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Tear those pages from your bible!

Cheerful Charlie said:
Google for "evil verses of the OT" and "evil verses of the NT" for many sites that collect the evil, callous, and senseless verses of the Bible. Some better than others, pick your faves.
Did the Google search suggested, the best part was the lame, and often evasive, right down to being dishonest, apologetics being offered up by bible thumpers in response.
As an example (slightly rephrasing an apologetic suggested by many of these sites) "God didn't kill very many (or any) infants in the Flood or in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, ... as the people killed were all evil homo perverts and thus no infants or children remained in their cities." :rolleyes:
The content of how many verses they need ignore/overlook to come up with that line of apologetic horse shit. (i.e. 'the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young', we are supposed to credulously accept, on nothing more these apologists imaginations, that these cities with with 'young' men and 'all the people from every quarter' (Gen 19:4) ...contained NO children, no pregnant women, no infants, only old and young gay males?
And that in the time of Noah's Flood there was not a fetus, infant, nor suckling child left to be found on the face of the 'whole earth', as only childless 'pervert' LGBT's remained?
Their apologetic imaginary story line becomes one even more fucked up stupid than the one that is presented in the bible.
There are tens of thousands of sites that collect the massacres, horrors and evil of God and comment on them. And even more apologist sites that try to deflect them with lame brush offs. Vast swarms of them, nobody could read them all. My unfavorites are the idea that God has no obligations to do anything moral, he can viciously kill vast piles of innocent animals and babies because he is God. A sick theology. Another good one is the idea that good is a word of mysterious meaning, it does not mean good as us simply humans would understand it because we simply are ignorant of what this mysterious goodness is. Never mind God's supposed sub-goodnesses explicitly listed in the Bible or Quran, God's merciful. compassionate et al. Except the Bible God is none of these things. All of a sudden, no word in the Bible means anything. God doesn't need to be compassionate, just or merciful, divine command theory you see.

When I point out DC negates claims of the Bible that God is just, merciful or compassionate, all I get is wiffling noises and babble, empty denials. The perfectly good God of the Bible turns into a pile of ammoral goo. Very much like no God at all. And of course, the final mighty dodge, God is mysterious and has a plan we can never understand. Again, the explicit sub-goodnesses of the Bible tells us something else, but these claims just disappear in face of reality, to be replaced by the theological garbage of the mighty unknowable plan that somehow is supposed to make this all acceptable.
These writing were composed and are maintained by just such mentalities so there shouldn't be anything surprising about the correlation.
There are tens of thousands of sites that collect the massacres, horrors and evil of God and comment on them. And even more apologist sites that try to deflect them with lame brush offs. Vast swarms of them, nobody could read them all. My unfavorites are the idea that God has no obligations to do anything moral, he can viciously kill vast piles of innocent animals and babies because he is God. A sick theology. Another good one is the idea that good is a word of mysterious meaning, it does not mean good as us simply humans would understand it because we simply are ignorant of what this mysterious goodness is. Never mind God's supposed sub-goodnesses explicitly listed in the Bible or Quran, God's merciful. compassionate et al. Except the Bible God is none of these things. All of a sudden, no word in the Bible means anything. God doesn't need to be compassionate, just or merciful, divine command theory you see.

When I point out DC negates claims of the Bible that God is just, merciful or compassionate, all I get is wiffling noises and babble, empty denials. The perfectly good God of the Bible turns into a pile of ammoral goo. Very much like no God at all. And of course, the final mighty dodge, God is mysterious and has a plan we can never understand. Again, the explicit sub-goodnesses of the Bible tells us something else, but these claims just disappear in face of reality, to be replaced by the theological garbage of the mighty unknowable plan that somehow is supposed to make this all acceptable.

Well you see really God is in need of perfection. So God needs to know both good and evil to accumulate the knowledge.After all, he put himself in your body as a soul when he made man. The book talks of hell but that was only to scare people. there is no hell, just God getting info. That is the mighty unknowable plan.
I was reading an article online about a bunch of babies bones and little kids bones being in a septic tank that belonged to a Catholic home for unwed mothers.

It does say in the Bible that a mamzer was not allowed into the assembly of the Lord. Remember Ezra and Nehemiah getting all mad because of marriages to gentiles with their unclean children?
I often think (and comment) when people talk about how they are a good or loving or even liberal christian, I think, "do you really expect that there is no effect from you carrying around and talking about a book which contains hate, though? If you _really_ only believe in the love parts, why are you reluctant to tear the others right out of there as ungodly? Unworthy of your worship, unworthy of the definition of your god?"

I think of the lines about murdering children who disobey. All of the lines about slavery. About making women marry their rapists. About women being servants to men. About atheists having only wickedness, not any good at all.

