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The man with no backbone


I think it's great that Trump backpedals on one issue after another. His ideas are all stupid.

But it does make him look pathetic and weak.
This will happen when you have no idea what the heck you are talking about. How he could say that 'no one could have predicted how hard health care reform is' with a straight face exposes just how inadequate he is for the position.

Next he'll say 'No one could know how hard defeating terrorism is' and then 'No one could have known how hard passing tax or immigration reform was'.

He truly is a little man in a position much bigger than him.
Most people begin to learn about complex things in college. Trump, as a 70 year old man, is learning them as POTUS.

I had a book when I was a kid about the Presidents. Even with Nixon, the book wrote in flowery compliments and gave his downfall a dignified story. On the face of the page of each new chapter was a black and white portrait, drawn so as to evoke the dignity and inner strength of each man. And inset into each portrait was a short poem written about the great man's potential to lead America. I wonder what that book's authors would have written about Trump. What I envision is a black and white portrait, subtly highlighted in orange of a splatter on white cloth. Next to it the prose reads, "This Orange Shitstain Shall Redefine "Embarrassment.'"
It is too bad Bannon is not the hidden president anymore, but the globalist Kushner is. In Bannon's own words:

Bannon is a fucking nut and likely responsible for a sizable chunk of the stupid shit that's come out of the White House these past three months. Kushner is still totally unqualified for the amount of responsibility being heaped on him, but him taking the reins away from Bannon is still a win for the world at large.
It is too bad Bannon is not the hidden president anymore, but the globalist Kushner is. In Bannon's own words:

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Don't agree. An elite is a person who knows how to do it (whatever it is), has the ability and other people know they do.

Trump just belongs to the moneyed class. He belongs to the nobility if USA. Trump encapsulates why it's a bad idea to have laws designed to perpetuate an aristocracy.

Every country needs an elite to run it. That is a good thing. Aristocracy = bad .
I still can't get over the fact that Trump managed to get elected in USA. ha ha ha ha. Whenever I think of USA from now on I will shake my head and laugh at USA.
I liked this, from Kevin Drum:

On Fox Business this morning, President Trump said he's not done with health care after all. In fact, he wants to take another swing at TrumpCare before he tackles tax cuts for the rich. Just for the record, then, here is what Trump's domestic and foreign policy has looked like over the past two months:


NAFTA is the worst trade deal ever. It must be uprooted and fundamentally reformed.
China needs to stop screwing us on trade and North Korea or they're in big trouble.
We're committed to good relations with Russia.
Assad can stay in power. We don't really care.
Health care is dead, time to move on to taxes.


We have a few modest changes we'd like to make to NAFTA.
We had a pleasant meeting with Xi. It would be nice if they helped out with North Korea.
Russia's actions in the Ukraine, its interference with our elections, and its backing of Assad are intolerable.
Assad is a monster who has to go.
We're going to try again on health care before we get to taxes.

What is incredible is that Bannon was made Chief Advisor for whatever reason. And now he is losing to Trump's blood, the only people Trump actually trusts. It is odd how Trump's alt-right campaign that lasted for 18+ months is evaporating. Meanwhile the pro-Russia campaign that started in March 2016 seems to be dissipating as well with Trump's latest words on NATO. Bannon wasn't the original source of this, but it seems to be going to wayside now.

Which really makes one worried because Ivanka and Jared seem to have way too much influence despite being academic lightweights on foreign policy. But it also indicates that establishments like McMaster are also asserting more control. But this all means the Donhole has almost no policy ideas of his own other than "make me Great again!"
I like how he says NATO is no longer obsolete, as if NATO changed to suit him. No dumb ass, you were wrong abut it being obsolete in the first place.
Yep, and if Don the Con was only the Monarch of Grand Fenwick, then one would see other leaders openly laugh at his Tweets and mouthing off...

As it is, I'm pretty sure most other leaders just hope to stay off FFvC's radar, hoping to minimize the circus.

I think it's great that Trump backpedals on one issue after another. His ideas are all stupid.

But it does make him look pathetic and weak.
This will happen when you have no idea what the heck you are talking about. How he could say that 'no one could have predicted how hard health care reform is' with a straight face exposes just how inadequate he is for the position.

Next he'll say 'No one could know how hard defeating terrorism is' and then 'No one could have known how hard passing tax or immigration reform was'.

He truly is a little man in a position much bigger than him.

We know where he is really coming from. All of those "No one knew X would be hard" statements boil down to "No one who got their start in life with millions in the bank knows how hard it is to actually do work."
I want someone to ask Trump to compare himself to Eisenhower, but this way "How was Eisenhower better than yourself, President Trump?"
I want someone to ask Trump to compare himself to Eisenhower, but this way "How was Eisenhower better than yourself, President Trump?"

I can almost hear it:

"Well, there's really no comparison. I mean, look at this hair! Eisenhower could never come close."
I want someone to ask Trump to compare himself to Eisenhower, but this way "How was Eisenhower better than yourself, President Trump?"

I can almost hear it:

"Well, there's really no comparison. I mean, look at this hair! Eisenhower could never come close."

I'm pretty sure he'd say he's better because he can walk and isn't stuck in a wheelchair like some kind of loser. Then Sean Spicer would spend the next week berating everybody for not knowing that Eisenhower was confined to a wheelchair while his sad policies were what made the US lose WWI to the British.
I can almost hear it:

"Well, there's really no comparison. I mean, look at this hair! Eisenhower could never come close."

I'm pretty sure he'd say he's better because he can walk and isn't stuck in a wheelchair like some kind of loser. Then Sean Spicer would spend the next week berating everybody for not knowing that Eisenhower was confined to a wheelchair while his sad policies were what made the US lose WWI to the British.
Maybe more like "It'd be interesting where America stood if people with Eisenhower's background had been President instead of professional politicians."
I can almost hear it:

"Well, there's really no comparison. I mean, look at this hair! Eisenhower could never come close."

I'm pretty sure he'd say he's better because he can walk and isn't stuck in a wheelchair like some kind of loser. Then Sean Spicer would spend the next week berating everybody for not knowing that Eisenhower was confined to a wheelchair while his sad policies were what made the US lose WWI to the British.
Damn Frogs!
I want someone to ask Trump to compare himself to Eisenhower, but this way "How was Eisenhower better than yourself, President Trump?"

Trump is closest to Eisenhower than any other president but Wilson in rounds of golf played.
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