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Ted Kennedy and Chappa-who? Another Hollywood Fiction In the Works!

Because that sounds like a boring movie. How about if Kennedy has a pet chimp with him?

And penguins.
Dancing penguins.
Movie audiences love dancing penguins.

Instead of penguins, I would have Ted Kennedy drive into the water, but Richard Nixon swims out. For the rest of the movie, Ted is the President and Nixon is the Senator from Massachusetts and is trying to figure out how he got into this mess. No one but them notices the swap.
What is the point of this exercise? Prove that Kennedy was a no-goodnick like all rich liberals? What exactly are we expected to carry away from this thread to savor and perhaps apply in our lives? It really is not news that Kennedy had a drinking problem. So Kennedy fell into a trap that thousands of Americans fell into irrespective of their wealth and power...what point in dramatizing this event? All the protagonists are dead! Wouldn't this thread be better placed in a forum about scandal and vice? It really has no bearing on current politics...and very little bearing on the politics of that time.

I agree Kennedy was wrong getting drunk and driving his car into a pond where a woman he was messing with drowned and he ran away. This kind of behavior is typical with people who have drinking problems if they can get away with it. Looks like he did. Does anyone think this thread helps Mary Jo' s family or that the movie brings "closure" to anyone? We have a political climate that is cranking up the hate already and I think we need a different kind of stimulus at this time. Of course the movie maker can do what he likes...maybe throw in a couple of laughing Trumkin heads.:hysterical::hysterical:
Because that sounds like a boring movie. How about if Kennedy has a pet chimp with him?

And penguins.
Dancing penguins.
Movie audiences love dancing penguins.

OK, what if Ted Kennedy runs a private zoo for rich people in the Hamptons? The girl in his car is the daughter of the local working class mayor who is the political enemy of the elitist families in the area and who wants to open up the zoo to everybody and Kennedy's love for her is causing him to question all his previous assumptions about class and status. After the crash, he sees her pounding on the window of the sinking car but freezes when about to rescue her because he starts thinking about the political and personal fallout of getting of having been involved with her and instead just panics and runs off and the family's fixers need to go into action to try and clean up the mess.

As a twist, he was also a KGB Manchurian Candidate type person who was being groomed for the Presidency and now he's politically useless to his Soviet masters. They know that he knows this and is worried that he'll spill their secrets, so they send a group of ninjas after him who attack him in the zoo and he fights them off with the help of his animal friends. I would personally like to see a fight between a ninja and a grizzly bear and this would be a good opportunity to work something like that into a script.

The events of the movie break him psychologically and he then becomes a drunk who does nothing of value for twenty years until he dies of a brain aneurism or whatever it was.
And penguins.
Dancing penguins.
Movie audiences love dancing penguins.

OK, what if Ted Kennedy runs a private zoo for rich people in the Hamptons? The girl in his car is the daughter of the local working class mayor who is the political enemy of the elitist families in the area and who wants to open up the zoo to everybody and Kennedy's love for her is causing him to question all his previous assumptions about class and status. After the crash, he sees her pounding on the window of the sinking car but freezes when about to rescue her because he starts thinking about the political and personal fallout of getting of having been involved with her and instead just panics and runs off and the family's fixers need to go into action to try and clean up the mess.

As a twist, he was also a KGB Manchurian Candidate type person who was being groomed for the Presidency and now he's politically useless to his Soviet masters. They know that he knows this and is worried that he'll spill their secrets, so they send a group of ninjas after him who attack him in the zoo and he fights them off with the help of his animal friends. I would personally like to see a fight between a ninja and a grizzly bear and this would be a good opportunity to work something like that into a script.

The events of the movie break him psychologically and he then becomes a drunk who does nothing of value for twenty years until he dies of a brain aneurism or whatever it was.

But with penguins
Ya the penguins challenge the ninjas to a dance-off and then while the ninjas are distracted by that, the panthers sneak up behind them and eat them.

I felt that this was so obviously implied in my post that it didn't need to be stated directly.
And penguins.
Dancing penguins.
Movie audiences love dancing penguins.

OK, what if Ted Kennedy runs a private zoo for rich people in the Hamptons? The girl in his car is the daughter of the local working class mayor who is the political enemy of the elitist families in the area and who wants to open up the zoo to everybody and Kennedy's love for her is causing him to question all his previous assumptions about class and status. After the crash, he sees her pounding on the window of the sinking car but freezes when about to rescue her because he starts thinking about the political and personal fallout of getting of having been involved with her and instead just panics and runs off and the family's fixers need to go into action to try and clean up the mess.

As a twist, he was also a KGB Manchurian Candidate type person who was being groomed for the Presidency and now he's politically useless to his Soviet masters. They know that he knows this and is worried that he'll spill their secrets, so they send a group of ninjas after him who attack him in the zoo and he fights them off with the help of his animal friends. I would personally like to see a fight between a ninja and a grizzly bear and this would be a good opportunity to work something like that into a script.

