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Suppose scientific racism is correct. How will you react? How will society?

And you know this how?

It is common knowledge, but I have talked to managers. I have seen what happens when blacks are hired because of affirmative action policies.

Key: Because of affirmative action. I would expect an affirmative action hire to be bad no matter what their race, like I would expect a nepotism hire to be bad. If they were qualified they would simply have been hired without some thumb on the scales.
And you know this how?

It is common knowledge, but I have talked to managers. I have seen what happens when blacks are hired because of affirmative action policies.
If it is common knowledge, then most people would know it. I don't know it. The managers I know don't know it. The black people I know don't know it.
Yes it tells us that either Gladwell or some editor is prepared to admit an honest mistake. It says nothing about the Flynn effect or its implications.
Well that's strange because it means most of what you keep declaring to be "proven" and "undeniable", isn't.
My position is like other hereditarians on the issue. The variations in IQ are MOSTLY due to genetics. Mostly. This is a moderate position, and it means there is room for environmental effects, as in the Flynn Effect.
Which, again, indicates that you don't get it. It doesn't make sense to say IQ variation is mostly genetic with room for a bit of environmental Flynn effect, because the point of the latter is that we must reserve judgement about the former. As Togo aptly put it, your view doesn't have room for the Flynn effect. Other than that you are, by now, just repeating one side of an argument along with your conviction that it will be proven right because it corresponds to things you believe about black, white and whatever people. That's not really "scientific" anything, it's plain old racism.

There is nobody who thinks IQ variations are COMPLETELY genetic. It may be a misperception, because maybe it is a projection of what the anti-racist scientific Marxists (or environmentalists) such as Stephen J. Gould and Richard Lewontin believe. They believe that IQ variations are COMPLETELY environmental; genetic variations have absolutely NOTHING to do with it. It is a position most drastically at odds with the evidence. It is popular among the public, but it is a fringe position in psychology. You may think that hereditarians simply believe in the opposite of what they believe. Not so.
No, I didn't think anything of the kind. I doubt the converse view is "popular with the public" (bugger all to do with Marxism, btw) and that isn't the mainstream science you need to contend with.
And I have seen what happens when confirmation bias rears its ugly head.

Prejudice against blacks is based on experience. Even those who hate Jews do not think Jews are stupid.

The most prejudiced whites live in parts of the United States where most of the blacks live.
It is common knowledge, but I have talked to managers. I have seen what happens when blacks are hired because of affirmative action policies.
If it is common knowledge, then most people would know it. I don't know it. The managers I know don't know it. The black people I know don't know it.

There is too much scientific evidence that confirms what I know. There are also too many taboos against drawing attention to this scientific evidence.
By all means, draw attention to the scientific evidence. Lets see it.

The most prejudiced whites live in parts of the United States where most of the blacks live.

I hope that this is not what you think scientific evidence is.
If it is common knowledge, then most people would know it. I don't know it. The managers I know don't know it. The black people I know don't know it.

There is too much scientific evidence that confirms what I know. There are also too many taboos against drawing attention to this scientific evidence.

And almost all of those taboos are centered around not using the phrase "scientific evidence" to describe things which are neither scientific nor evidence.
And I have seen what happens when confirmation bias rears its ugly head.

Prejudice against blacks is based on experience. Even those who hate Jews do not think Jews are stupid.

The most prejudiced whites live in parts of the United States where most of the blacks live.

The most prejudices whites live in rural areas far from black communities and have little personal contact with black persons

Such prejudice is lower in urban cities where people have far more daily interactions (both personal and professional) with blacks.

Of course there are more blacks in the South Eastern States. Guess why? Slavery. IOW the racist faith based ideologies used to rationalize slavery that were past on like religion to current generations are what caused blacks to be in disproportionately in the south. They did not have any experience with free blacks, so its impossible to base their racism on such experiences. The causal arrow is reversed. Their faith based racism caused the slavery that caused their to be more blacks in those states and parts of the country. But being in the same state as a currently free black person does not mean actual personal interactions with them. The 4 states with the largest current blacks populations are among the 6 with the highest % of past slave owners, and are also the 4 states with a combined 140 school districts currently being sued by the DOJ for racial segregation. All other states combined only have 38 such lawsuits. That is why comparing large areas like states or country regions is meaningless.

Only differences in actual integration and daily contact within specific communities is a valid variable to relate to racial attitudes. When you do this, you find that more integrated areas (where people have more actual personal experiences with blacks) are less racist than more segregated areas where whites have little contact with blacks, and this is true even when the area compared are areas within the same state or region of the country with similar historical pasts under similar racial laws and customs.

What your "parts of the United states" level of observation refers to is having non-interacting, segregated but still close by black populations. That is not an indicator of actual experience with blacks but rather an indicator of past slavery and tied to having a plausible scapegoat to rouse current fears, which is the fodder to keep racist ideology burining. One well established basis of bigotry and dehumanization of others is the social, political, and economic advantage gained by manufacturing the idea of outgroups as "threats", even when they objectively are not. In areas where there are no blacks around, not even on the wrong side of the tracks, such racist arguments carry little weight. Having a segregated large black community that whites have little real experience with but is still somewhat close by is the fuel for racist fears and propaganda.
The SAT is not an IQ test, but it correlates with IQ. From the school years of 1986-87 to 2011-12 the race gap in average SAT scores between blacks and whites increased.


