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Sidney Powell... well... keep the fragile stuff away when you read this

What Im wondering is how Powell thought she could have ever got away with spreading her lies. What was her motivation? What would be her payoff? Some kind of under the table bribe?

Jesus fucking Christ, who are you trying to fool? You know this forum has an easy search function right?

Basically, Powell thought she could get away with her lies because for a very long time people like yourself let her. Trump supporters will believe any bullshit without hesitation, without reservation if it makes their dear leader look good. You know, like how some people speculated that the Jan 6 insurrection was possibly a Democrat false flag operation.
So, does the part where her lawyers state (my emphasis): "Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support Defendants' position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process." mean they are saying Red Hats are idiots?

I thought courts tried claims of fact; if so Powell was presenting these "claims" as facts.

Considering how Trump's other prominent legal expert claims truth isn't truth, I'm starting to wonder if Trump really does hire the best people.
I doubt that Fox News and similar sources gave much (or any) space to the story.

Correct. Just used the search function on FoxNews.com and not a single story about it or the defamation lawsuit in general.

The most popular leader of Fox News' fanbase in decades if not history, and not one mention of the fact that his campaign lawyer admitted to telling them lies and believes they are unreasonable people.
Given her target audience, I can't imagine the court is going to apply the "reasonable person" standard.

Maybe Dominion's lawyers are carefully crafting a legalese translation of "Ms Powell, did you believe what you said in public?"

"Did Donald J Trump believe your public statements?"

She is culpable in the violent Capitol treason.

A traitor. Deliberately lying about election results and getting the unreasonable very upset.

My guess is she has a golden parachute.

Not the kind with a paper trail, a signed document. More the "Don, my career is now a disaster. I'd hate to have to bring up that conversation we had, but I could really use $20,000,000 next week.

Maybe I shouldn't have recorded it, but I did. Now, please be reasonable..."
Something else it's important to point out.

Here in our legal system, lawyers don't get paid for honesty. They get paid for results, by whatever means necessary.

ETA ~What that means is that she will have a high paying career if Trump gets away with this. Doesn't matter if she gets disbarred.~
She is culpable in the violent Capitol treason.

A traitor. Deliberately lying about election results and getting the unreasonable very upset.

My guess is she has a golden parachute.

Not the kind with a paper trail, a signed document. More the "Don, my career is now a disaster. I'd hate to have to bring up that conversation we had, but I could really use $20,000,000 next week.

Maybe I shouldn't have recorded it, but I did. Now, please be reasonable..."

... Trump: "Wrap your lips around my cock before any more stupid leaks out from them".
She is culpable in the violent Capitol treason.

A traitor. Deliberately lying about election results and getting the unreasonable very upset.

My guess is she has a golden parachute.

Not the kind with a paper trail, a signed document. More the "Don, my career is now a disaster. I'd hate to have to bring up that conversation we had, but I could really use $20,000,000 next week.

Maybe I shouldn't have recorded it, but I did. Now, please be reasonable..."

I'm not sure Trump has $20 mil. I would love to see her try something like that though. She would definitely get sent inside for extortion then.
If the court finds someone is "not a reasonable person" under a defamation suit, could that be used as evidence of their mental unfitness in general, such a with power of attorney issues, parental rights, etc.?

Gun ownership?
I guess Fox News really doesn't want to mention this story in part b/c they have used very similar arguments in court to rationalize their own lies, claiming it's okay for them to tell blatant lies that cause harm, b/c they are not really an actual "News" channel and merely meant as non-factual "entertainment".
What Im wondering is how Powell thought she could have ever got away with spreading her lies. What was her motivation? What would be her payoff? Some kind of under the table bribe?
I think they forgot. The right-wing has been slanderous for decades, but they targeted public targets, targets where defamation is a world record pole vault. But they forgot that, and so they defamed a private entity, forgetting the rules aren't remotely the same.

Pretty much this.
The GOP lying and slandering kinda got away from them.

I second this.

GOP SOP is making shit up. For-profit corporations though can fight that in ways politicians cannot.
So the GOP platform is now:
"Vote for us because no reasonable person would ever believe anything we say, and therefore we need to vote reasonable people out of government".
So the GOP platform is now:
"Vote for us because no reasonable person would ever believe anything we say, and therefore we need to vote reasonable people out of government".

Sad, but true.

I remember the Republicans from years ago. It wasn't like this. But it is now.

Voter suppression and lying about GOP lies already told are now the Republican stock in trade.

Sad, really. There used to be principled conservatives running the party of Lincoln.
She is culpable in the violent Capitol treason.

A traitor. Deliberately lying about election results and getting the unreasonable very upset.

My guess is she has a golden parachute.

Not the kind with a paper trail, a signed document. More the "Don, my career is now a disaster. I'd hate to have to bring up that conversation we had, but I could really use $20,000,000 next week.

Maybe I shouldn't have recorded it, but I did. Now, please be reasonable..."

I'm not sure Trump has $20 mil.
I'm sure that Trump isn't as wealthy as he claims. But I'm sure he could find $20M if the alternative was taking a bigger hit, financially.
I would love to see her try something like that though.
So would I.
She would definitely get sent inside for extortion then.
Why are you confident about that?

She is a very good lawyer. She convinced millions of people something she now claims was too stupid to believe. I'm sure she can express herself to her exboss in carefully massaged language that doesn't quite demonstrate extortion. But Trump would understand, he's been playing that game for decades.
I expressed the message in simplistic terms we little people would understand. I'm sure Powell could better express it in terms a predatory billionaire would understand, without opening herself up to extortion charges.
Go back to Sioux Center, Iowa, five years ago, when Trump told the crowd that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and he wouldn't lose any of his support. The crowd lapped it up -- but he was insulting them and their basic moral deficits! So now, a Trump lawyer is telling the Trumpies that they are dolts and shouldn't have believed the crazy shit they've been fed since the election. Has there ever been a cult of zanies with their heads deeper inside their idol's rectum?
She is culpable in the violent Capitol treason.

A traitor. Deliberately lying about election results and getting the unreasonable very upset.

My guess is she has a golden parachute.

Not the kind with a paper trail, a signed document. More the "Don, my career is now a disaster. I'd hate to have to bring up that conversation we had, but I could really use $20,000,000 next week.

Maybe I shouldn't have recorded it, but I did. Now, please be reasonable..."

I'm not sure Trump has $20 mil. I would love to see her try something like that though. She would definitely get sent inside for extortion then.

People talk about Trump's financial distress, but he isn't cash-poor. Aren't suckers still pouring $10+ million per month into his PAC, essentially an unaccountable slush fund? His kids made $100s of millions while serving as "White House advisors." And other top crooks, like Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (one of the very richest men in the world), may still have incentive to help the Trump crime family indirectly.

Trump loves to throw his sucker supporters under the bus, but I think he could arrange golden parachutes when necessary. Switzerland no longer offers anonymous bank accounts IIUC, but I'm sure the big boys know how to set up such things somewhere.
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