The events of the movie break him psychologically and he then becomes a drunk who does nothing of value for twenty years until he dies of a brain aneurism or whatever it was.

You really have a low view of Kennedy don't you? And to think it all started when he masturbated as a boy with dirty pictures and a bottle of daddy's scotch.;)
You really have a low view of Kennedy don't you? And to think it all started when he masturbated as a boy with dirty pictures and a bottle of daddy's scotch.;)

I have no real view of Kennedy whatsoever. I have a vague impression that he was a drunk who coasted along on his family name and never measured up to the standards set by his more famous brothers, but that may or may not bear any relation to what he was actually like. I also don't have enough interest in him to bother correcting any misperceptions about him.

I wasn't aware until this thread started that he was actually liberal hero. Sure, there was that one time he risked his life to drown that female serial killer in his car before she could set off a nuke in New York, which I guess is kind of heroic, but he needed a lot of liquid courage before he could even manage that, so that sort of undercuts the glory we should assign to him.
An air pocket that lasted in the car for several hours? :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Even if it somehow survived lets take a look at the math.

At resting metabolism (which most certainly doesn't apply here!) an average person consumes 300ml of oxygen and releases 300ml of CO2. That's coming out of that air pocket.

I don't know what he was driving so I'll use my car as a reference point. It has 2.76 m3 of interior volume (admittedly, data from the current model year rather than mine.) Now, I'll be very generous and assume an air pocket that holds 10% of this volume--.276 m3. ... Now we're down to an hour.

Note our assumptions: Baseline metabolism and a big air pocket--and we get a mere hour.

In practice that bubble is going to leak away pretty quickly.

Your source is garbage. In practice even when the emergency services roll immediately they usually don't save the person in the car. (People who are talking to 911 when their car goes into the water.) Also, Mythbusters did an episode about this--didn't work, they quickly had to resort to their emergency air supply. The formula to survive your car going into water is to open at least one window, if you're already underwater you have to shatter a window.

I agree there is no way the woman lived several hours, but she did not die quickly. As I recall, the autopsy found traces of gasoline fumes in her lungs, which indicated she breathed contaminated air before drowning. I am very familiar with that model car and can say with certainty, if it landed on its side, as shown in the picture, it could not have held air for more than a few minutes.

Unless there is a hammer handy, no one is going to smash a window from the inside of a flooded car. It is also almost impossible to open the door of a car when it's lying on its side. The door is very heavy and the trapped person has very little leverage. One has to hold the door up and try to gain a foothold or handhold at the same time.

Loren's untypical rush hysterical emoticons is, like so many reveling post prologues, more indicative of his apparent need for defensive ridicule - even before he then admits that his disquisition is based on an assumption from a photograph - an assumption that is incorrect.

The car was found upside down, not on its side. While it's underbelly is clearly shown (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNHbDikvXlU).

The diver found mary jo in an existing air pocket that did not leak away. Almost no moisture was found in her body, but as the ME exam made the convenient assumption she must have drowned, no serious exam was conducted.

Nor was the air pocket, originally, assumed to be as little as 10 percent of the air volume. Capt Farrar, head of the rescue squad, who found the body floating upright in the pocket provide his assessment in testimony:


As the DA refused to autopsy her death, neither this nor the blood stains on her clothes will ever be resolved.
I agree there is no way the woman lived several hours, but she did not die quickly. As I recall, the autopsy found traces of gasoline fumes in her lungs, which indicated she breathed contaminated air before drowning. I am very familiar with that model car and can say with certainty, if it landed on its side, as shown in the picture, it could not have held air for more than a few minutes.

A few minutes of air translates to a few minutes of survival--no time to get help.

Unless there is a hammer handy, no one is going to smash a window from the inside of a flooded car. It is also almost impossible to open the door of a car when it's lying on its side. The door is very heavy and the trapped person has very little leverage. One has to hold the door up and try to gain a foothold or handhold at the same time.

I'm saying what the escape route is, not whether it's actually possible to use it in a particular case. She would actually have a better chance than you would in a modern car because it wouldn't have had power windows (that would short out and not work once you go into the water.) Note that unless the pressure has equalized you're not opening the window even with a crank.
Loren's untypical rush hysterical emoticons is, like so many reveling post prologues, more indicative of his apparent need for defensive ridicule - even before he then admits that his disquisition is based on an assumption from a photograph - an assumption that is incorrect.

I was laughing at the notion of several hours.

The car was found upside down, not on its side. While it's underbelly is clearly shown (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNHbDikvXlU).

I made no assumption as to the orientation of the car. I was simply translating air volume to maximum possible survival time. (The real survival time is going to be a lot less.)

The diver found mary jo in an existing air pocket that did not leak away. Almost no moisture was found in her body, but as the ME exam made the convenient assumption she must have drowned, no serious exam was conducted.

Cars aren't anything like airtight, this makes no sense.

As the DA refused to autopsy her death, neither this nor the blood stains on her clothes will ever be resolved.

We just had another poster discuss autopsy findings.

You two need to agree on the basic facts!
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