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The fastest girl in Conneticut. Unless you count males.


Mar 31, 2007

...I won that race, and I'm grateful. But time after time, I have lost. I’ve lost four women’s state championship titles, two all-New England awards, and numerous other spots on the podium to male runners. I was bumped to third place in the 55-meter dash in 2019, behind two male runners. With every loss, it gets harder and harder to try again.

That’s a devastating experience. It tells me that I’m not good enough; that my body isn’t good enough; and that no matter how hard I work, I am unlikely to succeed, because I’m a woman.

That experience is why three of my fellow female athletes and I filed a lawsuit last year with Alliance Defending Freedom against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC): because girls and women shouldn’t be stripped of their right to fair competition.

The CIAC allows biological males to compete in girls’ and women’s sports. As a result, two males began racing in girls’ track in 2017. In the 2017, 2018, and 2019 seasons alone, these males took 15 women’s state track championship titles (titles held in 2016 by nine different girls) and more than 85 opportunities to participate in higher level competitions that belonged to female track athletes.

That’s because males have massive physical advantages. Their bodies are simply bigger and stronger on average than female bodies. It’s obvious to every single girl on the track.

But Connecticut officials are determined to ignore the obvious. And unfortunately, a federal district court recently dismissed our case. The court’s decision to do so tells women and girls that their feelings and opportunities don’t matter, and that they can’t expect anyone to stand up for their dignity and their rights.

But besides the psychological toll of experiencing unfair losses over and over, the CIAC’s policy has more tangible harms for women. It robs girls of the chance to race in front of college scouts who show up for elite metes, and to compete for the scholarships and opportunities that come with college recruitment. I’ll never know how my own college recruitment was impacted by losing those four state championship titles to a male. When colleges looked at my record, they didn’t see the fastest girl in Connecticut. They saw a second- or third-place runner.

So as we prepare for this next step in the case, I’m settling into my starting blocks again, but for a different kind of race. And this time, I’m confident that we can win.

I wish I had her optimism.
Reminds me of the Finnish study that transgender kids are overrepresented as bullies. It seems a mix of excessive narcissism and simply being jerks. Though it is ironic that the end consequence of feminism is the erasure of girls.
I've heard some say its misogynistic to be against transwomen competing with "non-transwomen" in sports. What a topsy-turvy world we live in.
I've heard some say its misogynistic to be against transwomen competing with "non-transwomen" in sports. What a topsy-turvy world we live in.


Not only the female class that is being harmed by trans ideology, even Homosexuals are. Transwomen complain that lesbians ought to date them because after all 'transwomen are real women'. It's bonkers to think a female who is sexually attracted to other females should be attacked for not being attracted to a male simply because that male self-identifies as a woman.:rolleyes:
Though it is ironic that the end consequence of feminism is the erasure of girls.

Nice example of misogynistic mansplaining. It seems it always has to be females who are at fault, even when they are the ones being harmed.
But but but I thought anyone could do anything or be anything if they just worked harder and pulled themselves up by the bootstraps
This is a tiny tiny issue in terms of real world problems.

But sports is supposed to be about "fair" play.

I have my opinions about fair play and understand woman's sports exist for a reason.

Women should already understand they are inferior (physically) when they are not competing against men.

But of course a good female athlete will be better than many men who are inferior physically to them.
Women should already understand they are inferior (physically) when they are not competing against men.
In general, the best men will beat the best women generally due to testosterone. But the best women can beat a lot of men, for instance, the top female sprinters can literally beat billions of men. So being "inferior" isn't exactly an accurate term.
Women should already understand they are inferior (physically) when they are not competing against men.
In general, the best men will beat the best women generally due to testosterone. But the best women can beat a lot of men, for instance, the top female sprinters can literally beat billions of men. So being "inferior" isn't exactly an accurate term.

But what many people want to see is the absolute best.

That is almost always men.

Golf is a sport where a great woman could compete against the best men. Michelle Wie did compete against men in a few tournaments.

Golf is not just about strength.

The best golfer is not necessarily the person who drives the ball furthest.

Golf is about coordination and timing and control of the body.

It appears that only the best men are better at that than the best women.

The best women would beat 99% of men.

