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Space Force

The world will not forgive the electoral college for their failure to deflect him.

Seriously. For all the bitching about the inane way that the US voting system is set up, the electoral college basically had one job. It was to stop someone like Trump from getting the Presidency. The first time it's needed to actually act in the elitist, paternalistic manner it was designed for, it screwed the pooch and failed.

Sort of but not really. You're right on "paternalistic," but there isn't any real qualification of credentials that these persons have. In fact, Trump had his own people put into these positions of power. So basically the whole system of an electoral college is a fraud. I will add that Trump wasn't an outsider as I am sure you know and so the political machine was already used to him, whether or not people admit it. He was a big political donor etc.
You think Marines don't know about the relationship they have with the Navy?

You may be misreading the reaction.
Yes, RP, many of the rank and file Marines do appear to be unaware of the Marine/Navy relationship.
It's not something the recruiters or drill instructors stress, so a lot of them never think about it.
Then when it's pointed out, interpret the claim as being dismissive of the Corps.
Same way some Coasties take it personally when told they're not part of the Defense Department.

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Maybe we could save a few bucks and retrofit the Coast Guard Boats into “Space Boats”. Of course we’d need to adapt the weapons into “Space Guns” too.
True. Once the Wall is built, they'll have almost nothing to do, anyway.

I have a brother that's a former Marine and a Niece and Nephew that are currently serving. It's evident they spend quite a bit of time learning about the Marines in boot camp because they come back with encyclopedic knowledge of the Corp.
It's too bad Trump proposed this, I think if it had come from someone else you'd all be jumping on board.

Don't tell the Marines you're counting them as a mere subset of the Navy. They know that technically they are part of the Navy but get very annoyed when reminded of it.

I doubt that, but besides a few 9th graders, who would propose a military space force, separate but equal to the Air Force.

Can you seriously say the fatal flaw in this proposal is the fact that Trump is backing it?
Yes, the fatal flaw is that Trump proposed it. But then again there were people who opposed creating an Air Force that is separate but equal to the Army.
There is an international treaty forbidding this. And we don’t have the money for our terrestrial military to try and create space crafts and weapons.
Yes, the fatal flaw is that Trump proposed it. But then again there were people who opposed creating an Air Force that is separate but equal to the Army.
There is an international treaty forbidding this. And we don’t have the money for our terrestrial military to try and create space crafts and weapons.

Why not? Just give rich people another tax cut and then add a few trillion to the deficit in order to have aerospace companies build some space shit.
Yes, the fatal flaw is that Trump proposed it. But then again there were people who opposed creating an Air Force that is separate but equal to the Army.

Sure. Trump is the only objection. Of course, military forces are usually employed to either meet or deter a threat from some other military. We've pretty much killed our own civilian space program because of the cost. How do we pay for the new Space Force, and what is their mission?

I can imagine the discussions about creating a separate Air Force, if no other nation had an air force, and we could only afford to build 3 or 4 airplanes. A lot of people would probably thought it was a bad idea.

At this point, the only thing in favor of a Space Force seems to be that Trump wants one. What's favorable point number 2?
At this point, the only thing in favor of a Space Force seems to be that Trump wants one. What's favorable point number 2?
Space Armies are cool.

in the real world, though, it would make more sense to combine the existing forces just due to the duplication of effort in the training pipelines and admin functions. It would also open up more general billets for people looking for a shore duty near or in their hometown.
But they've been suggesting that for a gazillion years. Trump wants something new and sexy to stamp his name on.
At this point, the only thing in favor of a Space Force seems to be that Trump wants one. What's favorable point number 2?
Space Armies are cool.

in the real world, though, it would make more sense to combine the existing forces just due to the duplication of effort in the training pipelines and admin functions. It would also open up more general billets for people looking for a shore duty near or in their hometown.
But they've been suggesting that for a gazillion years. Trump wants something new and sexy to stamp his name on.
Trump Space Farce
Yes, the fatal flaw is that Trump proposed it. But then again there were people who opposed creating an Air Force that is separate but equal to the Army.
There is an international treaty forbidding this. And we don’t have the money for our terrestrial military to try and create space crafts and weapons.

We spend more than the rest of the world combined. We could cut our defense budget in half and still spend more than the next two biggest military budgets combined. We could divert half the defense budget to this and the only thing we'd lose is we'd have to pull out of a few of the places we shouldn't be in anyway.
Don't tell the Marines you're counting them as a mere subset of the Navy.
Not 'mere.' They're a very important part of the Navy. marines were invented so that sailors wouldn't get hurt.
They know that technically they are part of the Navy but get very annoyed when reminded of it.
Yep. Well, some of them know it. Some just get all kinds of upset until you prove it.

Marine - Muscles are required intelligence not essential.
Not 'mere.' They're a very important part of the Navy. marines were invented so that sailors wouldn't get hurt. Yep. Well, some of them know it. Some just get all kinds of upset until you prove it.

Marine - Muscles are required intelligence not essential.

Marine - My Ass Really Is Navy Equipment.

The only reason they are on board Naval vessels is because sheep would be too obvious.
Yes, the fatal flaw is that Trump proposed it. But then again there were people who opposed creating an Air Force that is separate but equal to the Army.
There is an international treaty forbidding this. And we don’t have the money for our terrestrial military to try and create space crafts and weapons.

Kinetic bombardment would likely skirt this problem since tungsten rods aren't armament.

Yes, the fatal flaw is that Trump proposed it. But then again there were people who opposed creating an Air Force that is separate but equal to the Army.
There is an international treaty forbidding this. And we don’t have the money for our terrestrial military to try and create space crafts and weapons.

Kinetic bombardment would likely skirt this problem since tungsten rods aren't armament.

Good luck aiming a rod to hit a target.
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