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Steve Bannon - Seriously?

Is he any worse than 911 Truther, LA rioter and cop killer apologist Van Jones?
Is he any worse than 911 Truther, LA rioter and cop killer apologist Van Jones?

Yes. But he might be better than say, David Duke.
Why do you ask? Jones was not appointed to anything IFAIK.

BTW, Dwerec - you might want to take a break from your steady diet of alt-right propaganda and get a more balanced view of the "facts".


9/11 "truther" accusation and exoneration

Jones came under additional criticism for his name appearing on a 2004 petition from 911Truth.org that suggested the Bush Administration "may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen".[45][54] This accusation was particularly controversial, prompting conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer to declare that while other accusations against Jones were "trivial" this was "beyond partisanship."[55]

Jones immediately issued a statement saying, "I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever"[45][54] and later clarified that he had never signed the 911Truth petition.[56]

On July 27, 2010, the group 911truth.org released a statement confirming that they had "researched the situation and were unable to produce electronic or written evidence that Van agreed to sign the Statement"
Yes. But he might be better than say, David Duke.
Why do you ask? Jones was not appointed to anything IFAIK.
He was one of Obama's czars before being forced tor resigned hat position and found a home at CNN.

9/11 "truther" accusation and exoneration

Jones came under additional criticism for his name appearing on a 2004 petition from 911Truth.org that suggested the Bush Administration "may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen".[45][54] This accusation was particularly controversial, prompting conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer to declare that while other accusations against Jones were "trivial" this was "beyond partisanship."[55]

Jones immediately issued a statement saying, "I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever"[45][54] and later clarified that he had never signed the 911Truth petition.[56]

On July 27, 2010, the group 911truth.org released a statement confirming that they had "researched the situation and were unable to produce electronic or written evidence that Van agreed to sign the Statement"

Elsewhere he claimed he signed it but did not read it. So which is it?

But he definitely organized a protest in favor of Mumia Abu Jamal
SF Gate said:
Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a death row inmate convicted for the 1981 shooting death of a Philadelphia police officer, said the protest was called after the Supreme Court on Monday rejected claims that Abu-Jamal, a former radio journalist and Black Panther, did not receive a fair trial."We knew there was another event going on, but the timing of the court decision is what dictated when the protest was held," said Van Jones, a San Francisco civil rights lawyer who helped coordinate the protest march.
Jones said about 15 protesters occupied the rotunda at the Federal Building on Clay Street in an act of civil disobedience with the hope they would be arrested.
Is Bannon supporting any convicted murderers?
Is Bannon supporting any convicted murderers?

Would you think he was a bad choice if he was a convicted murderer? Somehow I don't think so.
Is Jones a convicted murderer? Do you deny that Bannon is a racist and anti-semite? ... just trying to get a feel for the depth of the sand into which you have buried your head.
The racist demonization of Van Jones is amusing.

One shows oneself to be a mindless tool by doing it.
The racist demonization of Van Jones is amusing.

One shows oneself to be a mindless tool by doing it.

ANYTHING to divert attention from the ascent of overt racists to top positions in our new alt-right regime.
Would you think he was a bad choice if he was a convicted murderer? Somehow I don't think so.
Is Jones a convicted murderer? Do you deny that Bannon is a racist and anti-semite? ... just trying to get a feel for the depth of the sand into which you have buried your head.
I don't know Bannon. If he is a racist and antisemite he should not have been appointed by Trump. But then again, neither should Jones have been appointed by Obama. Every administration has its share of radicals I would say, which is the point of me bringing up Jones.

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ANYTHING to divert attention from the ascent of overt racists to top positions in our new alt-right regime.
It's not diverting attention, it's putting it in perspective.
I don't know Bannon.
It's not diverting attention, it's putting it in perspective.

Looks like feigning ignorance while trying to draw equivalence to that of which you claim ignorance.

