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The House Brings The Hammer Down On Rosenstien


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
So far, it is just 11 members of the misnamed Freedom Caucus. It has yet to be acted on by the House leadership. The August recess is about to get underway so this will linger like a bad fart in an elevator until they get back into session again. It is just a start of a political dumpster fire by these fools. It will supply talking points for the usual angry louts of Faux to yammer about for the next month to fire up the yokels. An attempt to force this on the GOP leadership when they come back.
Even if impeached, with a name like Rod Rosenstein, he'll always have a second gig in the adult entertainment industry.
This Deep State that was nominated by the President and approved by the Senate 94-6, must be stopped!
Even if impeached, with a name like Rod Rosenstein, he'll always have a second gig in the adult entertainment industry.

This Deep State that was nominated by the President and approved by the Senate 94-6, must be stopped!

You mean the state of his job will be to go deep in some porn starlet?
Golly, why would the America-hating, Russia-loving traitors in the Republican party want to interfere with a treason investigation?

I'm sure it will come to me if I just think about it.
I like this. I hope it happens.

The public, and Congress, need to be reminded that impeachment is political, not legal. ALL it requires is sufficient votes on the question of 'Do we want this person in this office?'

'High Crimes' does not refer to felonies, but to anything that the people on the Hill find unbecoming. Or inconvenient.

The first judges to be impeached were mostly guilty of being appointed by the wrong president.

So when all those conservatives reply to certain posts on Twitler's feeds with 'What has he done to deserve being impeached?' we can say, "just like Rod, he lost support in Congress.'

So, yeah, do it. Don't worry about precedents or implications... Possible conesquences...
It's not going to happen. This is just the nonsense that the most extreme members of the more extreme party puts out to please the most extreme of the Trump supporters. I read about this earlier today and the article that I read said that it takes 2/3 of the Senate to impeach a member of the administration. The idiot Ryan has already played down this idiotic idea.
It's not going to happen. This is just the nonsense that the most extreme members of the more extreme party puts out to please the most extreme of the Trump supporters. I read about this earlier today and the article that I read said that it takes 2/3 of the Senate to impeach a member of the administration. The idiot Ryan has already played down this idiotic idea.

They know Rosenstein isn't going anywhere. That's why they are doing the only thing they know how to do: lie to the public.
And don't make the mistake of thinking that has no effect. Once the damning indictments and mueller's report are made public, every lie they are pushing right now will be loudly quoted far and wide by faux news and the idiots who watch it 24/7.
It's not going to happen. This is just the nonsense that the most extreme members of the more extreme party puts out to please the most extreme of the Trump supporters. I read about this earlier today and the article that I read said that it takes 2/3 of the Senate to impeach a member of the administration. The idiot Ryan has already played down this idiotic idea.

They know Rosenstein isn't going anywhere. That's why they are doing the only thing they know how to do: lie to the public.
And don't make the mistake of thinking that has no effect. Once the damning indictments and mueller's report are made public, every lie they are pushing right now will be loudly quoted far and wide by faux news and the idiots who watch it 24/7.

Yeah, this is the political equivalent of lighting some green sticks on fire to create a bunch of smoke.

Even when Rosenstein isn't impeached, it's safe to say that Trumptards will become convinced that he was actually impeached. Fox will hammer it with utterly misleading bullshit. Then when Mueller's conclusions are given, Rosenstein will be the impeached SOB who gleefully allowed that corrupt Democrat Mueller to wage Fake News on our pristine leader. And when this kind of injustice occurs, you can't be mislead by the enemy of the people (see actual news organizations). No, you can't believe what you see, read, or hear.

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
They know Rosenstein isn't going anywhere. That's why they are doing the only thing they know how to do: lie to the public.
And don't make the mistake of thinking that has no effect. Once the damning indictments and mueller's report are made public, every lie they are pushing right now will be loudly quoted far and wide by faux news and the idiots who watch it 24/7.

Yeah, this is the political equivalent of lighting some green sticks on fire to create a bunch of smoke.

Even when Rosenstein isn't impeached, it's safe to say that Trumptards will become convinced that he was actually impeached.

Taking it one further, even after Trump is impeached or otherwise removed from office, they'll think he's still President.
I really wonder what will happen to the "deplorables" when they have lost control of Congress and are no longer deemed acceptable by the executive branch. Will they just crawl back under the rocks from whence they emerged in 2016, resort to their beloved 2nd amendment "solutions", pretend they never liked Trump, or what?
I can't wait to find out.
When Republicans push alt facts like that it's reasonable to impeach Rosenstein, they move the center rightward. This is why US has been moving right for years. Democrats, on the other hand, can't even bring themselves to impeach someone guilty of war crimes or treason. Just watch. Pelosi and Dem Party establishment will be fine with using RussiaGate to increase numbers, but once there, it will be "Now we have to heal and move forward." Remember I wrote this.
This whole thing is batshit insane. The Republicans aren't even trying to hide their treason anymore.

What? All 17 intelligence agencies say America was attacked? SURRENDER TO RUSSIA IMMEDIATELY! Let's cut funding for defense against that kind of attack and interfere with the treason investigation!!!!

So now they've withdrawn the impeachment, but want to censure?

I bet even more than 11 will sign on to censure.

What reason do they have to hide their treason when they know FOX News will lie to their base on their behalf no matter what they do?
This whole thing is batshit insane. The Republicans aren't even trying to hide their treason anymore.

What? All 17 intelligence agencies say America was attacked? SURRENDER TO RUSSIA IMMEDIATELY! Let's cut funding for defense against that kind of attack and interfere with the treason investigation!!!!

So now they've withdrawn the impeachment, but want to censure?

I bet even more than 11 will sign on to censure.

What reason do they have to hide their treason when they know FOX News will lie to their base on their behalf no matter what they do?

Can you blame them? "Quit picking on the foreigners who got our boy elected!"
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