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The Donald is more electable than many think

You'd prefer Trump over Hillary? Even if Trump turns outs to be a moderate, he's a republican. That means that he'll be appointing people like McCain as sec of defense, and Palin for Secetary of the Interior! And the next president will most likely nominate at least two supreme court justices. That alone necessitates voting democrat, IMO.

I really don't see a big difference between your democrats and republicans.

Reread my long post, I gave you a number of differences.

SimpleDon said:
I had thought that you lived in Oz because of your Location: South Pole. Please don't tell me that there are two annoying Elizabeth May in the Commonwealth, that is another besides the annoying one in Canada.

Elizabeth May from Canada, yes. I am Canadian. I am from the South Pole because i am a Jolly Penguin ;)

I don't think that any penguin would be the least bit jolly at the South Pole. It is about 1200 km from the nearest ocean and 2800 m above sea level with an average year round temperature of -49° C.
The jolliest penguins I have ever met are the Little Penguins (aka Fairy Penguins or Blue Penguins) who spend the summer months nesting around Manly Cove in Sydney Harbour.

I used to live overlooking the beach, and when they have the big New Year fireworks, the council cordon off one end of the beach for the exclusive use of the penguins, who come out and run around on their bit of sand, completely un-fazed by the huge crowd covering the rest of the beach, or by the fireworks being launched from a barge just offshore.

Australia is a much better place to look for penguins than the South Pole.
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