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The Big Baby in the White House


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump the victim: President complains in private about the pandemic hurting himself - The Washington Post
The president rants about the deadly coronavirus destroying “the greatest economy,” one he claims to have personally built. He laments the unfair “fake news” media, which he vents never gives him any credit. And he bemoans the “sick, twisted” police officers in Minneapolis, whose killing of an unarmed black man in their custody provoked the nationwide racial justice protests that have confounded the president.

Gone, say these advisers and confidants, many speaking on the condition of anonymity to detail private conversations, are the usual pleasantries and greetings.

Instead, Trump often launches into a monologue placing himself at the center of the nation’s turmoil. The president has cast himself in the starring role of the blameless victim — of a deadly pandemic, of a stalled economy, of deep-seated racial unrest, all of which happened to him rather than the country.
What a big baby.

When the Supreme Court rejected absolute immunity and decided that a New York prosecutor may see his business records, he reacted with a temper tantrum.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT!" / Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!" / Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "The Supreme Court sends case back to Lower Court, arguments to continue. This is all a political prosecution. I won the Mueller Witch Hunt, and others, and now I have to keep fighting in a politically corrupt New York. Not fair to this Presidency or Administration!" / Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Courts in the past have given “broad deference”. BUT NOT ME!" / Twitter
One has to marvel at how Trump's underlings and Congressional Republicans continue to enable him, despite his gross immaturity.

One also has to marvel at how willing self-described conservatives are to defend him, even though they pride themselves on believing in the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions.

Trump's self-centeredness has taken amusing turns.

When AOC primaried Rep. Joe Crowley in 2018, he responded

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Wow! Big Trump Hater Congressman Joe Crowley, who many expected was going to take Nancy Pelosi’s place, just LOST his primary election. In other words, he’s out! That is a big one that nobody saw happening. Perhaps he should have been nicer, and more respectful, to his President!" / Twitter

As if that election was all about him.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Like it or not, Tlaib and Omar are fast becoming the face of the Democrat Party. Cortez (AOC) is fuming, not happy about this!" / Twitter

As if AOC is just like him, an ill-tempered narcissist. She responded with a tears-of-laughter emoji.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "😂" / Twitter
It's weird how he (and the other white nationalists) think the Squad is some kind of major power to be reckoned with in Washignton, while their own party tends to sideline and ignore them.
What a big baby.

"Today, Donald is much as he was at 3 years old: incapable of growing, learning or evolving, unable to regulate his emotions, moderate his responses, or take in and synthesize information." (Mary Trump)
Big baby speaks
The inner baby in Trump came out so strongly back in '16 after Khizr Khan, the father of a (Muslim) U.S. soldier killed in Iraq, said that Trump "sacrificed nothing." When George Stephanopoulos asked for his reaction, Baby Don-Don came out with:
"I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I've had tremendous success."
At which point, Stephanopoulos should've shown him the dictionary definition of sacrifice. Except, baby don't read.
Mary Trump's book sheds light on the weird masculinity of Donald Trump - The Washington Post
Roseanne Barr: “Trump is, in my opinion, the first woman president of the United States.”

??? I'm baffled

Was Roseanne trying to court Trump’s diminishing female base by saying that Trump was so great for women that he might as well be one? Was it akin to the 1990s declaration that Bill Clinton was the nation’s first black president?

Donald Trump bears very little in common with any actual woman I know. But, oddly, he has a lot in common with the basest, most unfair stereotypes of femininity. He is ruled by feelings rather than facts. He is fickle, gossipy and easily grossed out. He uses florid language, like “beautiful” and “perfect,” and says he and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un “fell in love.” He deals with adversity like a Mean Girl with a burn book, via insults and freeze-outs. For any Neanderthal who has ever feared electing a female president because what if she’s too cranky when she’s on her period — congratulations. For approximately 1,300 days, you have had a menstruating man in the Oval Office.

It’s preposterous, not to mention insulting to women, to say that Trump is womanly. But it’s nearly as preposterous, not to mention insulting to men, to say that he’s manly.

Line of the day today came from Tony Fauci. Last question put to him in his interview was "So how are you doing, are you holding up?".
The response was delivered in a manner that is hard to convey in print, but it was:
"Well, I'm running on fumes... (pregnant pause) ... but the fumes are really thick!".
Complete with an exquisitely timed semi-eye-roll. I spat my coffee.
Ya gotta love that guy.
Baby Don has learned to drink while holding the container with only 1 hand! He's so PROUD of this achievement!
Another achievement!!! Donald announced he aced the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which is used to diagnose competence when a patient may have dementia.
Congratulations are in order, unless you, like me, have JTDS (Justified Trump Derangement Syndrome.)
Another achievement!!! Donald announced he aced the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which is used to diagnose competence when a patient may have dementia.
Congratulations are in order, unless you, like me, have JTDS (Justified Trump Derangement Syndrome.)

And he says most people couldn't pass that test.
Another achievement!!! Donald announced he aced the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which is used to diagnose competence when a patient may have dementia.
Congratulations are in order, unless you, like me, have JTDS (Justified Trump Derangement Syndrome.)

And he says most people couldn't pass that test.

The 2016 election results suggest he may have a point.
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