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Stress of Trump era harms Americans' psychological health


The Doctor's Wife
Staff member
Oct 19, 2011
Miami, Florida
Basic Beliefs
So it's not just me...

For the first time in ten years, the American Psychological Association (APA) — the largest scientific and professional organisation representing psychology in the United States — found that Americans' overall stress level increased between August 2016 and January 2017.

And Aledan's estimate of anxiety among around 60 percent of DC cab passengers corresponds with other data. Two-thirds of Americans reported being stressed about the future of the nation, according to the APA's online survey Stress in America: Coping with Change.

So it's not just me...

For the first time in ten years, the American Psychological Association (APA) — the largest scientific and professional organisation representing psychology in the United States — found that Americans' overall stress level increased between August 2016 and January 2017.

And Aledan's estimate of anxiety among around 60 percent of DC cab passengers corresponds with other data. Two-thirds of Americans reported being stressed about the future of the nation, according to the APA's online survey Stress in America: Coping with Change.


This could become a psychiatric illness entered into the DSM as Trump Disorder.
The poor little snowflakes. They need more safe spaces.
If you're stressed over Trump that's on you.

There is nothing that compels anyone to fly into a tizzy every time he tweets something.

My only problem is you guys aren't consistent about posting your Trump freak out threads (like, say, this one) in the Trump Derangement Subforum where they can be more categorically ignored.
There is nothing that compels anyone to fly into a tizzy every time he tweets something.
Thing is, this isn't Uncle Donnie who forwards a dozen angry emails every week when he turns on his computer. Trump has actual power to act upon those angry emails he sees.

State and Defense secretaries both stated that moving the Israel embassy, for example, increases risk to our people overseas. So if you are serving in an embassy or deployed military, or if you know someone in an embassy or the military, or you have the slightest empathy for those people, it's kind of stupid to suggest that any and all stress related to that decision is something entirely self-generated by the snowflakes.
Trump's United Nations speech is the most deranged speech ever given by a President. People around the world rightly saw it as a thoughtless idiot bellowing provocative taunts at an equally abnormal egotist. The fact that Trump's taunts are childish and flippant make them all the more damning. Our allies in the East China Sea, S. Korea and Japan, if they still think of themselves as allies, have experienced gut-chilling dread as they watch this pissing match. Trump is doing incalculable harm.
He has also deranged our standards at home. When his press secretary defended his posting of fraudulent anti-Muslim videos, she actually said that their truthfulness was not the issue -- what was important was that the President was drawing attention to the issue of radical Islam. This woman is as corrupt as the President -- that's happening to a lot of Republicans these days. Trump's lies are somehow not damning to his base -- yet. Thankfully, they are keeping him at or below the 35% level of support, and that may yet do him in. And since when is a story that a Presidential campaign paid a porn star to keep her quiet not a top story, day after day, calling for investigation? We're living in a Merry Melodies cartoon with real contingencies.
There is nothing that compels anyone to fly into a tizzy every time he tweets something.
Thing is, this isn't Uncle Donnie who forwards a dozen angry emails every week when he turns on his computer. Trump has actual power to act upon those angry emails he sees.

State and Defense secretaries both stated that moving the Israel embassy, for example, increases risk to our people overseas. So if you are serving in an embassy or deployed military, or if you know someone in an embassy or the military, or you have the slightest empathy for those people, it's kind of stupid to suggest that any and all stress related to that decision is something entirely self-generated by the snowflakes.

When he actually does something like round up the Jews or partition Poland you are welcome to freak out and call him Literally Hitler all you want.

But Literally Hitler wasn't that much into tweeting about how big his button was.
When he actually does something like round up the Jews or partition Poland you are welcome to freak out and call him Literally Hitler all you want.

But Literally Hitler wasn't that much into tweeting about how big his button was.
Um, I DID mention something that Fuckface ACTUALLY DID, against the advice of the people he appointed to advise him. So, he's not just a hobgoblin of liberal fears. It's not something he merely tweeted about, it's actual actions actually taken which raise actual concerns.

