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Shroud of Turin claims just won't go away.


May 2, 2003
ɹǝpunuʍop puɐן
Now it's a claim that new research proves not only the right dating for the material, but supernatural agency for the creation of the image. :cool:


Faith and Science align, haha.....
Don't Christians realize that the Second Coming will only take place when the DNA on the shroud is used to fertilize an ovum from a suitably virtuous young woman? I mean, Jurassic Park, already. I nominate Ivanka, but the time window is narrowing. She's 38. If she gets cracking this year, there could be a little fluffy-haired Jesus Trump Kushner romping around the Oval Office, although something tells me Grandpa would be saying, "You're getting too big for your fuckin' britches, junior savior. Don't forget the rallies. I'm the one that puts asses in the seats."
On second thought, forget Jurassic Park. I think I'm having a flashback to The Omen.
I was going to quibble at using 'virtuous' with a Trump. But i realize 'suitably' takes the curse off it. The fundies wanted an adulterous, covetous, avaricious, gluttonous, wrathful, proud sloth to lead their Christain Nation to glory, they should be okay with any savior birthed thru one of those corruptors, a baby to make Tiamat look like Toothless.
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