Let me introduce you to your Cheeto-King's choice:

“President-elect Trump’s choice of Steve Bannon as his top aide signals that white supremacists will be represented at the highest levels in Trump’s White House,” said Adam Jentleson, a spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

“It is easy to see why the KKK views Trump as their champion when Trump appoints one of the foremost peddlers of White Supremacist themes and rhetoric as his top aide. Bannon was ‘the main driver behind Breitbart becoming a white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill,’ according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

Bannon's ex-wife swore in court in 2007 that he “didn’t want the girls going to school with Jews...He said he doesn’t like Jews..."

Five minutes on Google would disabuse you of your claimed ignorance, Derec.
You are so cute when you think I am a supporter of the "Cheeto King". I am not. I just don't think he is the second coming of Hitler or any of the other hyperbolic statements. Obama wasn't a Kenyan Muslim socialist either.

What you are quoting are just statements by his detractors, including his ex wife. Could they be true? Sure, but just because Democratic operatives, left-wing organizations and people with a personal ax to grind have calling him names does not, in itself, mean this name calling is accurate.
I don't know Bannon. If he is a racist and antisemite he should not have been appointed by Trump. But then again, neither should Jones have been appointed by Obama. Every administration has its share of radicals I would say, which is the point of me bringing up Jones.

- - - Updated - - -

ANYTHING to divert attention from the ascent of overt racists to top positions in our new alt-right regime.
It's not diverting attention, it's putting it in perspective.

You don't put things in perspective, you avoid whatever the OP is about and go off on tangents that have shit to do with the issue at hand. In this case, you hate Van Jones so you are going to pretend to be enlightening while all the time trying to obscure the actual OP and you own agreement with the Bannons of the world.
It is Jones who is racist. I mean, common, "whitelash"? Was Obama's election "blacklash"?

Jone is an intellectual, extremely articulate and reasonable.

Your racist nonsense is laughable.

Just because he is an "intellectual" and "articulate" does not not make him a radical.
Plenty of well educated people have been radicals.

What does any of that have to do with his race?
What does any of that have to do with his race?

Absolutely great question. Tremendous question - the best question ever.
But Bannon is still a racist. And now he's cheeto-face's chief strategist.
What does any of that have to do with his race?

Absolutely great question. Tremendous question - the best question ever.
But Bannon is still a racist. And now he's cheeto-face's chief strategist.

Yeah but the fact that Steve-o is a racist is irrelevant because Van Jones and also there was this one angry Black lady at a Black Lives Matter protest. Hang on while I go find a picture of angry Black women to change the subject.
I don't know Bannon. If he is a racist and antisemite he should not have been appointed by Trump.
You don't know Bannon...hum... So do you normally and regularly pull information from websites that you have no clue about? It would appear that you seem to be a regular reader of Breitbart, at least from what you post.

11/4/2016 where you pulled a pic from Breitbart:

8/25/2016 where you cited Breitbart:

8/16/2016 another pic from Breitbart:

8/14/2016 with lots of pics/vids from Breitbart:

4/29/2016 more citations from Breitbart:

3/30/2016 more citations from Breitbart:

1/16/2016 more pics from Breitbart:

and several more back into 2015 and 2014, but end with this juicy one. On 8/25/2015 you said:
I know it's Breitbart, but if this pans out it would mean DuBose was back to his drug dealing ways and it's going to change the dynamic of the case.
Report: Sam DuBose, Shot by Cop, Had Two Pounds of Marijuana and Thousands in Cash in His Car
It's not diverting attention, it's putting it in perspective.
If that were the case, you'd have also noted that Bannon's role is much more expansive than Jones' was. You are only fooling yourself with these Tu quoque fallacies.
Absolutely great question. Tremendous question - the best question ever.
But Bannon is still a racist. And now he's cheeto-face's chief strategist.

Yeah but the fact that Steve-o is a racist is irrelevant because Van Jones and also there was this one angry Black lady at a Black Lives Matter protest. Hang on while I go find a picture of angry Black women to change the subject.

I dunno... maybe Derec is spot on.
See how almost all the males in that picture have beards? I bet they're Muslim terrorists. That's why we need a racist like Bannon whispering in Trump's ear. Hopefully Priebus will be listening at the other ear and the sound will travel easily through Trump's empty head. Someone has to do something about the goddam darkies, jews and towelheads you know?
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