lucrative contracts to companies controlled by Trump allies, according to two people with knowledge of their plans.”

Meanwhile, Giuliani and Trump were trying to get Ukraine leaders to say the Bidens were the corrupt ones.

The plan “hit a snag,” the AP reported, after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko lost his reelection to Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who ran on a campaign of ridding the country of its corruption problems. Zelenskiy, however, is now caught up in a corruption scandal with Giuliani and Trump.
If the Bidens are investigated and cleared, will that investigation uncover enough evidence to allow Trump and Trump associates be sued for lies, character assassination, defamation, libel and slander? If so, maybe investigation of the Biden charges is warranted. Get as many facts as possible on record. That will make it easy for the lawyers to help justice to be done.

I think if we look at it from that angle, an investigation of the Biden's is a fine, fine idea. Of course people like William Barr should recuse themselves from anything to do with any such investigations.
I think if we look at it from that angle, an investigation of the Biden's is a fine, fine idea.
Um, should we maybe think this through?
You're saying, "Let's prove that Trump was wrong to use the office to investigate political rivals by using an investigation in hopes of damaging political opposition."

I would rather directly investigate TRUMP for lies, abuse of power, felony violations of campaign finance laws because he broke the law and bragged about it.
I think if we look at it from that angle, an investigation of the Biden's is a fine, fine idea.
Um, should we maybe think this through?
You're saying, "Let's prove that Trump was wrong to use the office to investigate political rivals by using an investigation in hopes of damaging political opposition."

I would rather directly investigate TRUMP for lies, abuse of power, felony violations of campaign finance laws because he broke the law and bragged about it.

The bold part is the exact chain of events set off by the actions of the skunk administration. Anything done at this point (this includes a legal impeachment inquiry) tugs at the fragile fabric of the election process. It's a bigly mess.
I think if we look at it from that angle, an investigation of the Biden's is a fine, fine idea.
Um, should we maybe think this through?
You're saying, "Let's prove that Trump was wrong to use the office to investigate political rivals by using an investigation in hopes of damaging political opposition."

I would rather directly investigate TRUMP for lies, abuse of power, felony violations of campaign finance laws because he broke the law and bragged about it.

The bold part is the exact chain of events set off by the actions of the skunk administration. Anything done at this point (this includes a legal impeachment inquiry) tugs at the fragile fabric of the election process. It's a bigly mess.

Yes, but investigating Biden in the hopes it'll splash on Trump is messier by bigly squared.
I think if we look at it from that angle, an investigation of the Biden's is a fine, fine idea.
Um, should we maybe think this through?
You're saying, "Let's prove that Trump was wrong to use the office to investigate political rivals by using an investigation in hopes of damaging political opposition."

I would rather directly investigate TRUMP for lies, abuse of power, felony violations of campaign finance laws because he broke the law and bragged about it.

Yes. Call his bluff. Investigate. Clear the Biden's officially and move on to preparing to sue Trump after he is out of office for slander and libel. Remember, Trumpo wants to reform libel laws to make it easier to sue libellers.
What bluff?
He jimmied up a scandal and tried to outsource the work overseas. Why reward that behavior?
Here is what Fox is saying now:
Document reveals Ukraine had already reopened probe of Hunter Biden-linked firm months before Trump phone call

If Burisma is guilty of something, it doesn't mean Biden is.

Also, they are promoting different info:
The Democrat also faced criticism from Trump and his allies after a video resurfaced showing the ex-vice president appearing to brag about pressuring to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired. That prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, also had been looking into Burisma.

Giuliani is saying the prosecutor was investigating Burisma.
Here is what Fox is saying now:
Document reveals Ukraine had already reopened probe of Hunter Biden-linked firm months before Trump phone call

If Burisma is guilty of something, it doesn't mean Biden is.

Also, they are promoting different info:
The Democrat also faced criticism from Trump and his allies after a video resurfaced showing the ex-vice president appearing to brag about pressuring to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired. That prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, also had been looking into Burisma.

Giuliani is saying the prosecutor was investigating Burisma.
Giuliana is saying it, but he is the only one saying it. Is it worth mentioning that Giuliana wasn't there when the investigation was reopened and he is using second and third source information?
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