So, shove that strawman down your piehole, dismal, and either join the actual conversation or go sulk in your corner.
When he actually does something like round up the Jews or partition Poland you are welcome to freak out and call him Literally Hitler all you want.

But Literally Hitler wasn't that much into tweeting about how big his button was.
Um, I DID mention something that Fuckface ACTUALLY DID, against the advice of the people he appointed to advise him. So, he's not just a hobgoblin of liberal fears. It's not something he merely tweeted about, it's actual actions actually taken which raise actual concerns.

So, shove that strawman down your piehole, dismal, and either join the actual conversation or go sulk in your corner.

I personally have not found moving the Israeli embassy to have had a major impact on my life or psychological well-being.

I'd think most (maybe 99.996% or so) Americans are affected very little by it. If they are experiencing deep psychological trauma over it they should seek help. Or at least turn off MSNBC for a while.

I believe you can have a rich full life with family, friends, career, etc without ever thinking once about the location of the Israeli embassy.
My only problem is you guys aren't consistent about posting your Trump freak out threads (like, say, this one) in the Trump Derangement Subforum where they can be more categorically ignored.

Nah, Elsewhere.

from scientific article said:
For more than 20 years, Goddy Aledan has been driving people from both sides of the political divide through the streets of Washington DC. Yet lately his passengers are much more antsy than usual. He says he has never previously noticed this degree of anxiety and fear in his passengers. "I would say 60 percent of those that ride my cab are really anxious," Aledan said from behind the wheel, as he maneuvers through rush hour traffic. And it's not just office politics or finding a new job after a grueling election cycle, it's the very fate of human civilisation that has his riders on edge.


FFS, Trump Derangement really is a condition.
I personally have not found moving the Israeli embassy to have had a major impact on my life or psychological well-being.
Well, that's what I suggested at the first. If you're not affected personally, you can pretend that Trump's affect on the rest of us is merely a bugbear.
Doesn't make it an actual fact, but you can proceed from your selfish estimate of what everyone else is allowed to feel.
I'd think most (maybe 99.996% or so) Americans are affected very little by it.
Whether they are, or are not, is independent from the fact that it's something he really did, not something he tweeted about as per your initial claim.
Whether the majority or a supermajority of the nation is affected by this one single example of an actual action he actually took, it does show that your portrayal of the stress as being self-generated is at best an incomplete assessment of the situation. At worst, another strawman you set up.
If they are experiencing deep psychological trauma over it they should seek help. Or at least turn off MSNBC for a while.
And where do you see anyone, other than yourself, discussing 'deep psychological trauma?' The OP said stress. You poo-pooed the idea. Now you continue to attack a strawman, rather than deal with what's actually on the table.

I believe you can have a rich full life with family, friends, career, etc without ever thinking once about the location of the Israeli embassy.
Be sure to tell that to Mattis. Or Tillerman. The guys who were worried about our people and any repercussions they might face after the US took this action. Or tell anyone who's got kids in the military who may be targeted by a retaliatory action. Or tell anyone who's wife/husband/third cousin once removed is appointed to an embassy in a nation that may take this shift as the US taking sides in Mideast affairs.

Tell them: dismal isn't worried, so it's on you if you think Mattis or Tillerman knew the slightest thing about what they were saying. Only the deranged would feel any stress deep psychological trauma about anything Trump does, thus it's your problem.


I'm sure your opinion will solve any stress deep psychological trauma such people might be feeling.
Well, that's what I suggested at the first. If you're not affected personally, you can pretend that Trump's affect on the rest of us is merely a bugbear.
Doesn't make it an actual fact, but you can proceed from your selfish estimate of what everyone else is allowed to feel. Whether they are, or are not, is independent from the fact that it's something he really did, not something he tweeted about as per your initial claim.
Whether the majority or a supermajority of the nation is affected by this one single example of an actual action he actually took, it does show that your portrayal of the stress as being self-generated is at best an incomplete assessment of the situation. At worst, another strawman you set up.
If they are experiencing deep psychological trauma over it they should seek help. Or at least turn off MSNBC for a while.
And where do you see anyone, other than yourself, discussing 'deep psychological trauma?' The OP said stress. You poo-pooed the idea. Now you continue to attack a strawman, rather than deal with what's actually on the table.