I'd like to think about a list of chapters/verses that really are unarguably horrible and that anyone who claims that religion has no evil would be relieved to have officially removed from a book that they are seen carrying and speaking from.

Anyone care to add to the list?
Actually, the New Testament refers back to the Old Testament over and over again, so the removal would not work. They would have to tear so much of the New Testament that the story wouldn't make sense - well, not that it does make sense, anyway.
There are tens of thousands of sites that collect the massacres, horrors and evil of God and comment on them. And even more apologist sites that try to deflect them with lame brush offs. Vast swarms of them, nobody could read them all. My unfavorites are the idea that God has no obligations to do anything moral, he can viciously kill vast piles of innocent animals and babies because he is God. A sick theology. Another good one is the idea that good is a word of mysterious meaning, it does not mean good as us simply humans would understand it because we simply are ignorant of what this mysterious goodness is. Never mind God's supposed sub-goodnesses explicitly listed in the Bible or Quran, God's merciful. compassionate et al. Except the Bible God is none of these things. All of a sudden, no word in the Bible means anything. God doesn't need to be compassionate, just or merciful, divine command theory you see.

When I point out DC negates claims of the Bible that God is just, merciful or compassionate, all I get is wiffling noises and babble, empty denials. The perfectly good God of the Bible turns into a pile of ammoral goo. Very much like no God at all. And of course, the final mighty dodge, God is mysterious and has a plan we can never understand. Again, the explicit sub-goodnesses of the Bible tells us something else, but these claims just disappear in face of reality, to be replaced by the theological garbage of the mighty unknowable plan that somehow is supposed to make this all acceptable.
I don't know if anyone could read the vast swarm; probably not, but given that essentially the same Christian replies are repeated over an over (I mean, there are many significantly different Christian replies, but not swarms of them), it's possible to reply to those (Or at least, the ones I've found, which are a lot.)

My reply:

So, it's a smaller collection of biblical evil than other sites, perhaps, but with thorough replies to Christian replies.
Cheerful Charlie said:
Google for "evil verses of the OT" and "evil verses of the NT" for many sites that collect the evil, callous, and senseless verses of the Bible. Some better than others, pick your faves.
Did the Google search suggested, the best part was the lame, and often evasive, right down to being dishonest, apologetics being offered up by bible thumpers in response.
As an example (slightly rephrasing an apologetic suggested by many of these sites) "God didn't kill very many (or any) infants in the Flood or in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, ... as the people killed were all evil homo perverts and thus no infants or children remained in their cities." :rolleyes:
The content of how many verses they need ignore/overlook to come up with that line of apologetic horse shit. (i.e. 'the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young', we are supposed to credulously accept, on nothing more these apologists imaginations, that these cities with with 'young' men and 'all the people from every quarter' (Gen 19:4) ...contained NO children, no pregnant women, no infants, only old and young gay males?
And that in the time of Noah's Flood there was not a fetus, infant, nor suckling child left to be found on the face of the 'whole earth', as only childless 'pervert' LGBT's remained?
Their apologetic imaginary story line becomes one even more fucked up stupid than the one that is presented in the bible.

Yeah, but even that would not work, since there are cases in which there is no way out of it (e.g., commands to attack a city and kill everyone, including children, non-combatants, etc.), or commands to stone a woman to death for not having the "tokens of her virginity" when she's handed over to the man her fathers chose to give her to, regardless of whether she consented, etc.
If you removed all the inhumane and irrational parts, you'd have nothing left but the Song of Solomon.

"With great delight I sat in his shadow,
and his fruit was sweet to my taste."

My view, in a nutshell, is that the ancient Hebrews like most other primitive peoples, actually held widely diverse religious legends, myths, beliefs and practices (and there is much evidence of this fact to be found within the surviving texts)
It was the so called 'Deuteronomic (Judaizing) "reform" of the 7th century BCE that introduced many of these nasty and inhumane 'Jewish' laws and accompanying priestly forgery myth texts.
The arising so called 'Aaronic Priesthood' political cult being the self-promoting equivalent of an ancient Taliban, attaining their power through a terroristic enforcement of these man-invented insane and draconian religious laws.
All Hebrews most definitely were NOT "Jews". And 'Jews', and that form religion and beliefs know as 'Judaism' is NOT the beliefs or form of religion practiced or endorsed by free thinking ancient Hebrews.

So many have been suckered into the lying myth that ancient Hebrews were practitioners of the Biblically reported 'Jewish' form of religion. They were not.

Three-quarters of the Tanaka content consists of late Jewish invented garbage.

