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The Highest Bidder


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
It's going to occur to a lot of people at some point, that if Democrats can't vastly out-spend Republicans in this election cycle, their prospects are very dim indeed. Given the broad perception that defeat is akin to death (a poll of NH Dems revealed that most of them would rather see a meteor wipe out humanity), getting Mike Bloomberg elected would be a relatively benign result.

As Mikey surely anticipated, "the safe option" could be turning into the only option for The Powers That Be within the DNC, and he has positioned himself perfectly to fill that bill. That alone bespeaks more political savvy than any of the other Dem candidates. Bloomers is climbing steeply in national polls, and they mystique perpetuated by his appearance only in his own ads so far has kept the mud off of him. Of course he will have to prove himself out under the lights and in person, but this wouldn't be his first rodeo in that arena either.

Small business owners are a pragmatic lot (or are short term small business owners), so I wasn't quite so surprised to see this article and video.

Not just small business owners but I’ll bet most anyone with savings invested in stocks/mutual funds (55% of us) feel much the same. Like the closet racists who quietly voted for Trump in ‘16, many closet capitalists who espouse Bernie’s ideals would quietly vote for Bloomberg in ‘20.
How to beat Republicans: elect a Republican, apparently.

The way to beat the republicans is to get the most votes. And most voting Americans who could vote democratic are socially progressive and economically moderate. They favor a safety net but want to work and retire with something in their pocket. If the dems lose in 2020, it will due to putting up a candidate who scares moderates into thinking that the democrats will hurt the economy.
How to beat Republicans: elect a Republican, apparently.

The way to beat the republicans is to get the most votes. And most voting Americans who could vote democratic are socially progressive and economically moderate. They favor a safety net but want to work and retire with something in their pocket. If the dems lose in 2020, it will due to putting up a candidate who scares moderates into thinking that the democrats will hurt the economy.
Yes, but that's only because FUD works. Even the most socially progressive dems (based on history) have been MUCH better for the economy than the fucking GOP. Most 'murkins (and quite a few on this board) are immune to facts, however, and judge based solely on what they hear.
How to beat Republicans: elect a Republican, apparently.

The way to beat the republicans is to get the most votes. And most voting Americans who could vote democratic are socially progressive and economically moderate. They favor a safety net but want to work and retire with something in their pocket. If the dems lose in 2020, it will due to putting up a candidate who scares moderates into thinking that the democrats will hurt the economy.
Yeah, but how much of that is 40 years of BS propaganda. Even Sanders' platform isn't that radical. Yes, forgiving student loan debt will be a bit more complicated that it sounds (well, actually, it sounds complicated). I really do think Sanders supporters are more of a liability than Sanders himself.

I will also note that right-leaning moderate Hillary Clinton lost MI, WI, and PA in 2016. And only increased left-wing turnout could turn those states around. As people that traded the cow for the magic beans are currently still optimistically waiting for the beans to grow.

The eventual Democrat candidate is going to deal with a nation suffering from Charismatic Trump Evangelism. People that are directly suffering from his ridiculous policies are still supporting him. It is a religion at this point.
Even the most socially progressive dems (based on history) have been MUCH better for the economy than the fucking GOP. Most 'murkins (and quite a few on this board) are immune to facts, however, and judge based solely on what they hear.

The genius of the Rethuglicans has been to booby-trap the economy so that when they get ousted, the Democrat inherits a time bomb. Bushbaby screwed up and it kinda went off in his hand, so Obama ended up with two terms. It took all of the Republican party's concerted propaganda plus that of Putin and MBS to convince the ignorant right wing voters that the Obama economy was a failure, but they managed that and got Trump elected (sort of). Now, the same effort is focused on telling those same ignorant voters that the economy is great. In fact it's a house of cards, and it's going to come down long before 2024 regardless of who is in the WH. So they are desperately trying to prop it up for the next 8 months, knowing that voters - especially their voters - have short memories. So if Trump gets another term there can be a recession or even a depression, they'll somehow blame Democrats for it and hail their own genius when the economy shows signs of recovery. If Trump loses, the Democrat will once again inherit mess. And regardless of what happens next, the Republicans have so turned their voters' brains into jelly that the facts of the economy no longer matter. Their perception will always be conservative=money for me and lib'rul=they're letting the blacks and the Mexicans take my money.
How to beat Republicans: elect a Republican, apparently.

The way to beat the republicans is to get the most votes. And most voting Americans who could vote democratic are socially progressive and economically moderate. They favor a safety net but want to work and retire with something in their pocket. If the dems lose in 2020, it will due to putting up a candidate who scares moderates into thinking that the democrats will hurt the economy.

