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Symbols of resistance


Veteran Member
Sep 24, 2002
Basic Beliefs
the Philosophy of Not Giving a Damn
I was thinking of resurrecting the ol' Cross of Lorraine to symbolize resistance to Trump and his neo-nazis. Unfortunately, people these days are more likely to associate that symbol either with Christianity, the tyrannical power in 'V for Vendetta,' or the American Lung Association. So that kind of nixes that.

Can anyone else suggest something? I've been using the safety pin thing, but that is hardly an inspiring thing to put on a flag to wave at rallies.

And yes, I considered the Ohm symbol. Just to preempt the comedians.
How about, in the spirit of peace and reconciliation with the right wingers, you all bring machine guns to wave around at rallies?

In an unrelated note, I just got a job as a machine gun salesman.
The Heart from a card deck. Any heart card.

The thing about the card game Hearts is that there are NO TRUMP cards. You try to avoid taking heart cards or the Queen of Spades, to avoid points, but the point-earning cards don't trump the other cards.

And as there are no trump in Hearts, there's no Heart apparent in Trump.

The Queen of Hearts might be especially significant, in championing resistance to his misogyny in addition to his lack of empathy.
You might be on to something there...except that the first thing I think of when I think of the queen of hearts, is of course, alice in wonderland. Which is pretty much the opposite message I want, as one could think of her as a female version of Trump himself. But I like the other heart cards idea.
The Statue of Liberty nursing a baby bad eagle.

Or something anti-fascist: and American
How is that anti-fascist? What do the arrows represent? Arrows were the symbol of the Hungarian fascist party in 1945.
Adapted from this:
You might be on to something there...except that the first thing I think of when I think of the queen of hearts, is of course, alice in wonderland. Which is pretty much the opposite message I want, as one could think of her as a female version of Trump himself. But I like the other heart cards idea.
Maybe the Page of Cups from the Tarot deck, then. Cups symbolize emotions, and eventualy became Hearts.
The page can represent a sweet-natured child who loves home life and family but may struggle in school. This child enjoys the arts and is very spiritual. The child may be psychic.

This page has a powerful imagination, as well. Creativity and vision are among this person's blessings.

As a situation it represents an opportunity for artistic or creative learning and expansion

Or the Ace of Hearts, sticking to the 'no trumps' part.
I'm thinking over the top because we are 'Mericans. With a capitol "M". Did you cry when Old Yeller got shot?





"Just TRY grabbing it, you piece of shit orange baboon!"
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The truth is out there.

Yes, I know, close to a swastika. But that just adds to its subversive quality.


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Huh, I guess protesters of the Vietnam war DID use the Ohm Omega as a symbol. I might have to rethink that.
The good old fashioned Peace Sign served well in its day. And it certainly embodies the rejection of the military-industrial complex, which by 2020 will be our largest sector of manufacturing and exports.... if it isn't already. Trump seems to be positioning himself as the champion of that dynamic, so the peace sign would probably get under his skin, even if his acolytes are to dimwitted to get it.
How about, in the spirit of peace and reconciliation with the right wingers, you all bring machine guns to wave around at rallies?

In an unrelated note, I just got a job as a machine gun salesman.

Good job. I'll have two please, with silencers. Don't want to wake the neighbours.
Fuck the symbols; vote in the midterms.
The good old fashioned Peace Sign served well in its day. And it certainly embodies the rejection of the military-industrial complex, which by 2020 will be our largest sector of manufacturing and exports.... if it isn't already. Trump seems to be positioning himself as the champion of that dynamic, so the peace sign would probably get under his skin, even if his acolytes are to dimwitted to get it.
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Maybe good for anti-Trump, but hardly something Clinton would ever have anything to do with.
Since she lost, she need concern us no more. She is finished. Trump is the problem.
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