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The Republican House is a circus


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs
I'm gifting an article by Dana Millbank about how insane and dysfunctional the Republican Congress has become. It's a very long piece which can be listened to or read and I hope at least a few of you will read it, especially anyone foolish enough to be voting for the MAGAs in the coming election.


The following is just a little taste of what's to come. Read on.....

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Six weeks after his improbable rise from obscurity to speaker of the House in late 2023, Louisiana’s Mike Johnson decided to break bread with a group of Christian nationalists. He gave the keynote address (at the Museum of the Bible) to the National Association of Christian Lawmakers, a group whose founder, “proud” Christian nationalist Jason Rapert, has said: “I reject that being a Christian Nationalist is somehow unseemly or wrong.”

Rapert’s organization promoted the pine-tree “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which was among the banners flown at the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6, 2021 — and which, by total and remarkable coincidence, was proudly displayed outside Johnson’s congressional office.
Confirmed speakers and award recipients for the gathering Johnson addressed included: a man who proposed that gay people should be forced to wear “a label across their forehead reading, ‘This can be hazardous to your health’ ”; a woman who blamed gay people for Noah’s flood and more recent natural disasters; and various adherents of “dominionist” theology, which holds that the United States should be governed under biblical law by Christians.
“I’ll tell you a secret, since media is not here,” Johnson teased the group, unaware that his hosts were streaming video of the event. Johnson informed his audience that God “had been speaking to me” about becoming speaker, communicating “very specifically,” in fact, waking him at night and giving him “plans and procedures.”

God, said Johnson, told him that “we’re coming to a Red Sea moment” and that Johnson needed to be prepared — to be Moses! Throughout the speakership battle, “the Lord kept telling me to wait,” Johnson recounted. “And it came to the end, and the Lord said, ‘Now, step forward.’” Johnson told them that “only God saw the path through the roiling sea.”
Those seas have not calmed much since. In 11 months as speaker, Johnson has led the House Republicans not to the promised land but into deeper water, where they have been thrashing, splashing and dog paddling without end. Johnson inherited a dysfunctional House GOP majority from Speaker Kevin McCarthy — the first in history to be ousted midterm — and managed to make it even worse by catering to the whims of former president Donald Trump even more than his predecessor had.

At the moment, Johnson and his caucus are in a typical crisis of their own making. The government runs out of money in less than two weeks, and Trump has ordered Johnson to shut it down if Democrats won’t swallow a poison pill that makes it harder to register to vote. But after a seven-week summer recess, Johnson tried to put the plan on the House floor last week — only to pull it because he didn’t have enough Republican votes. He’s trying again this week, against long odds.

Today, Johnson’s run looks anything but heaven-sent. In the first 18 months of this Congress, only 70 laws were enacted. Calculations by political scientist Tobin Grant, who tracks congressional output over time, put this Congress on course to be the do-nothingest since 1859-1861 — when the Union was dissolving. But Johnson’s House isn’t merely unproductive; it is positively lunatic. Republicans have filled their committee hearings and their bills with white nationalist attacks on racial diversity and immigrants, attempts to ban abortion and to expand access to the sort of guns used in mass shootings, incessant harassment of LGBTQ Americans, and even routine potshots at the U.S. military. They insulted each other’s private parts, accused each other of sexual and financial crimes, and scuffled with each other in the Capitol basement. They screamed “Bullshit!” at President Joe Biden during the State of the Union address. They stood up for the Confederacy and used their official powers to spread conspiracy theories about the “Deep State.” Some even lent credence to the idea that there has been a century-old Deep State coverup of space aliens, with possible involvement by Mussolini and the Vatican.
Follow Dana Milbank
It’s like the Onion except in real life. It’s jaw-dropping.
I know what you mean. My husband and I were both reading the article at lunch and were amazed at how crazy and dysfunctional the Republicans were when Dana listed most all of their crazy things together and wrote about them in one article. The good Republicans have seen the light, so to say, and will be voting Blue this fall, but sadly, there are way too many MAGA types who think this behavior is just fine, or they blow it off and pretend it's not really happening.
This dysfunction is by design. And I will believe that “good Republicans” will vote for sanity when I see it.
This dysfunction is by design. And I will believe that “good Republicans” will vote for sanity when I see it.
"Good Republicans" sounds oxymoronic at this point. Perhaps we ought dispense with all political labels in order to restore the sanity. Just a thought.
A lot of MAGA types and Christian Nationalists love blaming the government for their current woes, and alleged problems like high gas prices and inflation, not realizing that since the Republicans have the majority in the House of Representatives that they are the government (and the Senate has the narrowest of margins, Democrats 51 to Republicans 49).
We really should be getting our money back for their salaries. It is a bizarre mess. They (the GOP), don't do anything in the House. They just sit there, complain about clouds in the sky. They see fit to just let the radical right-wing judges take over control of the United States.

Johnson will have to get a budget passed. The question is, does he leave it too long, and then the GOP'ers that voted against his budget because it wasn't draconian enough decide Johnson is compromising too much and fire him, potentially leaving no one in the Speakership again? The Democrats can save Johnson, but it'll cost him something. Probably passing a clean budget kick the can down the road bill, because they seems to be the best we can get from these anti-Democratic asshole Republicans.
Thanks for these articles, SoHy (unfortunately wapo make you create a free account to read. I need to get around to creating a new trash gmail or figuring our how apple does it’s anon spare email thingy, but I digress)

This circus is mind-boggling. It really is. It’s so hard to believe any of them are getting what they want as opposed to just all trying and failing to ride this tempest and this is what they end up with.
Thanks for these articles, SoHy (unfortunately wapo make you create a free account to read. I need to get around to creating a new trash gmail or figuring our how apple does it’s anon spare email thingy, but I digress)

This circus is mind-boggling. It really is. It’s so hard to believe any of them are getting what they want as opposed to just all trying and failing to ride this tempest and this is what they end up with.
Sorry, I didn't know that WaPo does that, when a subscriber shares an article. Like the Times, I can share 10 articles a month or sometimes I can share extra ones without using my free gifts. It's weird.
This circus is mind-boggling. It really is. It’s so hard to believe any of them are getting what they want as opposed to just all trying and failing to ride this tempest and this is what they end up with.
I've said it before and will say it again. Reminds me of Golding and Lord of the Flies.
It reminds me of the then-Democratic Party on the eve of the Civil War.
It reminds me of the then-Democratic Party on the eve of the Civil War.
It’s going to be a lot harder this time, to recruit Americans to go kill each other based on where they live … again.
But I think Trump can manage it with a lot of help from his Uncle Vlad.
They ended the session to go home and look for votes, without doing much of anything even though they had control of the house. The in-fighting between the MAGA crazies and the somewhat normies stopped them from doing anything. Mike Johnson had to extent an olive branch to the DEMS to get the continuing resolution passed. Which pissed off the MAGA crowd.

What are they going to tell their constituents when they get home. "Umm we didn't do much of anything except stop a bunch of stuff. And we fought amongst ourselves a bunch."
They ended the session to go home and look for votes, without doing much of anything even though they had control of the house. The in-fighting between the MAGA crazies and the somewhat normies stopped them from doing anything. Mike Johnson had to extent an olive branch to the DEMS to get the continuing resolution passed. Which pissed off the MAGA crowd.

What are they going to tell their constituents when they get home. "Umm we didn't do much of anything except stop a bunch of stuff. And we fought amongst ourselves a bunch."
They'll take credit for all the spending the Biden initiatives brought to their districts.
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