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So...is wondering about THIS also to swallow a wild, unhinged conspiracy theory?


Oct 7, 2020
Ohio, U.S.
Basic Beliefs
Several of us were recently upbraided for daring to have the temerity to wonder, in early stages, if perhaps Donald J. Trump was faking having Covid-19 (for reasons known but to him) before it was unreasonable to do so. That came to mind, as I heard the following:

Trump has been telling the same "joke" at his super-spreader events of late--some variant of, "If I lose, I may leave the country." He said it in Minnesota, Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina. In Iowa, he said that if he lost,
"I may never have to come back here again.... I'll never be back."

It's...a strange thing to joke about. Even for a man whose sense of humor demonstrably sucks ass. Friday night, though, in Georgia, he phrased his "joke" differently, saying,
"Could you imagine if I lose? What am I going to do? ... I'm not going to feel so good. Maybe I'll have to leave the country. I don't know."

Now, then.
GIVEN that a shit ton of legal consequences await him once he's not under the protective cover afforded him by the office of the Presidency, and
GIVEN that he is starting to show signs that at some dim level, he's becoming cognitively aware that he might (could very well) LOSE, and
GIVEN that he is interested in one and only one thing, ever, which is the welfare of Donald J. Trump...

is it possible that he's planting a seed in the populace by suggesting "I couldn't even, under a President Biden, why, I'd leave the country before I lived in Slow Joe's crime-ridden America, blah blah blah"...to cover his real intention of lamming it from the law in order to escape prosecution? New York, alone, seems cocked and loaded for him for a multitude of VERY serious offenses--both by him and his company.

I, for one, find it at *least* plausible, and reasonable to ponder. Of course, that may just be wild unhinged conspiracy thinking, to some...proof of my own Trump Derangement Syndrome acting up again. I ALSO wonder if more than one prosecutor might be engaging in this same wild unhinged conspiracy thinking as well, and wondering how/when/if an ex-President could be extradited from wherever-he-flees-to-that-isn't-Iowa...or if steps need to be taken, pre-election, to determine if the incumbent President represents a "flight risk.'

He's already an unindicted co-conspirator in the Stormy Daniels payoff scandal that his lawyer went to jail for. I don't see why those indictments could not be prepared a couple days before the end of his term and he could be placed in handcuffs the moment Biden is sworn in.

One can dream...
Several of us were recently upbraided for daring to have the temerity to wonder, in early stages, if perhaps Donald J. Trump was faking having Covid-19 (for reasons known but to him) before it was unreasonable to do so.

As much as I would like to reminisce about that dumpster fire of a "discussion", I'd like to clarify that no one said they believed it was a hoax - just that it's completely understandable that someone could and that a coherent argument could be made if one was so inclined.

As for the scenario you described, yeah I could see it as highly possible. If I had to guess between Trump facing the music/staying his ground or attempting doing a runner to escape accountability, I would bet on the latter. However, I am highly skeptical that Trump is a realistic flight risk. The scenarios that involve people like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden involve foreign nations giving the middle finger to America. I'm certain a significant potion of Americans would just be grateful if he fucked the fuck off and never returned. And he has nothing tangible to offer a foreign nation the cunt is more of a liability than an asset once he ceases to be President (however that may come about.)

I do think there is a lot of planning as to what happens after the Federal election. That's what lawyers do. Hopefully, it will be deciding whether or not Trump's enablers should be prosecuted for things like taking a job for a private company that detains illegal immigrants whilst spearheading the policy when working in the Whitehouse. Or being part of a multi million dollar scam for building a fake wall at the border whilst pushing Whitehouse talking points. Trump is a fucking arsehole, but he was never the problem; it is the people behind the curtain who are dangerous. I would argue that legislation to prevent this shitshow from ever happening again takes a higher priority than going after Trump. Though I admit I'd have a little giggle if a case could be made against Trump so airtight, he loses everything in civil forfeiture as a consequence.
There's also the cartoonish (yet plausible, to reach for that word again) spectre of Trump successfully pardoning himself, which seems to live in a murky grey area, never well and truly tested. But one in which a sympathetic Supreme Court might provide refuge--perhaps in Trump's mind one of the primary reasons to establish a reliably Righty Court in the first place. (Because please don't tell me that was out of a deep-seated personal desire for advancing the Conservative principles so dear to him.
He wanted another instrument that could help him.)

Of course, he can't pardon away State charges, which, hello, New York. Which might be the most serious, with the greatest likelihood of a conviction, and the ones he'd be most incentivised to avoid at all costs.
We'll see, I guess.
There's also the cartoonish (yet plausible, to reach for that word again) spectre of Trump successfully pardoning himself, which seems to live in a murky grey area, never well and truly tested. But one in which a sympathetic Supreme Court might provide refuge--perhaps in Trump's mind one of the primary reasons to establish a reliably Righty Court in the first place. (Because please don't tell me that was out of a deep-seated personal desire for advancing the Conservative principles so dear to him.
He wanted another instrument that could help him.)