Here's an interesting bit of trivia. Did you know that only one U.S. candidate for any office has ever managed to lose an election to Donald J. Trump? Just one. And by sheer happenstance, I'm sure, her platform resembled your portrayal of the only possible winning platform very strongly. One wonders whether you might, in fact, not have the clearest understanding of what Americans want. Especially the Democratic-tolerant-but-not-committed components of what out-of-touch wealthy New Yorkers are prone to calling the "flyover country".

I think he's going to win again, mind, no matter who he is up against. His poison is the poison of choice for too many very committed angry white men. But I think the compromises we voluntarily make as we lose the field to his insane brand of bitter racism and radical isolationism will say a lot about us. If we did not have and push for ideals of our own, but instead always hemmed and hawed about being popular instead of right, and "led with compromise" in every battle, what can we honestly tell our children we did to stop him? "Well honey, we tried sending in a vitual clone, who only openly discriminated against migrants instead of torturing them directly, but they didn't take the decoy".
How to beat Republicans: elect a Republican, apparently.

The way to beat the republicans is to get the most votes. And most voting Americans who could vote democratic are socially progressive and economically moderate. They favor a safety net but want to work and retire with something in their pocket. If the dems lose in 2020, it will due to putting up a candidate who scares moderates into thinking that the democrats will hurt the economy.

Here's an interesting bit of trivia. Did you know that only one U.S. candidate for any office has ever managed to lose an election to Donald J. Trump? Just one.

Sure, but then there's the converse; NO U.S. candidate for ANY office has ever beaten Donald J. Trump in an election. Not one.
Personally I suspect that he's a lot weaker than appearances might indicate. We shall find out. But everything else about him is fake, so I suspect his "popularity" is only strong in appearance and is actually paper thin. But that doesn't mean he won't "win" (read:cheat) again.
Here's an interesting bit of trivia. Did you know that only one U.S. candidate for any office has ever managed to lose an election to Donald J. Trump? Just one.

Sure, but then there's the converse; NO U.S. candidate for ANY office has ever beaten Donald J. Trump in an election. Not one.
Personally I suspect that he's a lot weaker than appearances might indicate. We shall find out. But everything else about him is fake, so I suspect his "popularity" is only strong in appearance and is actually paper thin. But that doesn't mean he won't "win" (read:cheat) again.

He will. His people will physically prevent people from voting at all if they have to. And who will stop him? The most active and politically passionate young Leftists are as despised and routinely undercut by their own supposed party as they are by him and his goons.
Here's an interesting bit of trivia. Did you know that only one U.S. candidate for any office has ever managed to lose an election to Donald J. Trump? Just one.

Sure, but then there's the converse; NO U.S. candidate for ANY office has ever beaten Donald J. Trump in an election. Not one.
Personally I suspect that he's a lot weaker than appearances might indicate. We shall find out. But everything else about him is fake, so I suspect his "popularity" is only strong in appearance and is actually paper thin. But that doesn't mean he won't "win" (read:cheat) again.

He will. His people will physically prevent people from voting at all if they have to. And who will stop him? The most active and politically passionate young Leftists are as despised and routinely undercut by their own supposed party as they are by him and his goons.

Sometimes I see it that way. At other times I suspect that some random person off the street with no political machine at all would beat him as long as their name wasn't Trump.
So I'm not going to get very worked up about the nominating process, but when a candidate is chosen I will very vocally and actively support their election.
He will. His people will physically prevent people from voting at all if they have to. And who will stop him? The most active and politically passionate young Leftists are as despised and routinely undercut by their own supposed party as they are by him and his goons.

Sometimes I see it that way. At other times I suspect that some random person off the street with no political machine at all would beat him as long as their name wasn't Trump.
So I'm not going to get very worked up about the nominating process, but when a candidate is chosen I will very vocally and actively support their election.

I want to say the same. But I'm not putting another New York billionaire in office, and expecting different results. That's a fool's game.
As I've said before, Bloomberg has no charisma. And many of the clips in his ads are old - he's looking very long in the tooth these days. Biden has imploded, and the other moderates are picking up the pieces. At this point, I wouldn't read any more into it.
He will. His people will physically prevent people from voting at all if they have to. And who will stop him? The most active and politically passionate young Leftists are as despised and routinely undercut by their own supposed party as they are by him and his goons.

Sometimes I see it that way. At other times I suspect that some random person off the street with no political machine at all would beat him as long as their name wasn't Trump.
So I'm not going to get very worked up about the nominating process, but when a candidate is chosen I will very vocally and actively support their election.

I want to say the same. But I'm not putting another New York billionaire in office, and expecting different results. That's a fool's game.

Waddya mean "another"?
Show me Cheato's taxes, THEN tell me about that!
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