I believe you can have a rich full life with family, friends, career, etc without ever thinking once about the location of the Israeli embassy.
Be sure to tell that to Mattis. Or Tillerman. The guys who were worried about our people and any repercussions they might face after the US took this action. Or tell anyone who's got kids in the military who may be targeted by a retaliatory action. Or tell anyone who's wife/husband/third cousin once removed is appointed to an embassy in a nation that may take this shift as the US taking sides in Mideast affairs.

Tell them: dismal isn't worried, so it's on you if you think Mattis or Tillerman knew the slightest thing about what they were saying. Only the deranged would feel any stress deep psychological trauma about anything Trump does, thus it's your problem.


I'm sure your opinion will solve any stress deep psychological trauma such people might be feeling.

I got no reason to argue with you about this.

I wish you all the best in your freaking out.
I got no reason to argue with you about this.
Well, you just horned into the conversation with commentary on an entirely different conversation you only imagined, so, yeah, i'd agree with you.
I wish you all the best in your freaking out.
and there you go again... What an active fantasy life you have.
If you're stressed over Trump that's on you.
dismal, would you be saying that if Donald Trump was doing something that might affect you personally? Like target your profession as anti-American or something like that.
The poor little snowflakes. They need more safe spaces.

Quite the spiteful little shit, aren't you? People stressing out because they are/will be tangibly worse off from the resulting Trump presidency are not "Snowflakes" and that you would openly mock the stress they take on over their livelihoods and well being is pretty ugly of you from where I sit.

I know that shit might fly in whatever corner you and your ilk like to haunch about getting your daily dose of dopamine knowing that someone else ismadbro. Won't fly here though.
The poor little snowflakes. They need more safe spaces.

Quite the spiteful little shit, aren't you? People stressing out because they are/will be tangibly worse off from the resulting Trump presidency are not "Snowflakes" and that you would openly mock the stress they take on over their livelihoods and well being is pretty ugly of you from where I sit.

I know that shit might fly in whatever corner you and your ilk like to haunch about getting your daily dose of dopamine knowing that someone else ismadbro. Won't fly here though.

I don't mind someone freaking out if Trump is actually making their life worse. This does not tend to be the case.

Most of the imaginary hobgoblins they imagine would simply go away by turning off MSNBC and focusing on the things in their lives that actually matter.
The poor little snowflakes. They need more safe spaces.

OK where do you whant us to build it for you?

In your mother’s bedroom.

My mom´s not into 14 year olds..........

- - - Updated - - -

The poor little snowflakes. They need more safe spaces.

Quite the spiteful little shit, aren't you? People stressing out because they are/will be tangibly worse off from the resulting Trump presidency are not "Snowflakes" and that you would openly mock the stress they take on over their livelihoods and well being is pretty ugly of you from where I sit.

I know that shit might fly in whatever corner you and your ilk like to haunch about getting your daily dose of dopamine knowing that someone else ismadbro. Won't fly here though.

I don't mind someone freaking out if Trump is actually making their life worse. This does not tend to be the case.

Most of the imaginary hobgoblins they imagine would simply go away by turning off MSNBC and focusing on the things in their lives that actually matter.

Are you autistic?
I don't mind someone freaking out if Trump is actually making their life worse. This does not tend to be the case. .
And the goalpost moves once more...

So now if it's not actual HARM, dismal would disallow stress from anxiety or uncertainty or worry.

So Trump rattling his saber at the Mideast or at Korea, for example, shouldn't increase any stress that anyone feels until war is officially declared, and someone is shot. Or at least seriously inconvenienced in a tangible way that can be directly attached to that declared state.

....Still keeping the dismal-seal-of-approval fully divorced from the OP.
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