No educated atheist should allow themselves to be suckered into buying into a religions religious claims regarding the origins of, or the genuineness of the content of their texts.

Sheshbazzar the Hebrew
My view, in a nutshell, is that the ancient Hebrews like most other primitive peoples, actually held widely diverse religious legends, myths, beliefs and practices (and there is much evidence of this fact to be found within the surviving texts)
It was the so called 'Deuteronomic (Judaizing) "reform" of the 7th century BCE that introduced many of these nasty and inhumane 'Jewish' laws and accompanying priestly forgery myth texts.
The arising so called 'Aaronic Priesthood' political cult being the self-promoting equivalent of an ancient Taliban, attaining their power through a terroristic enforcement of these man-invented insane and draconian religious laws.
All Hebrews most definitely were NOT "Jews". And 'Jews', and that form religion and beliefs know as 'Judaism' is NOT the beliefs or form of religion practiced or endorsed by free thinking ancient Hebrews.

So many have been suckered into the lying myth that ancient Hebrews were practitioners of the Biblically reported 'Jewish' form of religion. They were not.

Three-quarters of the Tanaka content consists of late Jewish invented garbage.

No educated atheist should allow themselves to be suckered into buying into a religions religious claims regarding the origins of, or the genuineness of the content of their texts.

Sheshbazzar the Hebrew

Jeremiah 44:17-18
"But we will do everything that we have vowed, burn incense to the Queen of Heaven, pour out libations to Her, as we did, both we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; for then we had plenty of food and prospered and saw no evil. But since we have left off burning incense to the Queen of Heaven...we have lacked everything and have been consumed by the sword and by famine."
It is evident that many Hebrews resisted and fought against the religious lies and tyranny of the machinations of the Jewish form of religion to the death.
Even this Jeremiah text is a fabricated and deliberately biased piece of Jewish invented propaganda. 'Yahweh', contrary to Jeremiah, has never spoken a single word ...other than what some religious liar put into 'his' mouth for their own ends.
So, while some segments of the ancient Hebrew population did worship and make offerings to 'the Queen of Heaven' (and to other imagined gods and goddesses) it is misleading of the 'Jeremiah' propaganda text to so imply that all non-'Jewish' Hebrew peoples believed or ever engaged in such primitive superstitions and practices.
There were Hebrew persons in possession of much higher ethics than either of these. The reputation and the honor of the true history and heritage of the Hebrew peoples has long been sullied by those religious lies and fabrications promoted by the lying fabricating Jewish and Christian cults.

There yet remains an honorable heritage to any person that identifies as being a Hebrew, and the honor of that heritage can only be defended, can only be maintained, by the continued resistance of dedicated individuals who resist and fight against the historical lies and impositions of Judaism and all of its bastard progeny.
It is evident that many Hebrews resisted and fought against the religious lies and tyranny of the machinations of the Jewish form of religion to the death.
Even this Jeremiah text is a fabricated and deliberately biased piece of Jewish invented propaganda. 'Yahweh', contrary to Jeremiah, has never spoken a single word ...other than what some religious liar put into 'his' mouth for their own ends.
So, while some segments of the ancient Hebrew population did worship and make offerings to 'the Queen of Heaven' (and to other imagined gods and goddesses) it is misleading of the 'Jeremiah' propaganda text to so imply that all non-'Jewish' Hebrew peoples believed or ever engaged in such primitive superstitions and practices.
There were Hebrew persons in possession of much higher ethics than either of these. The reputation and the honor of the true history and heritage of the Hebrew peoples has long been sullied by those religious lies and fabrications promoted by the lying fabricating Jewish and Christian cults.

There yet remains an honorable heritage to any person that identifies as being a Hebrew, and the honor of that heritage can only be defended, can only be maintained, by the continued resistance of dedicated individuals who resist and fight against the historical lies and impositions of Judaism and all of its bastard progeny.

As I recall, contextually, this was the response of Jews living in Egypt when Jeremiah - fleeing the religious and civil wars he helped bring about after the overthrow of King Ahab in northern Israel - landed there and found his fellow Jews not monotheistic fundamentalists as himself and started to harangue them.
I viewed a vid once that showed a girl ripping pages out of the bible.

Here dad calmed her down and said calmly, you dont fix the bible it fixes you.

It always stuck with me. Reading it today as it was written then with all its barbaric behaviour is doing nothing but taking it out of context.

It was written to and for barabric people living in filth, read around it is my advise to you if you must read it.

I study it, and could care less about the theology inside it.

You don't stick with the bible. It sticks with YOU.
You can't read god's word, God reads YOU.
You can't take the bible out of context, the bible IS the context

Anyone can do it. It's really pretty lame.
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