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THe Bible, children and Man and Woman


Mar 31, 2010
Basic Beliefs
This is kind of out there, but I thought I'd ask here because I suspect you all are pretty knowledgeable about the Bible.

In the Bible children come from childbirth and man and woman come from dirt and rib.
Is there any example in the Bible where it says man and woman come from childbirth or children grow to become men and women?
I am operating off the principle that men and women came from dirt and ribs and children come from childbirth and there ( in my understanding ) isn't a connection between the two.
For instance Abraham was born and then later came from dirt to be a man...
This is kind of out there, but I thought I'd ask here because I suspect you all are pretty knowledgeable about the Bible.

In the Bible children come from childbirth and man and woman come from dirt and rib.
Is there any example in the Bible where it says man and woman come from childbirth or children grow to become men and women?
I am operating off the principle that men and women came from dirt and ribs and children come from childbirth and there ( in my understanding ) isn't a connection between the two.
For instance Abraham was born and then later came from dirt to be a man...

What are you talking about? Where do you find Abraham later came from dirt to be a man?

There are any number of translations of Genesis in modern language, which could answer your present questions and give you enough information to formulate more relevant questions.
Ha, my questions relevant to what? your experience?
Is there any content in the Bible that speaks of a transition from childbirth to being either man or woman?
I think there might be a disconnect between childbirth and being a man or woman in the Bible and it could be said that every man and woman in the Bible come from dirt and ribs not from childbirth.
Or the accounts of Jacob and Esau, going from their birth to their manhood and the fighting between them?

Or Moses, who enters the narrative as a baby, and grows up to be Lawgiver.

Therre's also Jesus, going from the preborn surprise for Mary to the tall, dark, handsome man Pilate put to death.
1_corinthians/13-11 what you're looking for?

Yeah it says:

1 Corinthians 13:11
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
does that mean he became man after coming from dirt and shedding his child nature?
I could imagine better physics if I brain stormed I bet, but basically ^
does that mean he became man after coming from dirt and shedding his child nature?
I can't think of anything in scripture which would support this interpretation.
As far as i can remember, the only things to come from Clay are Adam and golems.
Everyone else comes from the preceding generation (except maybe for Cain's wife....)
Is there anything to refute it though?
It clearly says in Genesis that Man came from the ground, dust ( which may be not entirely accurate word ), and woman from the man's rib.
And as an example John 16:21 says child/baby comes from childbirth.
I use the word "generation" as a verb in the following...

I know it is "out there" but it's been bugging me for a while, me thinking I could make the argument that all children came from childbirth and all references to men and women in the Bible are referring to dirt and rib generation into a man or woman not actually transitioning from child to man and woman without being plucked from the dirt or a rib contradicting what we normally observe.

like I said it is pretty out there but I am seeing the absurdity if I can make the argument that children somehow disappeared then reappeared as adults with an origin of dirt and rib and the scripture not actually be able to refute it even though I can make the argument based on dirt/rib generation for adults and childbirth generation for children.

here's an example
Child Jesus came from childbirth, adult Jesus came from dirt.
Then life would begin when the grownup shows up. Not at first breath, like scripture says.

No, the accounts of Jacob and Esau talk about two people, not two people and the baby placeholders that were there before the adults rose up from teh dust.
Just thinking about it makes my head hurt, but I'm glad i got some feedback so i can quit worrying about it. Thanks
In Bereshit (Genesis 3:19) it says:

כִּי-עָפָר אַתָּה, וְאֶל-עָפָר תָּשׁוּב. for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Combine that with Talmudic saying:

Adam, was created for the sake of peace among men, so that no one should say to his fellow, 'My father was greater than yours

Since everyone descended from Adam all are just dust in a sense......

Now since this account of creation is not historically active it's just a mental exercise....
Yeah i figure they've had 2000+ years to think up something like this idea and must have not come up with a good argument it seems to be all in the interpretation of the text not actual reality.
And a second reading oh HaRaAYaH's post makes me think i might be able to at least make the argument that people aren't born but derived from dust, it's a crazy book either way.
And a second reading oh HaRaAYaH's post makes me think i might be able to at least make the argument that people aren't born but derived from dust, it's a crazy book either way.
At a time when many kings claimed to be gods or the direct descendants of gods, it makes revolutionary sense to found a religion that says at the top of our family tree, we're all just dust, so stop putting on airs, you arrogant jerk. Your granddaddy may have been king, but both our great, great, great, great great granddaddy's were the same patch of mud in the Garden.
I am so happy you can find three humor around this topic because i don't take it seriously but it is a tedious mental image of failure regarding the Bible that I have
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