Of course, he can't pardon away State charges, which, hello, New York. Which might be the most serious, with the greatest likelihood of a conviction, and the ones he'd be most incentivised to avoid at all costs.
We'll see, I guess.

If he parsons himself, the house can impeach him over it, and the Senate gets one piece of information, "Trump admitted guilt in accepting his own pardon". Ar which point, weird things happen.
Several of us were recently upbraided for daring to have the temerity to wonder, in early stages, if perhaps Donald J. Trump was faking having Covid-19 (for reasons known but to him) before it was unreasonable to do so. That came to mind, as I heard the following:

Trump has been telling the same "joke" at his super-spreader events of late--some variant of, "If I lose, I may leave the country." He said it in Minnesota, Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina. In Iowa, he said that if he lost,
"I may never have to come back here again.... I'll never be back."

It's...a strange thing to joke about. Even for a man whose sense of humor demonstrably sucks ass. Friday night, though, in Georgia, he phrased his "joke" differently, saying,
"Could you imagine if I lose? What am I going to do? ... I'm not going to feel so good. Maybe I'll have to leave the country. I don't know."

Now, then.
GIVEN that a shit ton of legal consequences await him once he's not under the protective cover afforded him by the office of the Presidency, and
GIVEN that he is starting to show signs that at some dim level, he's becoming cognitively aware that he might (could very well) LOSE, and
GIVEN that he is interested in one and only one thing, ever, which is the welfare of Donald J. Trump...

is it possible that he's planting a seed in the populace by suggesting "I couldn't even, under a President Biden, why, I'd leave the country before I lived in Slow Joe's crime-ridden America, blah blah blah"...to cover his real intention of lamming it from the law in order to escape prosecution? New York, alone, seems cocked and loaded for him for a multitude of VERY serious offenses--both by him and his company.

I, for one, find it at *least* plausible, and reasonable to ponder. Of course, that may just be wild unhinged conspiracy thinking, to some...proof of my own Trump Derangement Syndrome acting up again. I ALSO wonder if more than one prosecutor might be engaging in this same wild unhinged conspiracy thinking as well, and wondering how/when/if an ex-President could be extradited from wherever-he-flees-to-that-isn't-Iowa...or if steps need to be taken, pre-election, to determine if the incumbent President represents a "flight risk.'


No brainer. Of course it's a softening exercise. One that should gravely concern anyone who hopes for the survival of the USA as a country aspiring to representative government.
There are probably crimes more numerous and unspeakable that he has committed that he knows will come to light once the cloak of the Office is gone.

It's hard to know how much damage Trump could do if he defected to say Russia or Saudi Arabia, but it would be worth a pretty penny to them.
It's hard to know how much damage Trump could do if he defected to say Russia or Saudi Arabia, but it would be worth a pretty penny to them.

Honestly, I don't think Trump would be worth much to a foreign power. If he left, what influence would he have? He certainly doesn't inspire loyalty from his former employees. He doesn't have any real personal power; the military aren't too fond of him. He doesn't have any measurable material resources, he owes a fuckton more than what he could pay. And finally, Republicans and Trumptards are notorious for their selective memories. They tried to forget George W Bush during the 2008 election because of that Iraq kerfuffle. John McCain was a bad smell after 2012 and Mitt Romney was eviscerated because just once he refused to stay up Trumps colon until the canary died. The Republican campaign of rewriting history and assert that none of them supported Trump will commence 0.00000001 seconds after he leaves office, if not sooner. There's nothing substantial Trump can offer to another country.

And foreign leaders aren't like American Mayors. They'll want cash up front first. Trump has nothing to give.
It's hard to know how much damage Trump could do if he defected to say Russia or Saudi Arabia, but it would be worth a pretty penny to them.

Honestly, I don't think Trump would be worth much to a foreign power. If he left, what influence would he have? He certainly doesn't inspire loyalty from his former employees. He doesn't have any real personal power; the military aren't too fond of him. He doesn't have any measurable material resources, he owes a fuckton more than what he could pay. And finally, Republicans and Trumptards are notorious for their selective memories. They tried to forget George W Bush during the 2008 election because of that Iraq kerfuffle. John McCain was a bad smell after 2012 and Mitt Romney was eviscerated because just once he refused to stay up Trumps colon until the canary died. The Republican campaign of rewriting history and assert that none of them supported Trump will commence 0.00000001 seconds after he leaves office, if not sooner. There's nothing substantial Trump can offer to another country.

And foreign leaders aren't like American Mayors. They'll want cash up front first. Trump has nothing to give.

He could be useful to Putin yet as a noisemaker and propaganda-piece.

As far as the rewrite, they're already underway https://www.star-telegram.com/news/politics-government/article246503045.html
It's hard to know how much damage Trump could do if he defected to say Russia or Saudi Arabia, but it would be worth a pretty penny to them.

Honestly, I don't think Trump would be worth much to a foreign power. If he left, what influence would he have? He certainly doesn't inspire loyalty from his former employees.

