You insist that 'complexity' is a problem for evolutionists, without ever actually showing that complexity is a problem for evolutionists.
Researchers saying 'this is whoo-dang complexical' are not befuddled researchers.
This shouldn't be in a 'Religion Vs. Science' forum. It should be in a 'just preaching' forum.
Are you aware of any evolution research that has demonstrated that biological processes can produce increasingly complex organisms? The creationists look for such things and they have not found any.
Oh, so you're here on this thread to make an ARGUMENT FROM IGNORANCE. How
novel of you, rhutchin!
Of course, it was the evolutionists who perfected the art of arguing from ignorance.
My arguments regarding the complexity of living organisms is being shown in research. I have cited a couple cases in separate threads and will cite more when I find them. You, of course, are encouraged to bring our attention to studies that support evolution.