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The return of the political commissioner

Critics say the competing chains of command eventually will breed mistrust, chaos and inefficiency — especially as new department heads build their staffs.
which is exactly what Trump wants

What Bannon wants. Cheato is too stupid to want anything so lofty. He wants to play golf and be fawned over by adoring throngs of morons.
What Bannon wants. Cheato is too stupid to want anything so lofty. He wants to play golf and be fawned over by adoring throngs of morons.

Heh. He's so stupid that he's a billionaire

Give any moron $140m and have him put it in an index fund, and he'd put Cheato's "billions" (Which we don't even know he is actually worth) to shame.

... who beat out the shoe-in former first lady to become president. I'd love to have that kind of stupidity.

With enough help from the Russians, that same moron could have beaten HRC. An empty can of beans could have beaten her. Cheato is dumber than a box of rocks.

With enough help from the Russians, [Trump Derangement Syndrome blah, blah, blah].

With enough help from the Russians, [Trump Derangement Syndrome blah, blah, blah].

The Russians don't care about Cheato - that's YOU. They simply hated HRC and overshot their mark. Now they're distancing themselves from your tangerine wet dream.
Cheato is still as dumb as a creosote post without the creosote. And so ignorant he misspells three letter words... what a dufus.
which is exactly what Trump wants

What Bannon wants. Cheato is too stupid to want anything so lofty. He wants to play golf and be fawned over by adoring throngs of morons.

Bannon wants the whole thing to collapse.

But pitting people against each other while breeding mistrust & disloyalty to everyone other than himself has been Trump's M.O. in all of his companies all along.
What Bannon wants. Cheato is too stupid to want anything so lofty. He wants to play golf and be fawned over by adoring throngs of morons.

Heh. He's so stupid that he's a billionaire who beat out the shoe-in former first lady to become president. I'd love to have that kind of stupidity.

I agree that he's not stupid. He knows a sucker when he sees one. Or 30 million. Mencken had something to say about this, if I recall.

You - like a whole lot of Americans - have assumed that because Trump is a billionaire, he must therefore be more or less exactly one thousand times as smart as a millionaire, and as such far beyond the intelligence of those poor voters who can barely rub two food stamps together.
What Bannon wants. Cheato is too stupid to want anything so lofty. He wants to play golf and be fawned over by adoring throngs of morons.

Heh. He's so stupid that he's a billionaire who beat out the shoe-in former first lady to become president. I'd love to have that kind of stupidity.
Yup, so smart! So America first that he brings up an embarrassment of the Gunkel leaks so he could spite Obama. Yup, America first.

Who the heck won't you support with an R after their name?
Heh. He's so stupid that he's a billionaire who beat out the shoe-in former first lady to become president. I'd love to have that kind of stupidity.
Yup, so smart! So America first that he brings up an embarrassment of the Gunkel leaks so he could spite Obama. Yup, America first.

Who the heck won't you support with an R after their name?

So much envy. It's not healthy for you.
Traustri said:
Heh. He's so stupid that he's a billionaire who beat out the shoe-in former first lady to become president. I'd love to have that kind of stupidity

Il Douchbag's Net worth is the same today as when it was inherited. Adjusting for inflation, Cheetolini has actually lost money

Traustri said:
Heh. He's so stupid that he's a billionaire who beat out the shoe-in former first lady to become president. I'd love to have that kind of stupidity

Il Douchbag's Net worth is the same today as when it was inherited. Adjusting for inflation, Cheetolini has actually lost money


Yabut he's still rich. Ergo, he's smarter than you. [/twitiot]
To be wealthy, you must be smart. Duh.
To be wealthy, you must be smart. Duh.

That really is what most people think. They also think they work harder than anyone else, which is also bullshit. Trump really is stupid. I mean rock ass dumb. But, especially in the land of opportunity, once can be dumb, and rich, and also a successful politician.

Look, I've said this before but it bears repeating. The way people communicate is indicative of their thought processes. You cannot have a jumble of disconnected half concepts in your head, and simultaneously speak eloquently, especially impromptu. What is coming out of your mouth is directly related to what's happening in your head. What do we hear whenever Trump speaks? Well, blow up a balloon, and hold your hand up in the air pinching it shut. Now let it go. The result is Trump's mental state at any given time. Now add Narcissism writ large. What is true for Trump is very fluid, it's basically whatever is best for Trump's ego at the time. All of this is obvious, I mean really, truly obvious to almost anyone. If people deny seeing this, they themselves have the same approximate mental capacity, or their reasoning is so clouded by confirmation bias as to render their character judgement of others as all but useless. Alternatively, they don't care about the President's character, or care more about whatever motivates their self interest to use him for their own purposes.

This means we have Trump, and we have those that surround Trump. If they are in any type of position of importance, they are either also stupid, or they are immoral. I see no way around this. If you are still a Trump supporter after this last month, the same applies, although I will add a one caveat. It is possible you are also just very ignorant. Ignorant in the sense that you are not really qualified to know what is going on because you are not paying enough attention to what is happening to make a reasonably well informed opinion of the matter. (This sadly, is where I would put most Americans.) There are always exceptions of course, but not many that I can see.

So, we have a stupid man leading our country, surrounded by either other stupid people, or immoral assholes. Now ask me why I'm worried?
So much envy. It's not healthy for you.

So much adoration, such admiration for the intellect it takes to be born into great wealth.
Perhaps it would be more becoming for you to fawn over Paris Hilton. I'm sure she'd make a better President than Cheato. :D
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