No power, just information. Where the eggs are hidden sort of thing. Of course, information with Trump the only thing behind it might be worthless to anyone without further leverage against him ... and it is doubtful that his pea brain can hold much in any event, so you may be right.
He could be useful to Putin yet as a noisemaker and propaganda-piece.
Ever see the Simpson's episode where Homer was insulting the Coast Guard from beyond the 12-mile-limit? "We can't hesr you! Please vvome 3.2 miles closer!"

What if all media ignored Trump unless he was posting/broadcasting from someplace with an extradition treaty? "We cannot hear you from that time zone. Please step three borders to the West."
He'll stay here in the land of Whoppers with Cheese. He will continue to hold rallies with the idiots who survived his Covid Orgy 2020 campaign. Their adulation is better than heroin with fentanyl and a whipped cream chaser to him. He will tweet until his damn thumbs are crippled with arthritis. Trump will have a masterful second act, something like The Second Lost Cause. He should take over as chancellor of Liberty University. Or start a Q army with Q insignias and baseball hats. I dearly hope there will be some stiff legal consequences for Stormygate and tax fraud and whatever else is pursuable, but somehow I fear that sleazeballs on his level can throw up endless legal challenges. First of course we have to pry this fat orange leech out of the White House.
I think of his loans that will come due. How is Trump the business doing? Is the name becoming toxic? He has a lot of debt coming due in the next four years. He desperately wants to stay to use the presidential signature to pay off those loans. Should he get reelected, "conflict of interest" will become a joke of a term.
But lose he will, in a rout that will show just how fed up the American people are. History will state that what had become accepted as his concession speech was a final comment to his faithful followers: "At least I won't have to be around you disgusting people anymore." Right-wing historians and the Texas Board of Education will ponder for years just who he was referring to.
In his final months as President of the United States, Trump will strike a deal with Schumer to live out his remaining days in silence at Mar-a-Lago to avoid any further investigations. Schumer, who is sitting on the pot listening to Trump's pathetic pleadings will tell him to go get Nancy's okay on it first.
But his time at Mar-A-Lago will not be peaceful because here come the creditors. They will come for it all. Hounding the entire Trump crime family. They will be in fear for their lives from some of those who have extended credit to them and will demand an outsized Secret Service detail as the Secret Service struggles just to maintain a highly reluctant force around the former president. The adult children have to fend for themselves. Trump will let Ivanka enjoy the protection of Mar-a-Lago free of charge. Melania will cling to Barron for the remaining time he is entitled to a Secret Service detail. She will then send him off to a private school, paying for only the first semester and disappearing. Rumor will have it she went back to her home country and became mayor of Lower Slobovia. But is that really her?
Trump will die three years after being evacuated (think bowels) from the Oval Office. He will lose his balance, hitting his head on the toilet. His final thoughts will be of the piss splatter he intentionally left for the brown lady to clean up. Why had he not ordered her up sooner to clean.

Fade out.
If he parsons himself, the house can impeach him over it, and the Senate gets one piece of information, "Trump admitted guilt in accepting his own pardon". Ar which point, weird things happen.

How does he make himself into clergy? :)
If he parsons himself, the house can impeach him over it, and the Senate gets one piece of information, "Trump admitted guilt in accepting his own pardon". Ar which point, weird things happen.

How does he make himself into clergy? :)

Well, pretty sure he qualified as the head of the Church of Antichrist when he gassed out the people doing good works in front of a church so he could hold a Bible upside down and backwards for the camera.

Or maybe he did it sneakily when I was typing on a keyboard with fat fingers. Who knows?
Can't impeach him if he's no longer President, and pardons are usually given out in teh last days of a Presidency. What he can't do with surety is pardon himself and then have the transfer of power drag on and on via the courts.
It's hard to know how much damage Trump could do if he defected to say Russia or Saudi Arabia, but it would be worth a pretty penny to them.

Honestly, I don't think Trump would be worth much to a foreign power. If he left, what influence would he have? He certainly doesn't inspire loyalty from his former employees. He doesn't have any real personal power; the military aren't too fond of him. He doesn't have any measurable material resources, he owes a fuckton more than what he could pay. And finally, Republicans and Trumptards are notorious for their selective memories. They tried to forget George W Bush during the 2008 election because of that Iraq kerfuffle. John McCain was a bad smell after 2012 and Mitt Romney was eviscerated because just once he refused to stay up Trumps colon until the canary died. The Republican campaign of rewriting history and assert that none of them supported Trump will commence 0.00000001 seconds after he leaves office, if not sooner. There's nothing substantial Trump can offer to another country.

And foreign leaders aren't like American Mayors. They'll want cash up front first. Trump has nothing to give.

he has state secrets
he has state secrets
He has a worse attention span than an Alabama voter.

He's been exposed to some secrets, but i doubt he remembers any.
And most of the good stuff is buried in the daily reports he won't read...
No, his only worth to any foreign power is if he has the authority to make policy, pull troops, and appoint convivial authorites. Out of office, with his appointments replaced, he's gonna be worth dick.
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