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Survey - Trump and Rape

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist

What’s the first word that comes to mind when you think of President Donald Trump and women? Pollsters from PerryUndem and Supermajority, a new women’s activism nonprofit, asked 1,912 likely 2020 voters to try this free-association exercise. And wouldn’t you know it—a plurality of respondents said rapist.


Among all voters, 63% think that President
Trump has “definitely” (44%) or “probably”
(19%) sexually assaulted women in his
past. About one in four (23%) says he
“probably has not” sexually assaulted
women. Fourteen percent of voters think
President Trump has “definitely not”
sexually assaulted women in past.


It looks like the nation wide attacks on abortion is making most women rather unhappy
Your last sentence is confusing. We are unhappy about abortion laws as well as unhappy about blatant misogyny at the highest levels of our society, not because of. They're related, yes, but the cause and effect you imply doesn't make sense.
Your last sentence is confusing. We are unhappy about abortion laws as well as unhappy about blatant misogyny at the highest levels of our society, not because of. They're related, yes, but the cause and effect you imply doesn't make sense.

The survey also demonstrated that many women were unhappy with the laws the GOP is getting passed. It is going to cause a lot of women to vote and not for the GOP or Trump.

What’s the first word that comes to mind when you think of President Donald Trump and women? Pollsters from PerryUndem and Supermajority, a new women’s activism nonprofit, asked 1,912 likely 2020 voters to try this free-association exercise. And wouldn’t you know it—a plurality of respondents said rapist.


Among all voters, 63% think that President
Trump has “definitely” (44%) or “probably”
(19%) sexually assaulted women in his
past. About one in four (23%) says he
“probably has not” sexually assaulted
women. Fourteen percent of voters think
President Trump has “definitely not”
sexually assaulted women in past.


It looks like the nation wide attacks on abortion is making most women rather unhappy

Not sure it has anything to do with abortion. It's not like women are overwhelmingly pro-choice, it's split down the middle, though women tend to be pro-choice, it's like 49 percent of men are pro-life and 47 percent of women.
Your last sentence is confusing. We are unhappy about abortion laws as well as unhappy about blatant misogyny at the highest levels of our society, not because of. They're related, yes, but the cause and effect you imply doesn't make sense.

Who is this "we" you speak for?
Your last sentence is confusing. We are unhappy about abortion laws as well as unhappy about blatant misogyny at the highest levels of our society, not because of. They're related, yes, but the cause and effect you imply doesn't make sense.

The survey also demonstrated that many women were unhappy with the laws the GOP is getting passed. It is going to cause a lot of women to vote and not for the GOP or Trump.
OK. The connect isn't apparent in your post. It looks like you randomly jumped from "Trump/rapist" to "abortion."

Your last sentence is confusing. We are unhappy about abortion laws as well as unhappy about blatant misogyny at the highest levels of our society, not because of. They're related, yes, but the cause and effect you imply doesn't make sense.

Who is this "we" you speak for?

Women. I'm a woman. The term used in the article and the OP was "women."
Your last sentence is confusing. We are unhappy about abortion laws as well as unhappy about blatant misogyny at the highest levels of our society, not because of. They're related, yes, but the cause and effect you imply doesn't make sense.

And is insulting.

The survey also has a section on opinions of voters on women's issues. Many women are not happy with the politics of this in the era of Trump. As usual, there is a partisan divide.
Your last sentence is confusing. We are unhappy about abortion laws as well as unhappy about blatant misogyny at the highest levels of our society, not because of. They're related, yes, but the cause and effect you imply doesn't make sense.

The survey also demonstrated that many women were unhappy with the laws the GOP is getting passed. It is going to cause a lot of women to vote and not for the GOP or Trump.

That means many women are unhappy with Moscow Mitch also, but they don't think he's a rapist. Your cause/effect seems to have been pulled from the ether.

I think there's little doubt he's sexually assaulted women. What else is "grab them by the pussy" referring to??

That doesn't prove he's a rapist, though.

I think there's little doubt he's sexually assaulted women. What else is "grab them by the pussy" referring to??

That doesn't prove he's a rapist, though.

Sexual assault isn’t the same thing as rape. Grabbing someone by their genitals when such grabbing is unwanted is sexual assault. Rape is also sexual assault. Although numerous women have credibly accused Trump of what can only be called rape, he’s never been brought up on charges for rape as far as we know and no charges of rape have been proven in a court of law.