In 2003 average ACT scores revealed a similar race gap.


According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics from 1976 to 2005 the black murder rate fluctuated from 6:3 to 9.5 times the white rate.


According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, the countries with the lowest murder rates are countries where nearly everyone is white or Oriental. Black and Hispanic countries have high murder rates.

The SAT is not an IQ test, but it correlates with IQ. From the school years of 1986-87 to 2011-12 the race gap in average SAT scores between blacks and whites increased.


In 2003 average ACT scores revealed a similar race gap.


According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics from 1976 to 2005 the black murder rate fluctuated from 6:3 to 9.5 times the white rate.


According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, the countries with the lowest murder rates are countries where nearly everyone is white or Oriental. Black and Hispanic countries have high murder rates.


Hispanics like Spain with a murder rate of 0.9 vs 5 for the USA? Jesus Christ on a cracker!
The SAT is not an IQ test, but it correlates with IQ. From the school years of 1986-87 to 2011-12 the race gap in average SAT scores between blacks and whites increased.


In 2003 average ACT scores revealed a similar race gap.


According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics from 1976 to 2005 the black murder rate fluctuated from 6:3 to 9.5 times the white rate.


According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, the countries with the lowest murder rates are countries where nearly everyone is white or Oriental. Black and Hispanic countries have high murder rates.


Hispanics like Spain with a murder rate of 0.9 vs 5 for the USA? Jesus Christ on a cracker!

According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, the murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants in Spain is 0.8. In the United States it is 4.7. In most Latin American countries it is higher. For example in Mexico it is 21.5. In Columbia it is 21.5. In Chile it is 3.1. This is because the population in Chile is overwhelmingly European.


Over a period of many generations the criminal justice systems of civilized countries remove those with criminal inclinations from the breeding population by capital punishment, and incarceration. Races that have recently been introduced to civilization have not benefited from the genetically civilizing benefits of civilization. This is why whites and Asians have much lower crime rates than Negroes and those with much American Indian ancestry.

The United States has a higher crime rate than most European countries because of the high Negro and Hispanic populations in the United States.
Umm, I don't agree with all this scientific racist shit, but someone has to point out that Spain and the Hispanic countries of central and south America are not the same 'race' by any theory.

I've repeatedly pointed out how dumb the term 'Hispanic' is as a racial, cultural, or any kind of term, as it, at best, means those parts of the New World that were once part of the Spanish Empire. The Spanish did not exterminate and replace the natives as the English and Americans did (for the most part). They conquered and enslaved local inhabitants. At best, they contributed some of their genes to the existing populations, as with an eyedropper in a lake. Mexicans are still Mexicans, Mayans are still Mayans, etc.

To consider these groups to be all the same, and all identical to the Spanish is as racist as anything Abe posts.
The SAT is not an IQ test, but it correlates with IQ. From the school years of 1986-87 to 2011-12 the race gap in average SAT scores between blacks and whites increased.


In 2003 average ACT scores revealed a similar race gap.

A word or two or more about the SAT and how good it is at what it is purported to do.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics from 1976 to 2005 the black murder rate fluctuated from 6:3 to 9.5 times the white rate.


According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, the countries with the lowest murder rates are countries where nearly everyone is white or Oriental. Black and Hispanic countries have high murder rates.


The REAL Dark Figure of Crime
The United States has a higher crime rate than most European countries because of the high Negro and Hispanic populations in the United States.

Canada has a higher percentage of blacks than the US (16% vs 13%) but our crime rates are much lower. We even have asian guys to do the math to put those crime rates together, so you can trust the numbers. How do you explain this if the coloured folks are so naturally evil?
The United States has a higher crime rate than most European countries because of the high Negro and Hispanic populations in the United States.

Canada has a higher percentage of blacks than the US (16% vs 13%) but our crime rates are much lower. We even have asian guys to do the math to put those crime rates together, so you can trust the numbers. How do you explain this if the coloured folks are so naturally evil?
Black guys don't like being out in the cold?
Hispanics like Spain with a murder rate of 0.9 vs 5 for the USA? Jesus Christ on a cracker!

According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, the murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants in Spain is 0.8. In the United States it is 4.7. In most Latin American countries it is higher. For example in Mexico it is 21.5. In Columbia it is 21.5. In Chile it is 3.1. This is because the population in Chile is overwhelmingly European.


Over a period of many generations the criminal justice systems of civilized countries remove those with criminal inclinations from the breeding population by capital punishment, and incarceration. Races that have recently been introduced to civilization have not benefited from the genetically civilizing benefits of civilization. This is why whites and Asians have much lower crime rates than Negroes and those with much American Indian ancestry.

The United States has a higher crime rate than most European countries because of the high Negro and Hispanic populations in the United States.
So umm... why is the murder rate in Russia doubled ours?

- - - Updated - - -

The United States has a higher crime rate than most European countries because of the high Negro and Hispanic populations in the United States.

Canada has a higher percentage of blacks than the US (16% vs 13%) but our crime rates are much lower. We even have asian guys to do the math to put those crime rates together, so you can trust the numbers. How do you explain this if the coloured folks are so naturally evil?
I just looked it up and thought I saw that in Canada, 3% were black.
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