Elite men and women stand above the rest but elite women are inferior (physically) to elite men.
Women should already understand they are inferior (physically) when they are not competing against men.
In general, the best men will beat the best women generally due to testosterone. But the best women can beat a lot of men, for instance, the top female sprinters can literally beat billions of men. So being "inferior" isn't exactly an accurate term.

Well, considering that many of the billions of men are elderly and feeble, obese, handicapped or even just middle-aged "dad bod" types is this really saying much?

In other news, sloths have been shown to be faster than millions of men.
I've never looked at a women sprinter and thought they were "inferior". They generally have a lower ceiling due to genetic limitations of muscles as a ratio to body weight/size. May seem like semantics, but to say women are inferior comes across as tone deaf.
I've never looked at a women sprinter and thought they were "inferior". They generally have a lower ceiling due to genetic limitations of muscles as a ratio to body weight/size. May seem like semantics, but to say women are inferior comes across as tone deaf.

It is saying that woman's sports exist because elite male athletes are superior to elite female athletes.
I've never looked at a women sprinter and thought they were "inferior". They generally have a lower ceiling due to genetic limitations of muscles as a ratio to body weight/size. May seem like semantics, but to say women are inferior comes across as tone deaf.

It is saying that woman's sports exist because elite male athletes are superior to elite female athletes.

Since sprinters were mentioned, one can look at the Olympics results and see that the first place women in the 100m dash are slower than the last place men. If the two sexes competed together a woman would never win. possibly not even qualify for the finals as pretty much all the men competing, even in the first heats, are faster than the gold medalist woman.
Women should already understand they are inferior (physically) when they are not competing against men.
In general, the best men will beat the best women generally due to testosterone. But the best women can beat a lot of men, for instance, the top female sprinters can literally beat billions of men. So being "inferior" isn't exactly an accurate term.

Female Olympic gold medalist records are routinely beaten by high school boys. Like, hundreds of times over.
Here's a rebuttal:


Quite frankly, all the arguments made in there in defense of allowing transwomen to compete with ciswomen seem to apply to all sex-based segregation in sports.

In fact, the entire thing is pretty worthless. The main argument seems to be, "well not all transwomen have high levels of testosterone because they may be on puberty blockers, and anyway, testosterone doesn't matter".

This apparently, from a Stanford MD. Pretty weak and intellectually dishonest.
Women should already understand they are inferior (physically) when they are not competing against men.
In general, the best men will beat the best women generally due to testosterone. But the best women can beat a lot of men, for instance, the top female sprinters can literally beat billions of men. So being "inferior" isn't exactly an accurate term.

Female Olympic gold medalist records are routinely beaten by high school boys. Like, hundreds of times over.
Exactly! The women are better than billions of men. Not all of them, just most of them.
Pretty weak and intellectually dishonest.

Yeah, I'm going with dishonest too.

This comment really got me:
The notion of transgender girls having an unfair advantage comes from the idea that testosterone causes physical changes such as an increase in muscle mass. But transgender girls are not the only girls with high testosterone levels. An estimated 10 percent of women have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which results in elevated testosterone levels.

The author makes it sound like somehow, women with PCOS have testosterone levels similar to that of males... but that's not the case.

Normal ranges for males and females are:
Male 19 and older: 240-950 ng/dl
Female 19 and older: 8-60 ng/dl

With PCOS...
Female with PCOS: <150 ng/dl

If Testosterone levels exceed 200 ng/dl in a female, it's an indicator of an ovarian or adrenal tumor.

Even with PCOS, female testosterone levels are considerably lower than the levels seen in normal males. In addition, this ignores the effect of testosterone during puberty - which has long-term physiological effects. During puberty, T levels in males reach as high as 1200 ng/dl... and in females they are normally below 75 ng/dl. During puberty, males experience testosterone at 10 to 16 times the level that females get. In adulthood, males run at about 5 to 10 times the amount of T that females get.
Here's a rebuttal:


Quite frankly, all the arguments made in there in defense of allowing transwomen to compete with ciswomen seem to apply to all sex-based segregation in sports.

In fact, the entire thing is pretty worthless. The main argument seems to be, "well not all transwomen have high levels of testosterone because they may be on puberty blockers, and anyway, testosterone doesn't matter".

This apparently, from a Stanford MD. Pretty weak and intellectually dishonest.
A standard is definitely needed.
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