One one hand, he’s admitted multiple times to sexual assault, although he didn’t use those words. He’s never admitted to rape. Still, one wonders just how many women must come forth with their own descriptions of being raped by Donald Trump before we all just accept that he’s a rapist.
Your last sentence is confusing. We are unhappy about abortion laws as well as unhappy about blatant misogyny at the highest levels of our society, not because of. They're related, yes, but the cause and effect you imply doesn't make sense.

And is insulting.

The survey asks about attitudes towards Trump, towards women's issue and about the rise of anti-abortion laws in the US. I presented links to the study. It might be worth reading before reacting.
There can be a pleathora of reasons (or perception that there are a pleathora of reasons) that underly or otherwise cause a generalized negative perspective of someone and the group the person is affiliated with, but I wouldn’t expect more than a negligible increase in negative perceptions for unrelated and specific offenses. Spillage from the general to the specific is doubtful to play a substantive role in polling numbers.

Whatever reason some people might have for thinking he may have raped someone is unlikely to yield a substantial proportional increase in polling on that issue simply because women are inundated with many other issues. Women are smart. If new evidence comes out that he has inappropriately molested someone, the number of people that might already think he’s a murderer isn’t going to increase (much) because of that.

I expect some twisted backlash, but it’s a mistake to attribute an increase in views towards a specific issue with unrelated issues.

I know someone that is a self-professed piece of shit. He is a drunk and puts his fists on others—men and women. He has had numerous DUI’s and several CDV’s. He’s a felon because of it. But, he doesn’t lie, steal, or cheat. If I leave $40 grand on a table, come back, and three of my friends tell me he took it, all I have to do is ask him if he took it. If he says “no,” then I might give those three lying motherfuckers three seconds before scientifically testing the viscosity of their blood.

He knows a lot of women that in turn know him too—to varying degrees. If he was arrested and made the news, many of them are going to already have some thoughts about him—good and bad, yet if there’s an onslaught of news reports about some antics surrounding him ramming police cars, then not even the women that despise him are going to alter what they already know (or think they know) about him in terms of lying, cheating, and stealing.

Women might internally digest 40 different issues they may have with the president, but such bombardment of issues whilst highly influencing their overall view of him, woman can compartmentalize just fine and refrain from letting their overall general view influence what they think about specific topics related to the president.
Your last sentence is confusing. We are unhappy about abortion laws as well as unhappy about blatant misogyny at the highest levels of our society, not because of. They're related, yes, but the cause and effect you imply doesn't make sense.

And is insulting.

The survey asks about attitudes towards Trump, towards women's issue and about the rise of anti-abortion laws in the US. I presented links to the study. It might be worth reading before reacting.

Floof seems to have been reacting to your last sentence, not the survey. My comment was in addition to/support of Floof’s post.

My apologies to Floof if I got that wrong.

I think there's little doubt he's sexually assaulted women. What else is "grab them by the pussy" referring to??

That doesn't prove he's a rapist, though.

True, but it does count as evidence that he is likely also a rapist, in support of the numerous women who have accused him as rape. Since the only difference is what type of unwanted sexual act the person engages in, being a serial sexual assaulter greatly increases the odds that one is a rapist. Which given the added fact that numerous women who have accused him of rape, makes it highly probable that he is a rapist.

So, the most rational position is "Trump has definitely engaged in sexual assault, and probably engaged in rape."

But since that rape/assault distinction is of little importance in terms of Trump's moral character and treatment of women, the difference between answering "definitely" and "probably" a rapist isn't all that meaningful. Either way, he should be impeached along with Pence and every Senator and Congressman who continues to support his presidency, since supporting a known violent criminal and fighting to retain them in office is itself an impeachable offence.
There have been alleged rapes from DJT. That's as much as can be said, right? Certain hard-righties have termed Bill Clinton a rapist because of allegations by Juanita Broaddrick; I don't want to get into that boat with them.
What matters here is women's attitudes just before a presidential election. Clinton may have been a creep, but his presidency was not a source of misogynistic policies, and the Democrats were not a source of obnoxious policies that affected women negatively. With Trump and the GOP, we have a different situation. This may very well doom Trump's re-election.

This survey was commissioned by SuperMajority, a women's political organization, and was aimed at exploring how women's issues may affect this election come 2020.
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