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So...is wondering about THIS also to swallow a wild, unhinged conspiracy theory?

It's even worse folks...
He has state secrets, like jab said.
He also is a complete moron about it, as Keith points out.
What's worse is that he doesn't even know the context or relevance of what small fragments of highly sensitive information he potentially remembers... nor does he comprehend the notion of someone else knowing more than him about anything. Therefore, he is is incapable of even knowing what impact anything he might remember being disclosed to any particular entity may ever have.
Oh, I think he's got a shitload of plans to escape justice if he loses the election and fails to completely hijack all branches of government before the end of his term. I'm sure he's got a number of contingencies set up and ready to protect him from accountability when the office of the Presidency is no longer his to hide behind. I'd bet my life on it. He's stupid, but he clearly has an intact sense of self preservation and a life long history of criminality and criminal connections. I'd be very surprised if we see Trump again after January if he loses.
Oh, I think he's got a shitload of plans to escape justice if he loses the election and fails to completely hijack all branches of government before the end of his term. I'm sure he's got a number of contingencies set up and ready to protect him from accountability when the office of the Presidency is no longer his to hide behind. I'd bet my life on it. He's stupid, but he clearly has an intact sense of self preservation and a life long history of criminality and criminal connections. I'd be very surprised if we see Trump again after January if he loses.

I certainly don't think he's ever going to be a member of that exclusive "club" of ex-Presidents, who come together regardless of what party their administration represented. He's never going to be welcome within that group, after doing so much to trash the traditions of it.
he has state secrets
He has a worse attention span than an Alabama voter.

He's been exposed to some secrets, but i doubt he remembers any.
And most of the good stuff is buried in the daily reports he won't read...
No, his only worth to any foreign power is if he has the authority to make policy, pull troops, and appoint convivial authorites. Out of office, with his appointments replaced, he's gonna be worth dick.

he can access copies of those state secrets and secure them to himself without actually having read them.
Oh, I think he's got a shitload of plans to escape justice if he loses the election and fails to completely hijack all branches of government before the end of his term. I'm sure he's got a number of contingencies set up and ready to protect him from accountability when the office of the Presidency is no longer his to hide behind. I'd bet my life on it. He's stupid, but he clearly has an intact sense of self preservation and a life long history of criminality and criminal connections. I'd be very surprised if we see Trump again after January if he loses.

It would be nice if he fell off the map. That's not going to happen unless he croaks.
Even if he has to moor an old scow in international waters and scream at people over a pirate radio station, he will try to keep a spotlight on himself. We might not see him, but I'm sure we'll hear him until he croaks.
Oh, I think he's got a shitload of plans to escape justice if he loses the election and fails to completely hijack all branches of government before the end of his term. I'm sure he's got a number of contingencies set up and ready to protect him from accountability when the office of the Presidency is no longer his to hide behind. I'd bet my life on it. He's stupid, but he clearly has an intact sense of self preservation and a life long history of criminality and criminal connections. I'd be very surprised if we see Trump again after January if he loses.

It would be nice if he fell off the map. That's not going to happen unless he croaks.
Even if he has to moor an old scow in international waters and scream at people over a pirate radio station, he will try to keep a spotlight on himself. We might not see him, but I'm sure we'll hear him until he croaks.
I've got hopes that his extreme level of compromise leads to him having a short expiration date; that his secret service detail isn't around for the moment he falls out a window, backwards, onto some coincidentally strange conical pieces of lead.
he has state secrets
He has a worse attention span than an Alabama voter.

He's been exposed to some secrets, but i doubt he remembers any.
And most of the good stuff is buried in the daily reports he won't read...
No, his only worth to any foreign power is if he has the authority to make policy, pull troops, and appoint convivial authorites. Out of office, with his appointments replaced, he's gonna be worth dick.

he can access copies of those state secrets and secure them to himself without actually having read them.

Um, no. Those bfiefings are in a secure room. He's not the guy who takes the binders in and out of the room. He's certainly not tghe guy who operates the copier, not without raising alarms.

Every intel arrest ups the paranoia of the classified handlers. Thanks to Walker, strangely, it's no longer kosher to grab a classified folder and wander past the Xerox machine.
Several of us were recently upbraided for daring to have the temerity to wonder, in early stages, if perhaps Donald J. Trump was faking having Covid-19 (for reasons known but to him) before it was unreasonable to do so. That came to mind, as I heard the following:

Trump has been telling the same "joke" at his super-spreader events of late--some variant of, "If I lose, I may leave the country." He said it in Minnesota, Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina. In Iowa, he said that if he lost,
"I may never have to come back here again.... I'll never be back."

It's...a strange thing to joke about. Even for a man whose sense of humor demonstrably sucks ass. Friday night, though, in Georgia, he phrased his "joke" differently, saying,
"Could you imagine if I lose? What am I going to do? ... I'm not going to feel so good. Maybe I'll have to leave the country. I don't know."

Now, then.
GIVEN that a shit ton of legal consequences await him once he's not under the protective cover afforded him by the office of the Presidency, and
GIVEN that he is starting to show signs that at some dim level, he's becoming cognitively aware that he might (could very well) LOSE, and
GIVEN that he is interested in one and only one thing, ever, which is the welfare of Donald J. Trump...

is it possible that he's planting a seed in the populace by suggesting "I couldn't even, under a President Biden, why, I'd leave the country before I lived in Slow Joe's crime-ridden America, blah blah blah"...to cover his real intention of lamming it from the law in order to escape prosecution? New York, alone, seems cocked and loaded for him for a multitude of VERY serious offenses--both by him and his company.

I, for one, find it at *least* plausible, and reasonable to ponder. Of course, that may just be wild unhinged conspiracy thinking, to some...proof of my own Trump Derangement Syndrome acting up again. I ALSO wonder if more than one prosecutor might be engaging in this same wild unhinged conspiracy thinking as well, and wondering how/when/if an ex-President could be extradited from wherever-he-flees-to-that-isn't-Iowa...or if steps need to be taken, pre-election, to determine if the incumbent President represents a "flight risk.'


How would it be a conspiracy? Is signalling your intention to leave somehow a conspiracy? What am I missing here?

In any case, if he is in legal trouble and the only way to avoid prison is to flee, I'd expect him to do it.

If he isn't in legal trouble, I'll believe his "I'ma leave America" stories as much as I've believed every single celebrity that threatened to leave America if a certain candidate was elected to president.

(I notice Babs is still in her multimillion dollar American estate).
Actually from what I understand there is significant concern that he will (continue to) spill classified information to our enemies. He has always been a security leak and there is no reason to think that his lack of understanding has improved plus if he loses, he will do it just out of anger and spite. He's a hateful person, and I use the term loosely.
It's even worse folks...
He has state secrets, like jab said.
He also is a complete moron about it, as Keith points out.
What's worse is that he doesn't even know the context or relevance of what small fragments of highly sensitive information he potentially remembers... nor does he comprehend the notion of someone else knowing more than him about anything. Therefore, he is is incapable of even knowing what impact anything he might remember being disclosed to any particular entity may ever have.

But he certainly has the vindictive nature to spill things that he should not to people he should not, out of spite and a sense of revenge. He's not intelligent but he is clever and cunning and utterly and completely amoral.
The redeeming fact is that Trump can't seem to string four words together without creating what would be, if the grammar wasn't mangled, a total falsehood.
So yeah... after "leaking" a bunch of stuff he made up to please his foreign handlers, when it proves false they might well say "fuck it" and go with the novichok/polonium solution to keep him from telling tales about Uncle Vlad, MBS et al..
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