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The Wrath of Comey

I'm not sure that the American psychological landscape wouldn't be even worse than it is right now, had that happened. But at least someone would be doing something about Russian election meddling...
and we would have avoided all of the other destruction that the mendacious dotard has caused.
Comey claims he did it for this reason:


In a partial transcript of Comey's eagerly anticipated interview with the network, the former FBI chief explained to ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos that he was "operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump, and so I'm sure that it was a factor."

He added: "I don't remember spelling it out, but it had to have been, that she's going to be elected president and if I hide this from the American people, she'll be illegitimate the moment she's elected, the moment this comes out," according to ABC 's transcript.

Conventional wisdom had Clinton winning the hotly contested general election. The Democrat led most national polls for months, only to lose the Electoral College vote to Trump in a shocking November defeat. The former Secretary of State and her supporters have blamed Comey's 11th hour disclosure of the investigation for her loss.

How much do you think it would have hurt Clinton after being elected president if this then came out? And would Comey be vilified for not divulging it before the election?

I think it would be a blip on the radar as Congress continued full steam on their "investigation" into her emails, Benghazi, and whatever else they could come up with. Pizzagate, maybe? And of course had she won, Trump would have claimed she really didn't, and would be pushing the "millions of illegals voted" that he's actually still pushing even though he's President.

And of course the GOP wouldn't consider her legitimate because they've never considered her legitimate. They've been campaigning against her since the 90s.
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