Decimal numbers, real numbers etc are ALL abstract concepts.Phil Scott didn't say anything about any "series". He talked about all the rationals between 0 and 1. That's a set and more specifically that's an interval, not a series.
The rationals appear on a line. They are a series along that line.
The line approaches 1 but does not ever get there.
It is not bounded in the sense that 1 is a final destination.
The series is unbounded and endless.
Thinking about an infinite series as a set is just an abstraction.
It does not change the series in one way.
You have nothing but some magical thinking about the concept of a set.
A set can be imagined to contain an infinite series but in reality no such series can be contained.
But if translated into reality you could have approximately half an apple. You could definitely have some unknown fraction of an apple. In theory you could have every fraction possible. There is a fraction too small to have.
But you can't have infinite apples.
They would not fit in infinite universes.
Infinite apples is apples without end.
That is not something you could ever have. Not even something you could imagine.