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The Prime Purpose


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
I think everyone here already knows this, and maybe I should put it in "rants", but I felt like the oxymoronic nature of the title "presidential politics" was the focus. So here it sits.

All the news networks are excited out of their minds about the next episode of The Trump Show. Ratings are through the roof. The perpetual spectacle of talking heads with their hair on fire is becoming the new National Pastime. The Star of the Show is reveling in the unpresidented level of attention he is receiving for his amazing performances, and spends his every waking hour devising the next episode. To guarantee that the next episode will break the previous episode's record ratings is no mean task. But nothing must stand in the way of that Prime Purpose. No law of man or nature may impede the Holy Ratings Quest, no code of conduct can stand in its path, no act can be too beneficent or too heinous if it serves The Cause. From Atomic Annihilation to Zygote Zeal, there is nothing that can't be either discarded or employed in the service of attention to The Star. Whether it's lavishing obscene riches upon the already obscenely rich, torturing already tortured refugees, dispensing with all legal constraints on The Star's actions or concocting terrifying threats and proclaiming them "facts", whatever harm might be done is necessary collateral damage in service to the Prime Purpose. Nobody in the history of the world has ever had their name in print or on air with a frequency that even approaches that of The Star.

This is a very stable genius who has been able to fix the attention of the entire world upon Himself, and the American media is helpless to do anything but comply with the command to repeat His Name continuously in response to every outrage. Ratings are through the roof, but no time to celebrate - the next episode is upon us!

It amazes me that the CNNs of the world continue to treat The Star as if he was actually the President of the world's greatest superpower, rather than the simple-minded but talented performance artist that he is. I am sure they know that The Star devotes less than one minute per day to the job of president and in fact does little other than eat, sleep and work on the next episode. I guess that their advertisers are demanding that The Show must go on.
They have to cover him. The implications of his gross incompetence are great.

There have been proposals to stop covering mass shootings in order to deny the shooter their day in the spotlight, which likely encourages other assholes to commit mass shootings. I tend to think it's wrong to do that because it's newsworthy and obviously in the public's interest. But there are not unreasonable arguments for it.

However, the POTUS has to be covered, and at the end, at least the press will be able to say they gave us all notice. Except for Fox et al. They'll be able to say they did their best to misinform us.
They could very easily report the shooting without mentioning the shooter's name. Do some of them already do that?
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