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The real reason why Trump is erratic

It is obvious why Trump is so erratic and unstable.

1. His wife sleeps in a separate bedroom and won't let him get any considering his blatant adultery after he married her.

2. With 24/7 media coverage he can no longer have a mistress.

3. He can't get away with groping women anymore.

If you want to calm him down get somebody to give him a blow job,

If he gets a blow job, doesn't that mean we can impeach him?

I mean, I get that we can't impeach him for treason because treason is now a partisan issue, but we can still impeach presidents for blow jobs, can't we?

Clinton's mistake was he lied about it. Trump said he could shoot somebody and no one would care. He could get a blow job in the Oval Office and no one world care, least of all moral conservative Christians.

Think His Flatulence would admit getting a blowjob from Ivanka? (Legal in both Washington D.C. and Florida. Both locations define incest only as penis-in-vagina.)
Nonetheless, the definition of treason includes the stipulation that the country has to be at war. Sure, he could be impeached for many things if Congressional gop had any backbone, but it wouldn't be treason as currently defined. Personally, I think the definition of war should be modified to include electronic warfare, which is definitely going on right now.
None of that matters, though. There is a legal definition of treason, but impeachment does not have to be for the violation of an actual law.
If Congress wants to list a charge of treason because of American jobs lost due to his fucking trade war, and enough people vote in favor of it, it's done.

Also, the US definition of treason is war against the US _or_ giving aid to our enemies. We don't have to be at war.

Well, we do in the sense that an enemy is defined as someone with which we are either in declared or “open” war, but the fact that Russia attacked us is a legitimate defacto state of war and the fact that Trump aided in that attack—suborned it, no less, openly and they responded in kind—would be enough, but as you have already pointed out, it’s not really relevant, other than he is a traitor and committed treasonous acts.
Seriously, not even two years into a awful presidency and we are resorting to sex jokes about his problems?

Not so much sex jokes as vilifying women for their looks. As if there's nothing else to criticize them for. They're vapid, entitled, clueless, shitty human beings who make their livelihoods off of defending and lying for depraved loons, but the low hanging fruit of reflexive woman bashing is just too easy I guess. Some things never change.
Seriously, not even two years into a awful presidency and we are resorting to sex jokes about his problems?

Shall we run around wailing in agony whipping ourselves and pulling our hair out?

You either have faith in the long run the country will get through it or you don't. The Civil War, Nixon, the Vietnam war has passed witrh lehgacies we still deal with still. The legacy of slavery still plagues us.

One thing our cultrure has is optimism, a faith in the future based on our history.

I can laugh or I can end up face down in a bar drinking or with a needle inmy arm.

I choose optimism.

I know a black guy who grew up in La under Jim Crow as a kid. His stories are horrible. Yet he is optimistic and has a faith in the future of the country despite all the shit he endured. If he can be up neat, them so can I.

Manufactured and excessive gravitas serves no purpose.
Trump may seem erratic because the one person he identified as his role model or mentor was George Steinbrenner.

Seriously, not even two years into a awful presidency and we are resorting to sex jokes about his problems?

Shall we run around wailing in agony whipping ourselves and pulling our hair out?
No, we pick up the effort when crafting the comedy. This isn't 80's improv night.

You either have faith in the long run the country will get through it or you don't. The Civil War, Nixon, the Vietnam war has passed witrh lehgacies we still deal with still. The legacy of slavery still plagues us.
And we exist in the fog of not knowing how much permanent damage Trump and the GOP are doing to our democracy. Remember Garland, remember the obstruction of justice, remember siding with Putin over the CIA and asking the Principals whether we could allow Russia to interview our former diplomats for Russia?

One thing our cultrure has is optimism, a faith in the future based on our history.
This is America. We don't have a culture.
Also "Sheriff Joe" -- he even had Pence gush about 'how honored I am to be in the same room with Sheriff Joe'.....these 21 months have been pure surrealism (or that's what I wish they were -- a bad dream.) It will take a master historian of the future to recreate what these times are like. I still can't believe what a cheesy, coarse, low-class character our chief exec. is. The horror never wears off.
The real reason why Trump is erratic

From a PBS bio during the campaign he was brownbeat by his father from the get go. Hyper agressive anything goes winn9ng us everything.

His brother became an airline pilot. His father called him a loser bus driver.

When we see Trump we are likely seeing his father. The binary winners losers dichotomy.

His problem is he never carried any responsibility.

His father gave him money to get started. In his first big Manhatten deal he showed an unsgned contract to the baks manging to hide it was not signed securing a loan promise. Then he went to investors and used the bank promise to get the contract signed. He was a con artist from the get go.

His business image is a complete con job. His casino failed and his father illegally bought chips as a bailout. He declared it a success.

His venture into pro football failed, some saying his disruptive methods added to the league failure. The NFL had rejected his bid for a team ownership.

Trump University another cam scam failed.

He was on the brink of personal bankruptcy at one point. He was bailed out by investors who figured they would recoup more money by keeping him afloat.

Multiple corporate bankruptcies. He went to shady financing because regular banks would not touch him.

I'm no psychologist but he has an adolescent need for attention, the obvious. His father banished him to an all boy military school as a kid for being troublesome. Damaged goods from the start.

He probably has never had a personal relationship that was not in some way transactional and quid pro quo. No empathy. Probably never had a true friend.

Trump is then classical iconic image of the man with money who is forever unhappy, unsatisfied, and without comfort.
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